# en/Action/2005/307_421_543_elektra.xml.gz
# ja/Action/2005/307_157607_214516_elektra.xml.gz

(src)="1"> [ Man Narrating ]
(src)="2"> Since time began ... a war has been waged in the shadows ... between the armies of Good and Evil .
(trg)="1"> 時 は 昔 影武者 同士 の 争い が あっ た

(src)="3"> It may be fought on a grand scale ... or within the heart of a single individual ... or even a child .
(trg)="2"> 大 波乱 の 中 1 人 の 子供 が 居 た

(src)="4"> The Evil has taken many forms ... and used the darkest of arts .
(trg)="3"> 邪 者 達 は 様々 な 術 を 使っ た

(src)="5"> In our time , they call themselves simply ... the Hand .
(trg)="4"> 彼ら は 自ら を ハンド と 呼ぶ

(src)="6"> The Good follow the way ofkimagure .
(trg)="5"> キマグリ は 有能 だっ た

(src)="7"> Its masters can see the future ... and perhaps even bring back the dead .
(trg)="6"> しかし マスター は 後に 亡くなっ て しまう

(src)="8"> Legend tells of a unique warrior ... a lost soul .
(trg)="7"> こうして 戦士 は 伝説 と なっ た

(src)="9"> This warrior is a woman ... a motherless daughter .
(trg)="8"> 戦士 は 女 で ━
(trg)="9"> 母 が 居 ない

(src)="10"> And it is her destiny to tip the balance between Good and Evil .
(trg)="10"> 彼女 は 2 面 性 を 持っ て いる

(src)="11"> She is a treasure , and both sides seek her out ... as a final weapon in an ancient war .
(trg)="11"> 古代 闘争 の 貴重 な 最終 兵器 だ

(src)="12"> - [ Man ]
(src)="13"> Perimeter , what' s your status ?
(src)="14"> - [ Man # 2 ]
(trg)="13"> - 状況 は ? - 問題 ない

(src)="20"> It doesn' t matter .
(trg)="14"> 恐らく ━

(src)="21"> You can' t stop her .
(trg)="15"> ヤツ は 止め れ ない

(src)="22"> - Nobody can stop her .
(src)="23"> - Her ?
(trg)="16"> - 彼女 を な - 女 ?

(src)="24"> I was afraid if I told you , you wouldn' t take the job .
(trg)="17"> 怖 がっ て て 仕事 に なる か

(src)="25"> I never should' ve hired you .
(trg)="18"> クビ に する ぞ

(src)="26"> Who do you think' s coming for you ?
(trg)="19"> 何者 な ん です か ?

(src)="27"> You may have heard of her .
(trg)="20"> ヤツ の 名 か ?

(src)="28"> Her name ... is Elektra .
(trg)="21"> エレクトラ だ

(src)="30"> - You find that funny ?
(src)="31"> - She' s an urban legend , sir .
(trg)="22"> - 可笑しい か ? - 伝説 です よ

(src)="32"> That woman died years ago .
(trg)="23"> 既に 死ん で い ます

(src)="33"> Really ?
(src)="34"> Well , then somebody must have brought her back from the dead .
(trg)="24"> ヤツ は 蘇っ た の かも しれ ない

(src)="35"> You know , Bauer , when you' ve done the things I' ve done ... you make a lot of enemies .
(trg)="25"> 知っ て の 通り 私 に は 多く の 敵 が 居る

(src)="36"> My private security detail ... the best money could buy .
(trg)="26"> それ で セキュリティ を 強化 し た

(src)="37"> This nonexistent woman killed 14 of them in half an hour .
(src)="38"> I barely got away .
(trg)="27"> 彼女 は 3 0 分 で 1 4 人 も 倒し た

(src)="39"> Spent the next two days in Monte Carlo wondering why she let me go .
(src)="40"> Then she came for me .
(trg)="28"> 2 日 後 モンテカルロ で 私 の 前 に 現れ た ん だ

(src)="41"> I was under the protection of the Hand itself , who sent their best .
(trg)="29"> 私 は 警備 を 更に 強化 し ━

(src)="42"> Although they seemed more interested in killing Elektra than in protecting me .
(trg)="30"> 安全 性 を 高め た

(src)="44"> She cut ' em down like wheat .
(src)="45"> Took maybe 10 , 15 minutes max .
(trg)="31"> ヤツ は 1 5 分 も あれ ば 敵 を 全滅 さ せる

(src)="46"> Didn' t really think why I kept gettin ' away .
(trg)="32"> 信じ られ ない だろ

(src)="47"> So here I am .
(trg)="33"> 私 が つい て い ます

(src)="48"> And now I understand her .
(trg)="34"> ご 安心 を

(src)="49"> She wanted me to feel this ... what it' s like to have nowhere to go ... nowhere to turn .
(trg)="35"> ヤツ は どこ に でも 必ず 現れる

(src)="51"> How' s your perimeter doing now ?
(trg)="36"> 現れ た な

(src)="52"> Delta , what' s your status ?
(trg)="37"> 聞こえる か ?

