They asked, "how old is he?"
Pytajōm "Wiela mu je lot?

Then, when he provided them with their provisions, he placed the drinking-cup in his brother's saddlebag.
Ôni ôroz wrzaskli, że ni może tak być, żeby im kery brata (siostry) proł na jejich ôczach!

If they are better than you, they are CLEARLY cheating.
Dyć tyś je lepszy ôd nich, bo ciebie sie ô to richtiś rozchodzi!

Lesser or greater evil.
Myńsze Zło abo Wiynksze!

There is pardon, mercy and forgiveness for the penitent one.
forgive [fəˈgɪv] forgave [fəˈgeɪv] forgiven [fəˈgɪvn̩] wybaczać, darować

So We took vengeance on them, and indeed the two of them are on an open highway.
Przeto zemscilismy sie na nich. zaprawde, obydwa miasta staly sie jasnym wzorem!

A messenger has been dispatched.
usunoł sie messenger

not guide me, I shall certainly become one of those who go astray."[77] Then when
SI: Niy poganiej mie, bo sie ômyla, a to zrobia felernie.

argue with you in the presence of their Lord.
beda sie sprzeczac z wami przed waszym Panem."

Do they have any other gods?
A możno ône majōm inksze religije?

RE: "This is nothing but spiteful."
Chciołbych pedzieć: to je ino wynokwianie.

that I do not mind what you do.'
To jo niy wiym, co robicie"

We give advice to those who ask.
Pragniemy Ciy jesce pytać pokorniy,

So we give them another side.
My umiymy przikwolić yno tymu drugimu.

The fruits of the tree are small fruits.
Z kery plon niesie niyjedne ziorko.

One that is equal to ten; He has joined us, nine to go.
Naszym prawym bydóm fórt Dziesiyńć Przikôzaniów,a Pónbóczkowô wólô - sprawiydliwóścióm!

To the four corners of the night;
A sztyry noce czas zmitrynżōm w śnikach;

This would be a great punishment.
To bydzie do niyj nojwiynkszo kara !

And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth, shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some...
Zaś mocka tych, kerzy śpiōm we marasie ziymi, ôbudzi sie: jedne do wiecznego żywota, a inksze ku hańbie, ku wiecznyj ôdrazie.

Assigned to her, "o my lord, thou hast seen.
I pedzioł do Niego: "Panie, Ty syćko wiys.

9And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: (notice; the glory of the Lord caused light to be around them --and they were sore afraid.
9 i naraz anioł Pański stanoł przi nich, i jasnoś Boża zewszond jich łośwjyciyła, tak że fes sie zlynkli.

And the evening and the morning were the fifth day (of recreation).
I zajś przeszoł wieczór i rano - piónty dziyń.

You are the omniscient,
Uweniy thou knewest; Mmoeniy you knew.

KJV: Moreover he said, I [am] the God of thy father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob.
I jeszcze pedzioł Pōn: "Jŏ je Bōg twojigo fatra, Bōg Abrahama, Bōg Izaaka i Bōg Jakuba."

Do they have an influence on other Cults?
A możno ône majōm inksze religije?

O ye that are the sons of men,
ô Oudermin, ô kinderplichten! -

"This said the Lord, - the God of their fathers - the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob has appeared to you."
I jeszcze pedzioł Pōn: "Jŏ je Bōg twojigo fatra, Bōg Abrahama, Bōg Izaaka i Bōg Jakuba."

He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; and he that believeth not shall be condemneda1.
Fto uwierzy i przijmie krzest, bydzie zbawiony, a fto niy uwierzy, bydzie potympiony.

It was said: "But Mary kept all these things and pondered them in her heart."
[19] Maryja zaś pamiyntała se te wszyjske one i rozwożała je we swoim syrcu.

And we will give you the uppermost hand;
Bedziymy Ciy wielbić no nojwyzsyj skale,

so We took vengeance upon them; and the two (towns) are on an open road. (79)
Przeto zemscilismy sie na nich. zaprawde, obydwa miasta staly sie jasnym wzorem!

(Those who are in right standing with Him).
sie z nim prawymi prostymi?

that brings forth its fruit.
Z kery plon niesie niyjedne ziorko.

And he said to him: lord, thou knowest.
I pedzioł do Niego: "Panie, Ty syćko wiys.

And they were, consequently, punished.
Tōż wziōn se ze sobōm kara.

But in most of them God was not well pleased, for they were laid low in the desert.
Ino że wiynkszyj czyńści s nich Bōg niy mioł w zŏcy; toż ôstali na pustyni.

"And the angels said unto them, 'Fear not!
[10] Wtedy anioł pedzioł do nich: "Niy lynkejcie sie!

You are indeed full of knowledge.
Uweniy thou knewest; Mmoeniy you knew.

"A messenger was dispatched.
usunoł sie messenger

And for those of us who fit that description, nothing is better than a good list.
A Pōnbōczek nōjlepij wiy kim my sōm, niy jakejś niypisane abō zŏpisane nakazy.

night they further subdivided into four watches, or portions,
A sztyry noce czas zmitrynżōm w śnikach;

You will be even scared to death (just like I had been so) if you visit the venue at night.
SI: Ty se tak niy dożyczej z tym masnym jedzyniym, aż zaś niy bydziesz zdychoł w nocy.

All the prophets testify about Him that whoever believes in Him receives forgiveness of sins through His Name."
Wszyjske proroki ô tym świadczom, że kożdy, fto w Niego wierzy, bez Jego miano erbnie ôdpuszczynie grzychōw.

heaven or will they go to hell?
W piekle lachajōm sie abo kwiczōm?

As we forgive us our debtors.
jako a my ôdpuszczōmy naszym winnikōm.

(He may be right).
Możno i prawym cołkym pogardzi!

[19] But Mary kept all these things, pondering them in her heart.
[19] Maryja zaś pamiyntała se te wszyjske one i rozwożała je we swoim syrcu.

We are already planning to return!"
i do rzóndzynio sie nadowómy!"

If so, what are you looking forward to most?!
Po jakiymu ty akurat tyn wiynkszy bieresz?

Is this a sign of what is spreading across the face of the earth?
Toż ziymia kwiycie wydowo