Read in the name of your Lord who has created (all that exists).
qondan yaratgan robbingning nomi bilan o'qi.
The people of the Book know well that it is the truth from their Lord, nor is God unmindful of what they do.
Kitob berilgan zotlar, albatta, buning Parvardigorlari tomonidan (kelgan haq hukm) ekanini biladilar, Olloh ular qilayotgan amallardan g'ofil emasdir."
Know that Allah gives life to the land after it has been dead.
Bilingizki, albatta, Alloh "o'lgan" yerni tiriltirur.
But we expect concerning you, that GOD inflict a punishment on you, either from himself, or by our hands.d Wait, therefore, to see what will be the end of both; for we will wait for you.
Allohning O'z huzuridan yoki bizning qo'limiz bilan sizlarga (yetadigan) biror azobni kutmoqdamiz.
If Allah willed He (Allah) could have taken away their hearing and their sight (as He took away their ability to hear the truth and their ability to see the true path to Allah's guidance).
U qo'rqqanidan dahshatga tushib, yashindan qutulmoqchi bo'ladi, barmoqlarini quloqlariga tiqib, shu meni o'limdan saqlaydi, deb turibdi.
And there is no city but that We will destroy it before the Day of Resurrection or
(Allah qa asiyliq qilghan) herqandaq bir sheher bolmisun, uni biz qiyamet künidin burun halak qilimiz, yaki uni qattiq azablaymiz, bu lewhulmehpuzda pütülüp ketken (höküm) dur
Read in the Name of your Lord, Who created.
qondan yaratgan robbingning nomi bilan o'qi.
Say: "You can only expect for us one of two good things; while we wait for you to be afflicted by God with a retribution from Him, or by our hands.
Allohning O'z huzuridan yoki bizning qo'limiz bilan sizlarga (yetadigan) biror azobni kutmoqdamiz.
They shall submit to the Lord of the universe.
Ular Olamlar Rabbisining ulug' mo"jizasi oldida turganliklarini bildilar.
Say, "I seek shelter with the Lord of the mankind"
Manosi: Ayt: Odamlar Rabbisidan panoh soʹrayman.
Read in the Name of your Lord, who created.
qondan yaratgan robbingning nomi bilan o'qi.
86:10 For him [man] there will then be no power, and no helper.
86.10 . unga (Allohning azobidan qutqaruvchi) biror kuch ham, biror yordamchi ham bo'lmas.
And for those who believe (in the Oneness of Allâh and other items of Faith) and do righteous good deeds, surely, We shall make them enter in (the enterance of) the righteous (i.e. in Paradise).
Iman éytqan we yaxshi emel qilghanlarni choqum yaxshilar qatarigha kirgüzimiz
and the fifth time, that the curse of Allah shall be upon him, if he should be of the liars.
Beshinchisida "Agar ayolni zinoda ayblashimda yoki bolani inkor etishimda yolg'onchi bo'lsam, menga Allohning la'nati bo'lsin!" deydi.
Show me anything that they have created in the earth!
Menga ko'rsatingchi qani: Yerda nimani yaratib qo'yishibti?
And he has succeeded today who overcomes."
Bugun kimlar galaba qozanarkin
"Your Lord said to the angels: 'I am creating man from clay.
"Eslang, Parvardigoringiz farishtalarga degan edi: "Albatta Men loydan bir odam yaratguvchidirman.
And fear Allah, and bear in mind that Allah is indeed All-Knowing.
Allohning sizlarga bergan ne'matini va sizlarga nasihat sifatida nozil qilgan Kitob va hikmatni yodingizda tutingiz, Allohdan qo'rqingiz va bilingizki, albatta, Alloh hamma narsani biluvchidir.
peace, in the day of his patience.
" (Mo'minlar Allohga) ro'baro' bo'ladigan kunda ularga (Alloh tomonidan yo'llanadigan) salom tinchlik-omonlik tilash bo'lur.
And the answer of his people was not but that they said, "Bring us the punishment of Allāh, if you should be of the truthful."
Bas, Lut qavmining javobi faqat: "Agar sen rostgo'y kishilardan bo'lsang, bizlarga Allohning azobini keltir" - deyishlari bo'ldi.
And if you follow their desires after the knowledge that has come to you, you shall have no guardian from GOD, nor any helper.
bilimdan so'ng ularning havo (xohish) lariga ergashsangiz, Siz uchun Alloh (tomoni) dan biror do'st ham,
Truly, therein are Ayat (evidences, proofs and signs) for every patient, thankful (person)."
