These are obvious signs.
mereka keterangan-keterangan yang nyata,

And at the mountains, how they are set up?
Jeung kana gunung-gunung kumaha ditancebkeunana?

Light upon light, God guides to His light whom He pleases.
Cahya diluhureu cahya (lalapissan), Allah ngabingbing kana cahya-Naka sing saha baé anu dipikersa-Na, jeung Allah midamel sasmita keur manusa,... (Q.S. An Nur: 35)

Hell is the destination.
Naraka mangrupakeun tempat siksa.

Commentary by Sayyid Qutb In the name of God, the Lord of Grace, the Ever Merciful Say: 'My Lord gives in abundance, or gives in scant measure, to whomever He wills; but most people do not understand.'
Hayu urang lenyepan dawuhan-Na dina al-Qur'an surat Saba', ayat 36, anu unina: "Pék caritakeun: Satemenna Pangéran kuring nu ngajembaran rijki keur sing saha baé anu dipikahoyong-Na jeung ngaheureutan (pikeun sing saha baé anu dipikahoyongna), tapi kalolobaan manusa henteu apal."

from dealing kindly and justly with them, for God loves those who are just." [60:8]
nu resep kana kaberesihan dirina, sarta Allah mikaresep ka jalma anu beresih."

O my people, they which lead thee cause thee to err and destroy the way of thy paths" (Isaiah 3:12).
Eh umat kami, maraneh teh dibawa sasar ku para pamingpin, nepi ka geus teu nyaraho jalan mana anu bener.

How you live your life is a testimony to what you believe about God.
Kumaha kumaha hirup anjeun mangrupikeun kasaksian kana naon anu anjeun percanten ngeunaan Allah.

So Isma'il said to him: O my father, so (if) it is regarding us?
Carék éwéna, "Papa urang, lamun urang teu dianak, jeueung Bagawat Resi Makandria.

Verily, in these things there are Ayat for the people who understand.) (13:4)
Saéstuna dina éta hal, aya pertanda pikeun jalma nu ngarti (Q.s.Rum: 22).

(24) Then they prayed [proseuchomai], "Lord, you know everyone's heart.
24Seug diunjukkeun dina paneda, "Nun Gusti anu uninga kana eusi sanubari jalmi-jalmi!

And it (that town) lies on a road that still exists.
Jeung memang kota ieu sabenerna aya jalan anu masih tetep (manusa diliwatan).

And at the mountains, how they have been set up,
Jeung kana gunung-gunung kumaha ditancebkeunana?

Yet most people do not know it.
Najan kitu lolobana henteu apal

Or possibly a punishment from God.
Atau memang azab Allah karena ulah manusia?

saved those who believed and practised righteousness.
Cirina jalma anu bakal salamet nyaeta jalma anu iman tur amal sholeh sareng silih wasiatan kana bener, sareng kana shobar.

They will ask thee concerning wine and games of chance.
"Maranéhanana ménta thee ngeunaan anggur jeung judi.

or a punishment from God.
Atau memang azab Allah karena ulah manusia?

live who like to be purified: and God loves the clean."
nu resep kana kaberesihan dirina, sarta Allah mikaresep ka jalma anu beresih."

But most of them are not conscious.
Najan kitu lolobana henteu apal

Eat every kind of fruit, and follow the easy ways of your Lord.
Pek dalahar tina rupa-rupa bubuahan jeung prak tempuh jalan Pangeran anjeun nu geus digampangkeun pikeun aranjeun.

In them are good and beautiful ones.
Di jero sorga-sorga éta, aya widadari-widadari anu hadé wanda jeung hadé rupa.

They said, "Father, why don't you trust us with Joseph, although we care for him?"
Geus kitu turunan Yusup arunjukan kieu ka Yosua, "Bapa, ku naon masihan tanah teh mung saluwuk?

