"Then is He Who creates like the one who does not create?
Che chiù ghe penso fossa che no crei,

God created the world and said "This is Good.
Alora Dio el crea el can el ghe dise: "Te sarè can!

Soon, he will be the very judgement brought down on the one who created him.
Misurà l'estension che ga el creato;

"It (An Inconvenient Truth) is a lecture with a power point.
ché è un modo assai discorsivo

The uvular sounds [q] and [ɢ] occur in Arabic.
te senti parlà in arabu,

Whatever it is, I fear the Danaans (Greeks) even if they are bearing gifts."
io temo i Danai pur se portan doni."

And the truth shall bear witness of itself.
E la verità testimonierà da sè.

Leave them until it reaches the boiling point.
E menarghela in fin che le sborasse,

The speech of them, they will say,
Qualche parola dai loro discorsi:

In our world today we are inundated with a barrage of signs.
Ch'oggi ci sfugga; ei vien qual densa nube,

I am afraid you (look) at the wrong person.
No temo tu castigo: temo tu enojo;

The uvular sounds [q] and [] occur in Arabic.
te senti parlà in arabu,

The day dawned with the A's six games behind the Angels, against whom they have nine remaining games.
e i ga scelto el giorno dei angeli custodi, che chi che no ga i noni a disposizion ga problemi a "custodir" la muleria!

Then, when it is His will, He will raise him up (again).
Quand che volè formà Fili galant,

Food for thought; we have (Sen.)
CIBO (carne, parchè a noialtri ne piase la ciccia)

them, and if they fall on Mario, he will be flattened.
se sarà che to marìo, se sarà che 'l s'inacorze,

And if you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham's descendant,
e guai a te se punti un solo ve su ibra

things; but I fear for you the punishment of the all-encompassing
No temo tu castigo: temo tu enojo;

Good to have you back (for a while).
Buon sarà da te tornare,

He is using you at the expense of his wealth.
[7] Dei tuoi beni fà elemosina.

But [Pharaoh] turned away relying on his might and hosts, saying: "[He is] a sorcerer, or a madman."
E quando lo inperao vi san Tropè o disse: "Questo è quello chi l'atro iorno persumà la grande Diana e li atri nosti dee negare."

"To be one of the first ones (warned) kind of (stinks)."
e par essar tra i primi

I will fear no evil; [That's Deliverance and Protection]
yo no le temo al castigo...

God created the world and said, "it is GOOD."
Alora Dio el crea el can el ghe dise: "Te sarè can!

Or you are consumed by it, embraced by it.
o la tera che te magna che la se ga verto in meso,

"I will send you the Helpern from the Father; he is the Spirit of truth who comes from
io vi mander dal Padre, lo Spirito di verit che procede dal Padre (o par tou patrs

Then set them aside until the stuffing is ready.
E menarghela in fin che le sborasse,

We are sure that he will be successful,
E sì certo il trionfo ci par che tegna,

and place in a warm place until doubled in size (about an hour).
Al parco a vicenda fin che la pena.

know him) and he looked like death warmed over.
Che parve ben che così acerbe morti,

Count us in with the believers.
stà con noi credenti

we as a people?"
ma che semo un popolo de formichine?."

Talked to him every day he was there (almost).
anco ogni giorno se en parla; e tanto secol vi corse sopra.

with Abraham, Isaac, and indeed God's
L'è come voler abrazàr tut e tuti,

I swear to god they were having fun:
i swear i do fun things.

He has been seeking them since the day they fell.
dura fra lor fin da quel dì che infranse

He knew that he could not die and would not die before God's appointed time.
sa che morirà quando lo deciderà Dio (non prima e non

It serves no purpose, other than to inflict torment.
no dà altro che tormento.

They will, however, eat their bedding (leaves).
E mangiòn co-e dïe d'in pê;

now not say that you wished to become one of our servants?
Ve tolè suggizion de uno che xe stà nostro servitor?

Make your ads appear in front of the right (your) people.
e dètti al popol tuo giusto martìre;

God will have mercy on who he wants to have mercy.
Dio fa Grazia a chi Vuole Far Grazia

I may as well be a hermit!"
No podo pu esser tò fiol; voj esser un dei tò servi!."

the crossing of the Red Sea, and the offering of Isaac by Abraham.
Se armó un maremagno ante el tenplo de Abraham.

So is, to us, the Name of God."
Si Deus pro nobis quis contra nos.'

But Aras is the one who belongs in this list.
De Rosia, che è la dredana provinzia de questo libro.

In the Book of Psalms it is written,
Dei discorsi forensi, in un libro;

Stand up for the truth and righteousness, be righteous:
Tuti la basa e ghe promete agiuto.

Then wait (it could take a while).
aspetarò (te) aspetarè (el/ła) aspetarà aspetarémo aspetarè (i/łe) aspetarà

"I have no fear at all (of being suspended).
No temo el castigo: no temo la lei