But you fear what you do not know.
niyokwaba eniyokwaba niyokwaba aniyukwaba eningeyukwaba ningeyukwaba
nevertheless you shall die like human beings,
Kanti nokho niyakufa njengabantu nje,
If you find yourself in either situation, consider the example of Moses.
Uma uzithola ukulesi simo, cabanga ngesibonelo sikaMose.
Only believers of this kind could enter heaven after death, which means that they were saved.
Amakholwa anjalo kuphela ayengangena ezulwini ngemva kokufa, okusho ukuthi ayesindiswa.
They undoubtedly taught their son, Samson, God's law, and their efforts evidently met with success.
Kusobala ukuthi bayifundisa indodana yabo, uSamsoni, umthetho kaNkulunkulu, kuyacaca nokuthi imizamo yabo yaphumelela.
Let them be erased from the book of life and not be recorded with the righteous. ×
Mabesulwe encwadini yabaphilayo, bangalotshwa kanye nabalungileyo.
We may even find it daunting to preach the good news of God's Kingdom, as Christians are required to do.
Singase sikuthole kusiqeda amandla ngisho nokushumayela izindaba ezinhle zoMbuso kaNkulunkulu, njengoba kuyimfuneko kumaKristu.
And the Hereafter with your Lord is for those who fear [God].
Ukuphila Phakade kanye neNkosi wenu kulabo abamesabayo (kuYe).
I am a clear Warner to you.
I am a warner kucace kini evela kuye .
strikes with it whomever He wills, and turns it from whomever He wills.
Noma ngubani ayefisa, wabulala; futhi noma ubani ayemthanda, wabhubhisa; futhi noma ubani ayemthanda, waphakamisa; futhi noma ubani ayemthanda, wehlise.
There will be an attack on God's people.
Abantu bakaNkulunkulu bayohlaselwa.
and I will give them their recompense in truth,
ngiyakubanika umvuzo wabo ngeqiniso,
7:62 (sent) to convey to you the messages of my Lord and to advise you, for I know from Allah what you do not know.
7:62 (wathumela) ukudlulisela kini imiyalezo weNkosi yami futhi ukweluleka, ngoba ngiyazi kusuka Allah babe you cha azi .
Thou createdst me of fire, whilst him Thou didst create of clay," (Qur'an 38:76).
You wadala me kusuka umlilo, futhi You wadala naye kusuka ngobumba . '
and Give them joy in My House of Prayer.
ubenze bajabule endlini yami yomthandazo;
for we called on him heretofore; and he is the beneficent, the merciful.
[52:28] We sebenzisa nxusa Him; He is the Ningi Nomusa Nomusa!
Only when my brothers were on their way back early in the morning did I encounter them."
Ngaze ngahlangana nabafowethu entathakusa sebesendleleni ebuyayo."
(Jeremiah 3:12) When his people returned to him in genuine repentance, he forgave them.
(Jeremiya 3:12) Lapho abantu bakhe bebuya kuye, bephenduka ngobuqotho wabathethelela.
He will rise up against the house of evildoers.
Uyawusukuma amelane nendlu yalababi,
Let those who fear you turn to me, and those who know your testimonies.
Mabaphendukele kimi abakwesabayo nabaziyo ubufakazi bakho.
Oh, miserable are those who do not take advantage of the miracle of God's mercy!
O, babuhlungu kangakanani labo abangasizakali ngesimangaliso somusa kaNkulunkulu!
(88:2) On that Day, there shall be downcast faces,
88: 2 Ngalolo ubuso Day oyoba bathotshiswe ,
Yes, the subjects of God's Kingdom will do God's will, recognizing the Creator - not any fellow human - as rightful Ruler.
Yebo, izikhonzi zoMbuso kaNkulunkulu zizokwenza intando kaNkulunkulu, ziqaphela uMdali - hhayi noma imuphi umuntu - njengoMbusi ofanele.
So he bowed down their heart with heaviness; they stumbled and there was none to help them.
Wathobisa inhliziyo yabo ngokuhlupheka; bawa kungekho osizayo.
And they lived in place of them, in their dwellings, throughout the entire region that looks to the east of Gilead.