Verily We sent messengers before thee, among them those of whom We have told thee, and some of whom We have not
[23] Jeung memang, Urang dikirim utusan saméméh thee

But man wishes to do wrong (even) in thetime in front of him.
[75:5] Bahkan manusia itu hendak membuat maksiat terus menerus. yas-alu ayyaana yawmu alqiyaamati

What more is left for him, except the kingdom."
Naon anu ditinggalkeun pikeun anjeunna, iwal karajaan sorangan?"

But be careful to maintain the limit, since God does not love transgressors."
reueus; Allah teu cinta maranéhanana anu teuing boast " (trans Qarun:.

and he went to look for fruit on it, but did not find any.
Sarta manéhna datang néangan buah dina eta, tapi kapanggih taya.

Then, eat of all fruits, and follow the ways of the Lord made easy for you."
Pek dalahar tina rupa-rupa bubuahan jeung prak tempuh jalan Pangeran anjeun nu geus digampangkeun pikeun aranjeun.

Indeed, mankind is in a loss.
Satemenna jalma eta aya dina karugian.

He hath done, and He hath permitted to be done, whatsoever he pleased.
Gusti maha kawasa sareng anjeunna ngalakukeun hal cara sareng cara anu dipikahoyong ku anjeunna.

That My punishment is a painful retribution.
Maha Asih, jeung nu nyata azabKu nyaéta doom pisan nyeri.

And fear Allah; indeed, Allah is Acquainted with what you do. (5:8)
Jeung takwa ka Alloh, saestuna Alloh Maha Uninga kana naon-naon anu ku maraneh dipigawé."

well-satisfied with their striving,
ngarasa bungah ku usahana,

Hell is however a place of torment.
Naraka mangrupakeun tempat siksa.

Little it is you remember of admonition."
Saeutik pisan anu nyarieun peringetan aranjeun."

Verily, in these things, there are Ayat (proofs, evidences, lessons, signs) for the people who understand. (4)
Saéstuna dina éta hal, aya pertanda pikeun jalma nu ngarti (Q.s.Rum: 22).

And the Hellfire will be their abode."
Jeung naraka tempat padumukan maranéhna."

[A/I'mran 3:82] So those who turn away after this - it is they who are the sinners.
Jeung singsaha anu nolak sanggeusna aya Khalifah, maranéhna kaasup golongan fasik."

But when he came to them with clear evidences, they said, "This is obvious magic."61:6
Tapi lamun manehna (Mohammad Ahmed) sumping ka poto eta sareng proofs jelas, ceuk maranehna: "Ieu mere magic" (Quran 61: 6)

"As for the Thamud, they were destroyed by extraordinary events."
"Sedengkeun pikeun Thamud, maranéhanana ancur ku

You would, most certainly, see the fire of hell.
Pasti aranjeun baris nénjo naraka jahim.

And he showed him the greatest sign.
Tuluy Musa mintonkeun ayat (mujijat) nu gedé ka manéhna.

The Quran 11:04 (Surah Hud):- "To Allah is your return, and He has Power over all things."
32 dziya zayanna 7Bil1 9 Allah maha kuasa atas segala sesuatu

save those who embrace the true faith and do good deeds, for
Cirina jalma anu bakal salamet nyaeta jalma anu iman tur amal sholeh sareng silih wasiatan kana bener, sareng kana shobar.

Say, "Do you know better, or does GOD?"
Ucapkeun: "Naha anjeun leuwih nyaho atawa geus Allah?" [al-Baqarah / 2: 140]

You will certainly see the fire of Jahannam.
Pasti aranjeun baris nénjo naraka jahim.

He is the only One who decides and does as He wants with the creation and makes the believers prevail.
Di Baitul Makmur Nabi Muhammad SAW. dipiwarang milih tilu wadah maka Nabi Muhammad nyandak wadah anu dipinuhan ku susu, maka Jibril ngalereskeun.

They said to them: "You are the people of consultation.
maranehna: Aranjeun teh estu panghadena kaom lamun teu

He hath done, and He hath permitted to be done, whatsoever He pleased.
Gusti maha kawasa sareng anjeunna ngalakukeun hal cara sareng cara anu dipikahoyong ku anjeunna.