And they said, "Lord, behold, here are two "swords."
Batsi: "Nkhosi, tinceku takho tingemadvodzana lalishumi namabili andvodza yinye, eveni laseKhenani.

Allah that became the uppermost, and Allah is All-Mighty, All-Wise.
phelele Nkulunkulu; nanso cha is Nkulunkulu He Almighty Hlakaniphile.

Is it an imitation of the disbelievers?
is khona biyela disbelievers buhlungu retribution?

Indeed, the rich and poor are united in having been both created by God.
Tinjinga netimphuya tifanana ngantfo yinye: Bobabili badalwa nguNkulunkulu.

- hast made him a little lower than the angels,
Wamenta kutsi abe mncane kunetingilosi,

He nodded and said, "Do you not feel afraid?"
Ngemuva kwaloko wababuta watsi: "Nine anikabaluleki yini kwendlula tona?"

The God that answers with fire is the true God."
Lonkulunkulu loyawuphendvula ngemlilo, nguyena anguNkulunkulu sibili."

"So, today (the Day of Judgment) those who believed will laugh at the disbelievers" (Al-Mutaffifeen 83:34)
[83:34] Namhla labo bani kholwa hleka disbelievers.

From heaven [that is, ordained by God] or from men?"
Abelitsetse ezulwini yini nobe kubantfu?"

Therefore tell me the dream, and I will know that you can show me its interpretation."
Ngako-ke ngitjeleni liphupho, ngitawube sengiyati-ke kutsi ningangichazela lona."

(The people of Nuh belied the Messengers.
'Njengemshumayeli wekulunga,'Nowa wawumemetela ngekwetsembeka lomlayeto losecwayiso lebekaphatsiswe wona.

What was God's original purpose for the earth and mankind?
Beyiyini injongo yaNkulunkulu yasekucaleni ngemhlaba nangebantfu?

(The people of Nuh belied the Messengers.
'Njengemshumayeli wekulunga,' Nowa wawumemetela ngekwetsembeka lomlayeto losecwayiso lebekaphatsiswe wona.

Don't say, "Why were the former days better than these?"
Ungabuti utsi: "Kwabangelwa yini kutsi tinsuku takadzeni tibe ncono kunaleti tetfu?"

which God hath revealed, verily they are the unbelievers.
accordance nga Nkulunkulu vulamehlo are disbelievers.

Fear no-one, for judgment is God's.
Ningesabi muntfu, ngobe kwehlulela kwaNkulunkulu.

"So today those who believe shall laugh at the unbelievers."
[83:34] Namhla labo bani kholwa hleka disbelievers.

And if you loose, that is forgive him, he shall be forgiven in heaven as well.
Utsi-ke nangabe nine nimcolela nhlawumbe naseZulwini uyawucolelwa.

[83:34-35] Today, those who believed are laughing at the disbelievers.
[83:34] Namhla labo bani kholwa hleka disbelievers.

"There they are in great terror, for God is with the generation of the righteous."
Bayawufikelwa kwesaba lokukhulu, ngobe Nkulunkulu ume nalabacotfo.

It is the first resurrection.
Loku kuvuka ekufeni kwekucala.

The one sitting on it is called Faithful and True (Jesus), and in righteousness he judges and makes war.
Lona bekaligibele abebitwa ngekutsi nguLotsembekile naLiciniso; umsulwa ekwehluleleni kwakhe nasekulweni kwakhe.

Noah is a righteous man.
Nowa abeyindvodza lelungile.

They have turned away from the only true God.
bamshiyile Nkulunkulu sibili lophatsana ngemusa.

"Eat and drink (take all you can), for tomorrow we may die."
Nitsi: "Asidle, sinatse, ngobe kusasa sitakufa!"

"And they called to Lot and said to him, 'Where are the men who came to you tonight?
Amemeta Loti atsi: "Aphi lamadvodza langenise lapha kakho kuyo lentsambama?

He create the script and storyline.
Nguye uMdali weliBhele, neweMtsentse,

Together, do they have the power to heal one another?
Ngabangisana lomunye impahla yakhe na?

We will provide you with water
kuti): "Tatipungulirani madzi

How unsearchable His judgments, and untraceable His ways.
Ngubani nje longaphenya kwehlulela kwakhe ahlolisise imfihlakalo yetindlela takhe?

they cried out to you and they were saved;
Bakhala kuwe, wabasindzisa;

but the rest of the dead revived not till the thousand years were accomplished: this is the first resurrection.
Laba labanye lababefile abazange bavuke ekufeni, kwadzimate kwaphela iminyaka leyinkhulungwane.

She sent this reply: "Yes, the men came to me, but I did not know where they had come from.
Ngako watsi: "Yebo, kona lamadvodza efikile lapha kami, kodvwa angikawati kutsi abephumaphi.

he is restored by God to his righteous state.
Nkulunkulu umbuyisela esimeni sakhe sekulunga.

But some may say, "Jesus had two natures.
Nobe kunjalo, labanye bangatsi: 'Jesu abenetimo letimbili.

The punishment will be severe."
Tiyakwemukela sijeziso lesikhulu."

This is the promise of God for those who are his.
Lesetsembiso salabo labakwesabako.

None of the wicked will understand..." But the righteous will understand.
Kute namunye walababi loyawukuvisisa, kodvwa laba labahlakaniphile bayawukuvisisa kahle.

The son said, "Father, I've sinned against you; I'm no longer worthy to be called your son."
Lendvodzana yatsi kuyise: 'Babe, ngonile kuNkulunkulu nakuwe, angisafanele nekutsi ngibitwe ngekutsi ngiyindvodzana yakho.'

Go to the prophets of your father and to the prophets of your mother."
Hamba uye kubaphrofethi beyihlo nakubaphrofethi benyoko uyewubuta kubo."

the knowledge of the Most High.'.
lokwatiwa nguLosetikwako Konkhe?"

83:34 But on this Day the believers will laugh at the unbelievers
[83:34] Namhla labo bani kholwa hleka disbelievers.

34 But on this day the believers will laugh at the unbelievers:
[83:34] Namhla labo bani kholwa hleka disbelievers.

I will give them to you as daughters, but not because of your agreement with Me.
Ngiyawukunika bona njengemadvodzakati, noko, hhayi njengekutsi ngente nawe sivumelwane.

Seven times a day I praise thee because of thy righteousness.
nami-ke sengiyawumelana nani ngekunivisa buhlungu ngalokuphindvwe kasikhombisa ngenca yetono tenu.

Say, "they will have these responsibilities."
Sema *takeSema () { return TheSema.take (); }

But he said to his father, "I have been working for you all these years.
yamphendvula yatsi: 'Kodvwa, babe, mine yonkhe leminyaka bengihleti nawe ngikusebentela.

I have set before you today life and good or death and evil."
Bona, ngibekile phambi kwakho lamuhla impilo lokulunga, lokufa lobubi.

Therefore do not be ashamed of the testimony about our Lord!
Ngako-ke ungabi nemahloni ngekufakaza ngeNkhosi yetfu.

The prayer of a righteous person has great power in its effects.
Kuncusa kwemuntfu lolungile kunemandla kakhulu.