Futhi bahlala esikhundleni sabo, ezindlini zabo, kuso sonke isifunda esibheke empumalanga yeGileyadi.
He has given food to those who fear him.He always remembers his covenant.
Abamesabayo ubapha ukudla; ukhumbula njalo isivumelwano sakhe.
Who made the heavens in wisdom, for his mercy endures forever
owenzile izulu ngokuhlakanipha, ngokuba umusa wakhe umi phakade;
and the house of Joseph, a burning flame,
indlu kaJosefa ibe yilangabi,
Yet, he never doubted that the Creator understands us in every way.
Kodwa, ayizange ikungabaze ukuthi uMdali usiqonda ngazo zonke izindlela.
For I have laid upon thee the years of their iniquity,....
Ngokuba engisibeke phezu kwakho iminyaka yokona kwabo, ...
Then he said, "These are the two anointed ones who are standing by the Lord of the whole earth ."
Yayisithi: "Lawa angabagcotshiweyo ababili abemi ngaseNkosini yomhlaba wonke."
Let those who fear turn to me, and those who have known Your testimonies.
Mabaphendukele kimi abakwesabayo nabaziyo ubufakazi bakho.
The Devil contended that if mankind listened to him, things would work out better for them.
UDeveli wagomela ngokuthi uma abantu bengalalela yena, izinto ziyobahambela kangcono.
But ye shall die like men (because of your sins), and fall like one of the princes."
Kanti nokho niyakufa njengabantu nje, niwe njengesinye sezikhulu.
People may say to us: "Life is to be enjoyed.
Abantu bangase bathi kithi, "Kumelwe sikujabulele ukuphila.
And in their time, they will not ignore his word.
Futhi ngesikhathi sabo, ngeke balishaye indiva izwi lakhe.
Till this day they are terrified.
Lowo suku they ethusa.
The one he wishes to harden, he hardens" (my translation).
Reseo Masakan Onde - Onde Isi Ubi Ungu
And We turned them to the right and to the left.
Saphenduka nabo ngakwesokunene futhi kwesobunxele,
He wrote: "Let us pursue the things making for peace and the things that are upbuilding to one another.
Encwadinakhe, watlola: "Yeke asinqophele kilokho okuletha ukuthula nokusenza sakhane."
GOD asks us to treat others according to what is right and fair by His standards.
UNkulunkulu usicela ukuba siphathe abanye ngendlela elungile nengenzeleli ngokwemithetho yakhe.
Do you see why God destroyed that world? - The people were bad, and they thought about what was "bad all the time."
Uyabona yini ukuthi kungani uNkulunkulu abhubhisa lelo zwe? - Abantu babebabi, becabanga 'okubi ngaso sonke isikhathi.'
By virtue of Our signs, you and those who follow you will be the triumphant.
Ngezibonakaliso ethu wena kanye nalabo abalandela nawe bayakuba Abanqobi .
Would you like to know the truth about angels - who they are, how they came into existence, and what they do?
Ungathanda yini ukwazi iqiniso ngezingelosi - ukuthi zingobani, zaba khona kanjani nokuthi zenzani?
them: "In My Father's house there are many dwelling places (homes).
Uthi: 'Endlini kaBaba kulezindawo ezinengi zokuhlala.
And He shall come unto us as the rain.
Uya kusifikela njengemvula yasebusika -
Our hearts swell with appreciation when we think of all these self-sacrificing servants of God.
Izinhliziyo zethu zigcwala ukwazisa lapho sicabanga ngazo zonke lezi zikhonzi zikaNkulunkulu ezizidelayo.
So he said, "These are the two anointed ones who stand by the Lord of the whole earth."
Yayisithi: "Lawa angabagcotshiweyo ababili abemi ngaseNkosini yomhlaba wonke."
[Soorah al-Hujurat (49): 13] "And the Hereafter with Your Lord is (only) for those who have Taqwa."
Ukuphila Phakade kanye neNkosi wenu kulabo abamesabayo (kuYe).
For day and night your hand was upon me."
Ngoba isandla sakho sasinzima phezu kwami imini nobusuku."