"It is in the hands of God, whom I worship."
Usezandleni zikaThixo, endimnqulayo. "

He states: "I love telling people about the truth.
Uthi: "Ndiyakuthanda ukuxelela abanye ngenyaniso.

'This is the torment of hell.
[55:43] Lo is Gehenna lowo necala sebenzisa landula!

What shall we do to our sister in the day when she is to be spoken to?
Siya kumenzela ntoni na udade wethu mhla kuya kuthethwa ngaye?"

Others may not have said these exact words, but they still made a vow before God.
Abanye kusenokwenzeka abazange batsho la mazwi ngqo, sekunjalo bafunga phambi koThixo.

the truths he has taught you?
ngenyaniso akufundise yona?

He could only remember through the fog of many years the face of his Lord.
Oko yoka mawa djodjo eeeh Ngonda ay imene heinhein,

The truth is that we are surrounded by evidence of a Creator who is wise, powerful, and loving.
Inyaniso yeyokuba singqongwe bubungqina bobukho boMdali onobulumko, amandla, nothando.

Its rightful custodians are the pious; but most of them do not know.
UNowa wayengumshumayeli wobulungisa, kodwa ke abantu abaninzi abazange bamphulaphule.

Make sure you witness to him before he leaves."
Uze uqiniseke ukuba uyamshumayeza engekahambi."

Take your lord's servants and pursue him, or he will find fortified cities and elude us."
Ke ngoko, thabatha abakhonzi benkosi yakho, uze umsukele, kungenjalo unokufumana izixeko ezinqatyisiweyo, usabe kuthi.

And I know that they will be preserved; for there are great things written upon them, out of which my people and their brethren shall be judged at the great and last day."
Kwaye ndiyazi okokuba ziya kulondolozwa; kuba kukho izinto ezinkulu ezibhalwe kuwo, ezimalunga nezinto zabantu bam nabazalwana babo abaya bkugwetywa ngazo ngomhla omkhulu nowokugqibela, ngokwelizwi likaThixo elibhaliweyo.

Destroying the rebels would, indeed, bring an end to their rebellion.
Ewe kona, ukutshabalalisa abo bavukeli kwakuza kuyiphelisa tu imvukelo yabo.

Why did God view them as having served him with a complete heart, and how can we imitate them?
Kutheni uThixo wabajonga njengabantu abamkhonza ngentliziyo epheleleyo, ibe sinokufana njani nabo?

The Devil contended that if mankind listened to him, things would work out better for them.
UMtyholi wayesithi, ukuba abantu baphulaphula yena, baza konwaba.

The Ninevites, on the other hand, were not in a covenant relationship with God.
Kwelinye icala, abantu baseNinive babengenawo umnqophiso wolwalamano noThixo.

Otherwise the scriptures would have said that He would be after the order of Aaron.
Ngaphandle koko, izibhalo zazinokuthi wayeza kuba semva komyalelo ka-Aron.

Why does God let all these bad things happen when he has the power to stop them?
Kutheni uThixo evumela zonke ezi zinto zimbi zenzeke xa enawo amandla okuziphelisa?

She wrote: "I am THANKFUL!
INK IT UP: "I am thankful!"

What city (ies) are you in?
Ili ee mne dala drugaya?

The dead will be raised during the thousand years.
Abantu abafileyo baza kuvuswa ebudeni beminyaka eliwaka.

for the worlds Say: Indeed, it is the Rising-place of the knowledge of God, if you only knew.
Indlela oncedakala ngayo: UThixo ukuthembisa ubomi obungunaphakade ukuba uye wamazi.

For day and night your hand was upon me."
Kuba imini nobusuku isandla sakho sasinzima phezu kwam."

We know who your lord and master is:
Thina na injongo enkosi yakho uhlobo kwaye uhlobo unxibelelwano.

Nonetheless, it is a promise truly binding on Him, but most of mankind do not know.
UNowa wayengumshumayeli wobulungisa, kodwa ke abantu abaninzi abazange bamphulaphule.

"He gives food to those who fear him; he always remembers his covenant."
Ubaphe ukudla abamoyikayo; Uwukhumbule ngonaphakade umnqophiso wakhe.