Heqiqeten, bunda (bu hadisede) her bir sebirli ve shukr eden shexs uchun (Allahin qudreti ve qezebine dair) nishaneler vardir.
Turn to God; and give thanks, for all you have been through.
Bas, Allohga taqvo qiling, shoyadki shukr qilsangiz.
Surely those who believe and do good deeds, their place of
Heqiqeten, iman getirmish ve yaxshi ishler gormush keslerin ilk qebul yerleri Firdovs baglaridir.
Worship Allah, you have no other god but Him, are you not afraid of Him for committing shirk?"
Allah qa ibadet qilinglar, silerge Allah tin bashqa mebud (berheq) yoqtur. (uning azabidin) qorqmamsiler?›› dédi
The man who belonged to his community appealed for help against the one who belonged to the enemies.
Bas, o'z guruhidan bo'lgan dushman bo'lganga qarshi unday yordam so'radi.
They will then stand for the Lord of the worlds.
Ular Olamlar Rabbisining ulug' mo"jizasi oldida turganliklarini bildilar.
And there will be pure spouses for them, and they will abide there for ever.
Ular do'zax egalaridir va unda abadiy qolajaklar.
"Do they not see that we have created for them of what Our Hands have created, the cattle, so that they are their owners."
Axir, ular uchun O'z "qo'limiz" ishi bilan chorva hayvonlarini yaratib qo'yganimizni ko'rmadilarmi?!
Had you done either, the unbelievers might have doubted.
Aks holda buzgʻunchilar, albatta, shubhaga tushgan boʻlur edilar.
Then those who believed and earned good deeds will be given their
Heqiqeten, iman getirmish ve yaxshi ishler gormush keslerin ilk qebul yerleri Firdovs baglaridir.
Say, "I seek refuge with the Lord of mankind,
Manosi: Ayt: Odamlar Rabbisidan panoh soʹrayman.
41:9 Say, "You disbelieve in the One who created the earth in two days,
9. Ayting: "Haqiqatan ham sizlar Yerni ikki kunda yaratgan zotga kofir bo'lurmisizlar va o'zgalarni
And the fifth (testimony should be) that the curse of Allah be upon him if he is of the liars.
Beshinchisida "Agar ayolni zinoda ayblashimda yoki bolani inkor etishimda yolg'onchi bo'lsam, menga Allohning la'nati bo'lsin!" deydi.
And when they saw the Lord of the
Olamlar Rabbi ular ko'rgan
They are accursed in the eyes of the Lord of the worlds
Olamlar Rabbi ular ko'rgan
"Is this a better hospitality, or the Zaqqūm tree?"
Mana shu yaxshi ziyofatmi yoki zaqqum daraxtimi?
whoever dominates this day has succeeded."
Bugun kimlar galaba qozanarkin
And helped them, so they were victorious.
Ularga yordam beruvchilar,
So whoever was truly guided, then, he is truly guided only for himself.
Bas kim haq yo'lga yursa faqat o'z (foydasi) uchun yurar.
Truly those who believe, and do deeds of righteousness, and perform
Heqiqeten, iman getirmish ve yaxshi ishler gormush keslerin ilk qebul yerleri Firdovs baglaridir.
ed when they saw the lord of the manor
Olamlar Rabbi ular ko'rgan
"Say: 'What do you await for us except for one of the two best things?" [at-Tawba, 9:52]
Ayting: "Sizlar biz uchun ikki xayrli ishdan biri (bo'lishi) ni kutmoqdasiz.
So have no doubt about it, and follow me.
Bas, siz u (soat) hak'ida hech shubha k'ilmang va menga ergashing.
He answered, 'I have remained a day or part of a day.'
"Bir kun, yoki undan ham oz," deb javob berdi u.
When it sees them from a far-off place, they will hear its raging and roaring.
(Do'zax) ularni uzoq joydan ko'rgandayoq uning g'alayoni va bo'kirigini eshiturlar.
They will have no helpers."
o'zga (biror) do'st va yordamchi yo'qdir!"
(The like of which were not created in the land.)
yaratilmagan ekan.
Say, "They are a means for people to determine time and pilgrimage."
man uchun bu insonlarga sinov uchun ma'lum vaqtga belgilab berilgan umrdur.
the woman replied, "A day, or part of a day."
"Bir kun, yoki undan ham oz," deb javob berdi u.