She worked in German films until the start of sound movies.
Tašegal dag silma allemands har sənto ən silma təzarat.
Several times I'd have been killed if I hadn't been able to land like a cat.
Ihadagan ajotnen, išwar atwaga afal waraqelan ere adoben asris wa mos.
I never dreamed it would be shown in the movie west.
Kala wᾰr ᾰznᾰzjameɣ əs a-wen ad ətwəsəkən dᾰɣ sənəma.
In this case, the Rabbis said: "One should take along three people to intercede for him and plead with the offended to forgive him.
3 Ǝnnan-as mǝdrayan-net: "Ǝfǝl da takka akal wa n Yahudǝyya fǝl ad ǝnǝyan nǝttulab-nak ǝššǝɣǝlan win tǝtagga.
It may be the oldest globe to show the New World.
Addobat as eqqal globe wa ezzăran isiknan alɣălim wa eynăyan
There was an immediate rush to bring it into the social sciences.
Imal ti ach-al ermadan i azujich net daɣ social sciences
Ask: "How many of those sheep does this verse say will be saved?"
26 Ǝkkan Yaxya ǝnnan-as: "Ǝššex-nana, tǝkittǝwa alǝs wa dǝr tǝddewa fǝl afay ǝn Yordan wen sen, s ǝnta as dana-tǝmmǝgrada?
When Moses was pasturing the flock of his father-in-law, Yitro, G‐d appeared to him in a burning bush and called to him, saying, "Moses, Moses!"
Amaran wǝr fall-awan imos awen lahan, fǝlas ǝnnǝbi Musa a dawan-t-innan - as iga awen imarawan-nana a t-id-ǝssǝntanen, wǝrge Musa.
21:5 They have said, "It, (the Quran), is only the result of some confused dreams.
5 Inn-asan Ɣaysa: "Imaran-in, ak abbaz a wər təgem wala daɣ kifitan?"
It is also important in the modern study of organizations, as an organization's structure may determine its flexibility, capacity to change, etc.
Eqqal har ajjudi assohen i teɣare tan uchray n taggayen fal as edey n taggayt addobat asilmad fal murunat net, tudabat net i amutti
The former gives the ordering of the set, while the latter gives its size.
Ta tazarat haku təzart ən tadiwt, aguden ta sanatət haku tebəde iness.
Ancient Egyptian festivals could be either religious or political.
Timadachen tin Masar n aru addobat nat ad aqqil nat tin addin meɣ tin folitik
The value of pi was first calculated by him.
Eqal wazaran as assedən ən migdahaw ən Pi.
It has since become, and continues to be, a strong component of the VCE.
Eqqal ɣur alwaq wen har amarad muqawinat assohen n VCE
It held that a nation's wealth depended on its accumulation of gold and silver.
Ijja s tabaɣort tan addawla tilkam isidiwan net i ura d azruf
10% of the world's croplands were planted with GM crops in 2010.
10% ən kalan ajyaknen dǎɣ adunya aqalan adomen as hayakən OGM ašinzatnen ɣor 2010.
In 1913, she decided to work exclusively in film.
Gor 1913, tasənta ašəgal ye silma fal maness.
E. Wyllys Andrews also explored the cave in the 1930s.
E.Wyllys Andrews 4 intadaɣ ikyad tekaraft daɣ wityan wən 1930.
And God said, "Do I not take care of the birds of the air and the grasses of the fields?
Təgannu: "Əmərədda ad waššera ad-ileɣ əṇṇiyat n ənəməṇsa?
She replied: "Why would I ever hate anyone who helped create such an angel?"
Təgannu: "Əmərədda ad waššera ad-ileɣ əṇṇiyat n ənəməṇsa?
In botany, classes are now rarely discussed.
Daɣ botany, taqqimen war ijja majrad nasnat hullan amarad
Media Studies is now taught all over the UK.