(src)="53"> There' s no signal .
(src)="54"> Son of a bitch .
(trg)="38"> なんてこった

(src)="55"> - You know , the better the assassin ...
(src)="56"> - Alpha , Bravo , report . !
(src)="57"> The closer they can get to you before you know they' re there .
(trg)="39"> ヤツ は 有能 な 暗殺 者 だ

(src)="61"> - [ Static ]
(src)="62"> - Ah , Christ .
(trg)="40"> マズイ

(src)="64"> They say Elektra whispers in your ear before she kills you .
(trg)="41"> 一瞬 で 殺ら れる な ・ ・ ・

(src)="65"> - Alpha . !
(src)="66"> Bravo . !
(src)="67"> Report . !
(trg)="42"> もう 手 遅れよ

(src)="70"> - But you still have a chance .
(src)="71"> - Jesus Christ !
(trg)="43"> 忠告 する わ

(src)="74"> [ Woman ]
(src)="75"> You can' t fight a ghost , Bauer .
(trg)="44"> 武器 を 捨て て

(src)="77"> - Here we are at last .
(src)="78"> - [ Exhales ]
(trg)="45"> 終わり に しよ う

(src)="79"> Guess it' s all true .
(src)="80"> The red outfit and the knives and ...
(src)="81"> So , what happens now ?
(trg)="46"> 赤い 服装 に 刃 伝説 は 本物 だ な

(src)="82"> You just kill me , straight out ?
(src)="83"> Just cold ?
(trg)="47"> 殺し に 来 た の か ?

(src)="84"> Don' t worry .
(src)="85"> Death' s not that bad .
(trg)="48"> 死 は 悪く ない わ よ

(src)="86"> Yeah ?
(src)="87"> How do you know ?
(trg)="49"> なんで だ ?

(src)="88"> [ Whispering ]
(src)="89"> I died once .
(trg)="50"> 1 度 死ん でる から

(src)="90"> So am I to understand that with all the power of the Hand ... that the Treasure continues to elude us ?
(trg)="51"> この 力 は 想像 を 絶する だろ ?

(src)="91"> Yes .
(src)="92"> Perhaps if we had pursued it sooner ... and more aggressively ...
(trg)="52"> 攻撃 的 な 力 な の は 確か です

(src)="93"> You dare to blame Master Roshi ?
(trg)="53"> ロシ の 教え子 か ?

(src)="94"> Seems our methods are too mild for Kirigi .
(trg)="54"> 覚え が 早かっ た

(src)="95"> Not at all , sensei .
(trg)="55"> とんでも ない です

(src)="96"> But if we cannot have the weapon ourselves ... allow me to make sure it does not fall into the hands of those who may use it against us .
(trg)="56"> 己 の 力 は 自ら の 敵 に しか 使用 し ない

(src)="97"> Master , allow me .
(trg)="57"> そこ を 何とか

(src)="98"> Things like this must be handled smoothly , quietly .
(trg)="58"> 円滑 に お願い し ます

(src)="99"> Then work smoothly , Meizumi , but quickly .
(trg)="59"> お 任せ 下さい

(src)="100"> Kirigi ?
(trg)="60"> キリギ

(src)="101"> Yes , Father .
(trg)="61"> 何 です か ?

(src)="102"> Patience .
(trg)="62"> 辛抱 しろ

(src)="108"> [ Man ]
(src)="109"> You think that' s safe , leaving the door unlocked like that ?
(src)="110"> Geez , Elektra , you' re gonna end up with a bullet in your head .
(trg)="63"> 用心 し ない と 銃 を 突きつけ られる ぞ

(src)="111"> I brought you a little something .
(trg)="64"> お前 の 為 だ

(src)="112"> No , stop , McCabe .
(src)="113"> Don' t put it down .
(src)="114"> I already cleaned there .
(trg)="65"> そこ に 立ち入ら ない で

(src)="115"> - Why do you always do this ?
(src)="116"> - Get rid of my D. N. A.
(trg)="66"> - なん で ? - DNA を 取り除い て た の

(src)="117"> Ah , D. N. A. , of course .
(src)="118"> Right .
(trg)="67"> そう か DNA ね

(src)="119"> Silly of me .
(src)="120"> Listen , I just picked this up .
(src)="121"> I know you like to look .
(trg)="68"> 仕事 の 依頼 に 来 た ん だ

(src)="122"> - It' s all there ?
(src)="123"> - Less my 10 % .
(trg)="69"> - 取り分 は ? - 1 0 % だ

(src)="125"> - Half to Barbados ?
(src)="126"> - And half to the bank on the Isle of Man .
(trg)="70"> 半島 に 男 が 居る

(src)="127"> You can do better in mutual funds .
(src)="128"> I know a guy .
(src)="129"> I could put you in touch ...
(trg)="71"> そいつ と 山分け ・ ・ ・

(src)="134"> Look , I don' t want to tell you how to do your thing ... but quite a body count on this one , E.
(trg)="72"> これ まで に 多く の 死者 を 出し た だろ

(src)="136"> We were only getting paid for DeMarco .
(trg)="73"> マルコ から の 支払い だ