he speaks of peace for his people and his faithful,
Hikuva u ta vula ku rhula eka vanhu+ vakwe ni le ka lavo tshembeka vakwe,
The Thamud were cursed.
[27:45] We fanele hambisa kuze Thamoud bo fo Saaleh tshela You khonza
64 Yet there are some of you who do not believe."
64 Kambe ku ni van'wana va n'wina lava nga kholwiki."
"Who really is the faithful and discreet slave whom his master appointed over his domestics?" - MATT.
"Ndi nnyi ane zwa vhukuma a vha mulanda a fulufhedzeaho na wa vhuṱali we Muṋe wawe a mu vhea uri a ṱhogomele vha nnḓu yawe?" - MAT.
The kingdom of Solomon was extended beyond that of any of his predecessors.
Solomoni u andzise nhundzu yakwe ku tlula ya vanhu hinkwavo lava hanyeke emahlweni ka yena.
They have four sons, all in the truth.
Va ni vana va mune va majaha naswona hinkwavo va le ntiyisweni.
They are residents of one village which is located in Thamud.
[27:45] We fanele hambisa kuze Thamoud bo fo Saaleh tshela You khonza
So what annihilated the people of Thamud?
[27:45] We fanele hambisa kuze Thamoud bo fo Saaleh tshela You khonza
It is a promise He has made binding on Himself, but most people do not know it.
Nowa a a ri muchumayeri wa leswo lulama kambe vanhu vo tala a va n'wi tekelanga enhlokweni.
Only when my brothers were on their way back early in the morning did I encounter them."
Ndo thuswa nge nda ṱangana na vhahashu vhe vha vha vha tshi khou humela murahu nga matsheloni."
On that day the heavens raged, I was terrified.
Siku a lunghisaka matilo, a ndzi ri kona; Siku a tsalaka xirhendzevutana exibakabakeni.
After the destruction of the 'Ad, the tribe of Thamud succeeded them in power and glory.
[27:45] We fanele hambisa kuze Thamoud bo fo Saaleh tshela You khonza
As for Thamud, they were destroyed by the Cry.
[27:45] We fanele hambisa kuze Thamoud bo fo Saaleh tshela You khonza
This is our place of worship
Leyi I Ndhawu Leyi Hi Gandzelaka Yehovha Eka Yona
ND the two angels came to Sodom in the evening, and Lot was sitting in the gate of the city.
Vhaḽa vharuṅwa vhavhili vha swika Sodoma nga madekwana, vha wana Loto o dzula khoroni ya muḓi.
God put them under the domination of Midian for seven years.
Kutani Xikwembu xi endlile vanhu va Midian ku fuma ehenhla ka vona ku ringana nkombo wa malembe.
adjective Of or pertaining to the Thamuds.
[27:45] We fanele hambisa kuze Thamoud bo fo Saaleh tshela You khonza
(Jeremiah 3:12) When his people returned to him in genuine repentance, he forgave them.
(Yeremiya 3:12) Loko vanhu vakwe va hundzuke hi mbilu hinkwayo kutani va tlhelela eka yena, u va rivalerile.
It then came to pass that the descendants of Ham undertook an expedition against the Thamudites, and were to all appearance on the point of destroying them.
[27:45] We fanele hambisa kuze Thamoud bo fo Saaleh tshela You khonza
those who fear Him, both small and great!"
Lava va xi chavaka, lavakulu ni lavatsongo,
Of the Hereafter will be greater.
Neta Jee Aakhir Humaara Munh Khulwa Hi Diya,
As for Thamud, they were destroyed by the lightning.
[27:45] We fanele hambisa kuze Thamoud bo fo Saaleh tshela You khonza
And the afflicted of His people will seek refuge in it."
vanhu va xona lava xanisekaka, va ta tsutsuma va ya tumbela eka wona."
There is no mention of a third person next to God in this account.
Eka rungula leri a ku boxiwi munhu wa vunharhu loyi a nga etlhelo ka Xikwembu.
And proto-malayalees giving rise to the Thamizhs!
[27:45] We fanele hambisa kuze Thamoud bo fo Saaleh tshela You khonza
He said, "My Lord, then grant me a stay until the day they are resurrected." [15: 34,35,36]
[38:79] He tshela Mi Lord phefu me Suku Vuko!