Media Studies itawaɣir daɣ Rwayom Uni fuk net
The value of Pi was first calculated by him.
Eqal wazaran as assedən ən migdahaw ən Pi.
Much of the work of Aristotle was unknown in the West in this period.
Ijjit alxidmat tan Aristotle war itawasan daɣ ikallan win Ikufar azzaman wen
Then he gave them their instructions: "A third of those who are on duty on the Sabbath are to guard the palace.
3 Ǝnnan-as mǝdrayan-net: "Ǝfǝl da takka akal wa n Yahudǝyya fǝl ad ǝnǝyan nǝttulab-nak ǝššǝɣǝlan win tǝtagga.
Their work and writing has been almost entirely lost.
Alxidmat nasan d akatab assujalan fuk nasan
In 1919, she left Lloyd to pursue her dramatic aspirations.
Dǎɣ 1919, təfal Lloyd fal atilkim ye tarhanes nafušax.
"We shall have lots of fun together."
Nakaned naga nidal hûlen garen nax.
The term has been attributed to Latin per centum.
Əmik eqal atiwafan dǎɣ latin per centum.
The public failed to respond to her in the more sophisticated roles.
Adinat war tarhen dag temašagal ta tiknat.
A unifying or coherent form or structure.
Dumu asirtăyan meɣ ilan almăɣna meɣ tijittăwt.
They may return to the original land several years later and begin the process again.
Addoben ad aqqilan akal nasan wan alasal iwityan ajjotnen darat awa tolas tissinta tamatikwayt
Most mapping, such as within a single country, does not span plates.
Ijji n Karti tan ajjotnen šund daɣ ammas n addawla iyyat war ilsa plate tan
"We'll have lots of fun together."
Nakaned naga nidal hûlen garen nax.
His second law is the same as what Mendel published.
Achareɣa net wan issin olah id awa iktab Mendel
This problem is shared by many other countries in the ASEAN region.
Muchakil wen oharan ti addawla tan ajjotnen daɣ rejion tan ASEAN
The bowels of hell was more like it.
Alɣazaban win efew intaned deɣ iknan adalaj
Astaire continued to act in the 1970s.
Astaire tiga awa dǎɣ tizzay dǎɣ adalan dǎɣ iwitiyan win 1970.
"How was the first day girls?"
Indekan wi dazarnen etran aqalan aygan me?
These plans were approved in June 1928.
Adabaratan adaɣ atwasaknan daɣ juin 1928.
One of the European Union's areas of interest is the Information Society.
Ihandagan win afor n Inyon Erobeyen eqqal isalan n tamazduq
The Ugly American (1963) was the initial of these films.
The Ugly Americain (1963) eqal wa azaran silma.
In Scotland a different definition of rural is used.
Daɣ Scoltland ille almaɣna n assaxra izlayan
There is some controversy as to when some of the churches were constructed.
Ilanti təmada š tiyat ugud wan alwaq wan təmuqunt tan eglisetan tiyad.
This may explain why scientists so often express that they were lucky.
Awen adobat adisaknu mafal tənumaɣen zazgarnat afal agudiyan as igrawan tabaɣort.
I have friends who are involved in the political side of things but that is not for me.
Illeɣ imidiwan ahanen achrut n folitik tan haratan mucham awen war hi itij
Because of their similarities, the San works may illustrate the reasons for ancient cave paintings.
Fal tulat nasan, alxidmaten n San addoben asilmad s iddililan win idalojan n idaɣan win aru
But the one who had had only five, had just put them away someplace and had not used them at all.
5 Inn-asan Ɣaysa: "Imaran-in, ak abbaz a wər təgem wala daɣ kifitan?"
I never dreamed it would be shown in the movie.
Kala wᾰr ᾰznᾰzjameɣ əs a-wen ad ətwəsəkən dᾰɣ sənəma.
The difference (λ − λ0) is in radians.
Uzlay wa jir λ har λ0 eha radian tan