That they were created by God,
God i bin kamapim ol,
For he that conducts himself as a lesser one among all of YOU is the one that is great."
Long wanem, man i no gat nem na i stap liklik tru namel long yupela olgeta, em i stap namba wan."
because y'all don't know what day [hour] your Lord is coming.
Yupela i no save wanem de Bikpela bilong yupela bai i kam.
Male and female He created them (Gen 1:27).
man na meri yet God Em i bin wokim ol.
It is the One who is bringing forth the army of them even by number, all of whom He calls even by name.
Em i save long namba bilong ol, na em i save long nem bilong wan wan bilong ol, na em i save kolim ol long nem bilong ol.
Did not one God create us? [7].
Em God wanpela tasol na em i bin wokim yumi.
He has been created by
wankain olsem God yet Em i bin wokim em,
But he who is joined to the Lord is one spirit.'
Tasol em husat i pas wantaim long Bikpela em i wanpela spirit.
It was created in the past,
God i bin mekim bipo,
They also believed that Allah had created this world, which in itself, is the proof of His existence.
Na ol i ting ol dispela god ol yet i bin wokim i bin givim laip long ol.
God says, "I am creating something new.
God tok: 'Bai mi wokim nupela tru.'
Male and female he created them (Gen 1:27).
man na meri yet God Em i bin wokim ol.
(And if they did they were right.)
Sapos i tru ol i bin mekim dispela kain samting nogut,
Lots of people in the past would say, "I have found the Truth.
Planti bilong ol i bin tokaut olsem: "Mi painim pinis tok i tru!"
male and female he created them (pl).
man na meri yet God Em i bin wokim ol.
So both of them were from the tribe of Levi.
Na tupela i tumbuna bilong tupela lain insait long lain Livai.
And those who are first will be last."
Na sampela man nau i stap namba wan, ol bai i stap las tru."
male and female he created them (Gen 1:27).
man na meri yet God Em i bin wokim ol.
Pharaoh said, "Certainly yes.
Na king i tok, "Em i stret.
Do not receive an accusation against an elder except by two or three witnesses.
No ken kisim tok man i sutim i birua long wanpela lapun hetman, sapos em i no kam long ai bilong tupela o tripela witnes.
It is the One who is bringing forth the army of them even by number, all of whom he calls even by name.Isa.
Em i save long namba bilong ol, na em i save long nem bilong wan wan bilong ol, na em i save kolim ol long nem bilong ol.
For you do not know on which day your Lord will come. . .
Yupela i no save wanem de Bikpela bilong yupela bai i kam.
Is there a place at the house of your father for us to spend the night?"
Na yu ting i gat spes long haus bilong papa bilong yu, bai mi wantaim ol lain bilong mi i ken slip nau long nait?"
The Jews then dispute among themselves.
Ol Juda i harim dispela tok na ol i pait long toktok namel long ol yet.
When He returns (and He will) there will be a thousand years of peace on earth as He reigns.
Taim Em i kam, Em bai bosim dispela graun wan tausen yia wantaim ol husat i gat hap insait long namba wan kirap bek.
For he that conducts himself as a lesser one among all of you is the one that is great."
Long wanem, man i no gat nem na i stap liklik tru namel long yupela olgeta, em i stap namba wan."
'I will show signs in the heavens.'
na bai Mi mekim ol sain i kamap long graun,
Are you in awe of God and His creation?
Yu mas mekim wanem taim yu toktok wantaim man long God na ol samting God i wokim?
And to man He said, behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom, And to depart from evil is understanding."
28 Na b God i tokim yumi manmeri bilong graun olsem, 'Man i save aninit long mi, Bikpela, na i save givim baksait long ol pasin nogut, dispela man i gat gutpela tingting na save.'"
11 (ET) The house of the wicked will be destroyed,
11Haus bilong ol man nogut bai bagarap,
Thou hast created them (Rom.
yu bin wokim ol,
"So, what if we made it easy for people to eat [healthier]?
Olsem na, yumi bai kisim kaikai we na yumi givim ol manmeri?"
And, indeed, there are last who will be first, and there are first who will be last."
Na sampela man nau i stap namba wan, ol bai i stap las tru."
I will pay them back."[8] He also said, "The LORD will judge his own people."[9]
Na em i tok moa olsem, "Bikpela yet bai i skelim pasin bilong ol manmeri bilong en long kot."
that He might give eternal life to all those you have given Him."
Olsem na em inap givim laip oltaim long ol lain em yu bin givim long em.
Christ is greater than the angels and than Moses.
Olsem na Jisas i winim tru ol profet bilong bipo na ol ensel na em i winim Moses yet.
Do not receive an accusation against an elder unless there are two or three witnesses.
No ken kisim tok man i sutim i birua long wanpela lapun hetman, sapos em i no kam long ai bilong tupela o tripela witnes.
We humans are part of, not separate from, God's creation.
Yumi nau i stap yumi wanpela man tasol, God yet i kamapim yumi.
42 Therefore, stay awake, for you do not know on what day your Lord is coming.
42 Olsem na yupela i mas was i stap, long wanem, yupela i no save long wanem de Bikpela bilong yupela bai i kam.
male and female z he created them.
man na meri yet God Em i bin wokim ol.
Besides his commands are not burdensome.
Na ol lo bilong en i no givim hevi long yumi.
13 He also said to me, You turn again, [and] you shall see greater evils that they are doing.
13 Na Bikpela i tok moa long mi olsem, "Nau bai yu lukim ol i mekim ol arapela pasin nogut tru i winim pasin nogut nau yu lukim."
14 But how can they call to him for help if they have not believed?
14 Tasol sapos ol i no bilip long em, olsem wanem bai ol i askim em long helpim ol.
And yet, one of you is a devil."
Tasol wanpela namel long yupela em i olsem wanpela spirit nogut."
Even the sinners do the same."
Ol man bilong mekim sin ol tu i save mekim wankain pasin.
This led the Jews to dispute with one another.
Ol Juda i harim dispela tok na ol i pait long toktok namel long ol yet.
God, they were created by
God i bin kamapim ol,
The promise of God is that you are His son,
Long promis bilong God yupela i kamap pikinini bilong em.
created by the ancient.
God i bin mekim bipo,
There will be a resurrection?
I gat sampela lain moa bai kirap bek bihain?