Do they not even know?
HA HA ya think?
Moreover, we are assured: "It will turn out well with those fearing the true God."
Tlhandlakambirhi, ha tiyisekisiwa: "Swi ta va fambela kahle lava chavaka Xikwembu xa ntiyiso."
Do not take for granted that everybody understands what you are teaching.
Mi nga ehleketi leswaku vanhu hinkwavo va ta swi twisisa leswi mi nga ta va dyondzisa swona.
So he said, "They are symbols of the two who have been appointed to serve the Lord of all the earth."
Ndi hone a tshi ri, "Havha ndi vhavhili vhe vha tiwa vha ḓodzwa uri vha shumele Muṋe wa ḽifhasi ḽoṱhe."
The People of Thamud were the successors to Aad.
[27:45] We fanele hambisa kuze Thamoud bo fo Saaleh tshela You khonza
"You open your hand, and you satisfy the desire of every living thing."
U pfula voko ra wena u enerisa ku navela ka xilo xin'wana ni xin'wana lexi hanyaka."
On the seventh day is a holy convocation; you shall not do any laborious work.'"
Hi siku ra vu-7 mi ta tlhela mi hlengeletana mi ndzi gandzela; hi siku leri, mi nga tshuki mi tirha ntirho na wun'we lowu tikaka."
punishment inflicted on the Thamud.
[27:45] We fanele hambisa kuze Thamoud bo fo Saaleh tshela You khonza
Is this not what we would expect of a book from God?
Xana a hi swona leswi a hi ta swi langutela ebukwini leyi humaka eka Xikwembu?
Do you see why God destroyed that world? - The people were bad, and they thought about what was "bad all the time."
Xana wa swi twisisa leswaku ha yini Xikwembu xi lovise xitukulwana xexo? - Vanhu a va hombolokile naswona leswi a va swi anakanya a swi "bihile nkarhi hinkwawo."
In the night my hand is stretched out without wearying;
Nivusiku voko ra mina a ri tshambulukile naswona ri nga khomiwi hi vusindza;
48 And Laban said, "This heap is a witness between you and me this day."
48 Kutani Labani a ku: "Nhulu leyi i mbhoni exikarhi ka mina na wena namuntlha."
He said: "The true knowledge will become abundant."
U te: "Vutivi bya ntiyiso byi ta andza."
See also Thamud.
[27:45] We fanele hambisa kuze Thamoud bo fo Saaleh tshela You khonza
"Then the man said, 'Lord, I believe,' and he worshipped him."
38 Wanuna a hlamula a ku: "Hosi, ndza pfumela!" kutani a nkhinsama emahlweni ka Yesu.
Are you not worth more than they are?'
Xana a mi ti tluli hi risima?"
There will be an attack on God's people.
Vanhu va Xikwembu va ta hlaseriwa.
Those who have believed and whose hearts are assured by the remembrance of All!h.
For la He decrees kholo bo hliziyo enzelelo them nga dude nga Him mukela them nga
Jesus was the Anointed One, or the Chosen One of God - the promised Leader.
Yesu a a ri Mutotiwa, kumbe Muhlawuriwa wa Xikwembu - Murhangeri la tshembisiweke.
The scene of the land of Thamud will be before your eyes.
[27:45] We fanele hambisa kuze Thamoud bo fo Saaleh tshela You khonza
"I am not going to make mention of [Jehovah], and I shall speak no more in his name," he said.
U te: "A ndzi nge vulavuli ha yena [Yehovha], naswona a ndzi nge he tlheli ndzi vulavula hi vito ra yena."
He said, "All the land you see, I will give to you and your offspring forever.
Mudzimu vha ri: "Shango lothe line wa li vhona, ndi do li nea iwe na vhana vhau u swika lini na lini."
And disgrace me not on the Day when they will be resurrected.
U songo mpfuralela musi wa khombo;
The good news of God's Kingdom is being preached in all the earth, just as Jesus prophesied.
Mahungu lamanene ya Mfumo wa Xikwembu ma le ku chumayeriweni emisaveni hinkwayo, hilaha Yesu a profeteke hakona.