Since ancient times, people have gathered together to worship and learn about God.
Ukususela kumaxesha akudala, abantu babehlanganisana ukuze banqule yaye bafunde ngoThixo.

What would happen to my children?" - Janet, United States.
Ndandiza kubathini abantwana bam?" - UJanet, waseMerika.

We have accurate knowledge of his Word and a clear understanding of the truth about him and his purposes.
Sinolwazi oluchanileyo ngeLizwi lakhe ibe simqonda kakuhle yena kunye neenjongo zakhe.

Many are saying of my soul, "There is no salvation for him in God."
Baninzi abathi kumphefumlo wam, Akunalusindiso kuThixo.

"Which of the blessings of your Lord shall you deny?"
[42:44] Whomever NKULUNKULU sa astray ze vumbululo tando phi nye lord you

In the light of the morning they did it, because they have power in their hands.
Ekukhanyeni kokusa bayakwenza, ngokuba kusemandleni ezandla zabo.

He shall go to the generation of his fathers; They shall never see light.
Uya kuya noko esizukulwaneni sooyise; Abayikukubona ukukhanya naphakade.

He and his family tried to do what was right in God's eyes.
Yena nentsapho yakhe bazama ukwenza okulungileyo emehlweni kaThixo.

Jesus promised to give himself (the morning star) to those who resisted her evil ways.
UYesu wathembisa ukuzinika (inkwenkwezi yasekuseni) kwabo babemelana neendlela zakhe ezimbi.

"He prayed in behalf of his companions."
"Wathandazela amaqabane akhe."

What adversities have many experienced, but what is the desire of God's servants?
Ziziphi iingxaki abaye bajamelana nazo abantu abaninzi, kodwa banqwenela ntoni abakhonzi bakaThixo?

Soon you will see, and know."
Kwaye ukusukela ngoku, uya kumazi, nimbonile ke.

The sun will set on the prophets; the day will be dark upon them.
Nelanga ngokuqinisekileyo liya kutshona kubaprofeti, nemini ibe mnyama kubo.+

Noah was a preacher of righteousness, but most people ignored him.
UNowa wayengumshumayeli wobulungisa, kodwa ke abantu abaninzi abazange bamphulaphule.

And I know that they will be preserved:; for there are great things written upon them, out of which my people and their brethren, shall be judged at the great and last day, according to the word of God which is written.
Kwaye ndiyazi okokuba ziya kulondolozwa; kuba kukho izinto ezinkulu ezibhalwe kuwo, ezimalunga nezinto zabantu bam nabazalwana babo abaya bkugwetywa ngazo ngomhla omkhulu nowokugqibela, ngokwelizwi likaThixo elibhaliweyo.

Before anything was created, he was with God and therefore participated in the creation.
Wayekunye noThixo ngaphambi kokuba nayiphi na into idalwe, ngoko ke, ithatha inxaxheba ekudalweni.

Some Christians who have committed a serious sin have even felt that they are beyond God's forgiveness.
Amanye amaKristu aye enza isono esinzulu aziva engenakuxolelwa nguThixo.

Eliezer traveled with other servants of Abraham.
UEliyezere wayehamba nezinye izicaka zika-Abraham.

the promise of my Lord is true.
lonjezo la Mbuye wanga nloona.

Considering that God's name was long known, what was the point of Moses' question?
Ekubeni kwakukudala lisaziwa igama likaThixo, yintoni kanye le wayefuna ukuyazi uMoses?

"I answered that an Angel of God had revealed it unto him.
Ndaphendula okokuba ingelosi kaThixo ityhile oko kuye.

Jesus is the Son of God - he is God - so he knows everything!
Kaloku yena unguNyana kaThixo; yaye uThixo uyakwazi konke.

The Son of God gave everything, including his life, in ministering to others.
UNyana kaThixo wancama yonke into, kuquka ubomi bakhe, ukuze alungiselele abanye.

Because this is how God has chosen people, when they hear the Good News.
Kuba le yindlela uThixo unyule abantu, xa besiva iindaba ezilungileyo.