Has a nation changed its gods, even when they are not gods?
Taifa wamebadili miungu yao, ingawa siyo miungu?
He will become a nation also, and he also will be great.
Yeye pia atakuwa taifa, naye pia atakuwa mkuu.
"The hour (of judgement) is near, and the moon has been split.
"Saa (kufika kiama) imekaribia; na mwezi umepasuka.
Or should all the fish of the sea be gathered together for them, to be sufficient for them?..."
Au samaki wote wa baharini watakusanywa pamoja kwa ajili yao, ili kuwatosha?
What can we learn from the way each of them became God's friend?
Namna kila mumoja wao alifikia kuwa rafiki ya Mungu inaweza kutufundisha nini?
I have rewarded them this Day for their patience; they are indeed the ones that are successful.
{{Hakika Mimi leo nimewalipa (Pepo) kwa sababu ya kusubiri kwao, bila shaka hao ndio wenye kufaulu}}.
[69:39] And what you do not see
[69.39] Na msivyo viona,
Can you say, "Yes, I have eternal life.
Je, unaweza kusema, "Ndiyo, nina uzima wa milele.
Then one of them said: "And among us is a Prophet who knows what tomorrow brings."
Kisha mmoja wao akasema: "Na miongoni mwetu yupo Mtume (Swalla Allaahu 'alayhi wa aalihi wa sallam) ambaye anajua yatakayotokea kesho.
With God's help, Joseph interprets their dreams.
Na kwa msaada wa Mungu, Yusufu anawaambia maana ya ndoto zao.
and Joseph's hand shall close your eyes."
Mikono ya Yosefu mwenyewe ndiyo itakayofunga macho yako."
"These people of ours have taken gods apart from Him.
Hawa watu wetu wameshika miungu mingine badala yake Yeye.
44:34 Verily, these (People of the Quraish), they openly say:
[44.34] Hakika hawa wanasema:
As a youth, you may at times become afraid to follow God's commands.
Ukiwa kijana, huenda nyakati fulani ukaogopa kufuata amri za Mungu.
He said, yes, and the faith in their hearts was like mountains."
Akajibu, "Naam, na Imani ilikuwa ndani ya nyoyo zao kama milima."
NAS: them; and they will reign forever and ever.
takasika; na wao humo watadumu.
He and they were in a state of life-long confrontation with each other.
Yeye na wao walikuwa katika makabiliano ya kudumu maisha kati yao.
This is the month of forgiveness.
Na huu ni mwezi wa toba hakika atakuwa amenisamehe.
(68:38) That you have surely therein what you choose?
[68.38] Kuwa mtapata humo mnayo yapenda?
Verily, this is in the former Scriptures 19.
Hakika haya yamo katika Vitabu vya mwanzo, 19.
(And ask them about the town that was by the sea.)
Na waulize habari za mji uliokuwa kando ya bahari.
The reality of death is understood with the guidance of the Quran.
Ukweli wa kifo unafahamika kwa uongofu wa Quran.
Then the hands of all who are with thee will be strong.
Kisha mikono ya wote walio pamoja nawe itatiwa nguvu."
guys, I've got a working code from here!
wavulana, nimepata code ya kazi kutoka hapa!
[18:15] These people of ours have taken up gods besides Him.
Hawa watu wetu wameshika miungu mingine badala yake Yeye.
Only believers of this kind could enter heaven after death, which means that they were saved.
Waumini hao tu ndio wangeingia mbinguni baada ya kifo, hii ina maana kuwa walikuwa wameokolewa.
How thankful we can be for God's message in the book of Isaiah!
Tunashukuru kama nini kwa sababu ya ujumbe wa Mungu ulio katika kitabu cha Isaya!
He will eat whatever he gets; if he does not get it, he will demand it.
Atakula kila atakachokipata, na kama hatakipata, basi atakidai.
Do you know what they gave to other people? - It was the best thing in the world!
Je, unajua kile ambacho waliwapa watu wengine? - Kilikuwa kitu bora zaidi ulimwenguni!
"He will give you another Helper, that He may be with you forever."
naye atawapa Msaidizi Mwingine, ili akae nanyi hata milele."
Like a son with his father, he has served with me in sharing the Good News."
Kama mtoto na baba yake yeye alitumika pamoja nami katika kuendeleza habari njema."
"Do you think that most of them listen and understand?
Au unadhani kwamba wengi wao wanasikia na wanafahamu?
In Joseph and his brethren were signs for those who ask questions.
Kwa yakini zilikuwepo katika (kisa cha) Yuwsuf na kaka zake Aayaat (ishara, dalili, zingatio) kwa waulizao.
O ye who believe, why do not you say what you do.
Enyi mlio amini!Kwa nini mnasema msiyo yatenda?
If he ask[s] for money, he is a false prophet."
[Akiomba] pesa, yeye ni nabii wa uwongo."
What's that guy's name, in New Zealand, and I always forget?
Jina la huyo mwanamume ni nani, katika New Zealand, na mimi husahau kila wakati?
Then what is do they expect, anything like the example of the (punishment) days of those who have gone before them?
Wanangojea jingine ila kama yaliyotokea siku za watu walio pita kabla yao?
11 Mankind will say, "Surely there is (DK) a reward for the righteous;
11 Na mwanadamu atasema, Hakika iko thawabu yake mwenye haki.
If We had willed, We could have made it bitter, so why are you not grateful?
Lau Tungelitaka, Tungeliyafanya ya chumvi kali chungu basi kwa nini hamshukuru?
(By doing what you are doing right now, studying God's word.
(Kwa kufanya kile unachokifanya sasa hivi, kujifunza neno la Mungu.
one of them said: "And among us is a Prophet who knows what tomorrow
Kisha mmoja wao akasema: "Na miongoni mwetu yupo Mtume (Swalla Allaahu 'alayhi wa aalihi wa sallam) ambaye anajua yatakayotokea kesho.
34 So as to deny what We have given them.
34Kwa kuyakataa tuliyo wapa.
Surely today, I have recompensed them for that they (endured) patiently; (and) (i.e., because) they are the ones who are triumphant."
{{Hakika Mimi leo nimewalipa (Pepo) kwa sababu ya kusubiri kwao, bila shaka hao ndio wenye kufaulu}}.
Then the demons said, "Let's do something new,
Kisha mapepo yakasema, "Hebu tufanye jambo jipya.
11 Mankind will say, "Surely there is (CU) a reward for the righteous;
11 Na mwanadamu atasema, Hakika iko thawabu yake mwenye haki.
The father divided his wealth between them.
Basi huyo baba akagawanya mali yake kati yao.
Then what is do they expect, anything like the example of the (punishment) days of those who have gone before them?
Wanangojea jingine ila kama yaliyo tokea siku za watu walio pita kabla yao?
As the source of life, he becomes the father of everyone who is resurrected.
Akiwa Chanzo cha uhai, atakuwa Baba ya wote watakaofufuliwa.
the sinners do the same.
Hata watenda-dhambi hufanya vivyo hivyo.
He does not seek wise counsel.
hatataka shauri kwa mwenye hekima.