Every day, we see proof of his goodness."
Zuva nezuva tinoona uchapupu hwokuti akanaka."

Jesus was trying to teach them something that they did not understand.
Jesu aiedza kuvadzidzisa chimwe chinhu chavaisanzwisisa.

His people were to be compassionate.
Vanhu vake vaifanira kuva netsitsi.

CHILDREN need to be taught the truth about God.
VANA vanofanira kudzidziswa chokwadi pamusoro paMwari.

"'Such is the will of your Lord,' he replied.
'Izvozvo ndizvo zvinodiwa naIshe wako,' akapindura.

They care about you. - John 13:35.
Vane hanya newe. - Johani 13:35.

"Yes, but in Brazil they won't lie about something like that?
"Ehe, asi muBrazil havazonyepe nezve chimwe chinhu chakadai?

My servants will be glad, but you will be ashamed.
Vashumiri vangu vachafara, asi imi muchanyara.

[79:20] He then showed him the great miracle.
" (Basi Mûsa) adamuonetsa (Farawo) chozizwitsa chachikulu.

Is there room at your father's house for us to spend the night?'
Kumba kwababa vako kune pokuvata here?"

Awaiting the disbelievers.
yandira kafiro tirinho

The Devil contended that if mankind listened to him, things would work out better for them.
Dhiyabhorosi akaratidza kuti kudai vanhu vaizomuteerera, zvinhu zvaizovafambira zvakanaka.

He was the only one righteous.
Aive iye oga Munhu akarurama.

I have chosen one of his sons to be king.'.
Ndasarudza mumwe wavanakomana vake kuva mambo.'

and those who have gathered it will drink it in the courts of my sanctuary."
Uye vaya tiuye pamwe chete vachanwa naro pavazhe dzangu tsvene.

Meanwhile, the man is self-sufficient to the grave.
Muntu, ake uchasise,

have if you are telling the truth!'."
Ngati mukunena zoona!"

But if not, it will return to you.'"
Asi kana pasina, ruchadzokera kwamuri."

All of this may indicate that he is making spiritual progress, but does it mean that he has gained wisdom?
Zvose izvi zvingaratidza kuti ari kufambira mberi pakunamata, asi zvinoreva here kuti awana uchenjeri?

God remembers what we have done.
Mwari vanorangarira zvose zvatinovaitira .

People may say to us: "Life is to be enjoyed.
Vanhu vangati kwatiri: "Munhu anofanira kunakidzwa neupenyu.

You can worship here."
Munogona kunamatira henyu muno.'

Wonderful are your works; my soul is aware of it very well."
Mabasa enyu anoshamisa, mweya wangu unonyatsozviziva."

even as he said to our fathers."
kunyange sezvaakareva kumadzibaba edu."

but wait for the promise of the Father, which, saith he, ye have heard of me.
mumirire chipo chakavimbiswa naBaba vangu, icho chamakandinzwa ndichitaura pamusoro pacho.

or who has taught him the way of understanding;
Kana kuti anomudzidzisa kuti awane ruzivo,

even as He said to our fathers."
kunyange sezvaakareva kumadzibaba edu."

"Announce to the hypocrites that they shall have a painful chastisement."
"Auze achiphamaso kuti adzapeza chilango chowawa.

mentioned in [the] ancient scriptures.
Ndicho chiporofita chekutanga mumagwaro.

No, what they make are not gods at all."
Zvaanogadzira hazvisi vanamwari.'

He says: "I soon realized that most people did not care about me.
Anoti: "Ndichangosvika, ndakaona kuti vanhu vakawanda vakanga vasina kana basa neni.

We taught about you, even if you are a man!
Takadzidzisa nezvako, kunyangwe iwe uri murume!

shall be greater than the former.'
kupfuura okutanga."

And in that day, you will ask Me (Jesus) nothing.
Pazuva iro hamuzondibvunzizve kana chinhu.

"Did you not feed him?"
Hauna kumupa kUdya here?

"Have you not seen how your Lord dealt with the owners of the Elephant?"
"Kodi sudaone momwe Mbuye wako adawachitira eni njovu?

Remember, at one point, Moses did not feel qualified for an assignment.
Yeuka kuti pane imwe nguva Mosesi akambonzwa sekuti aisakwanisa kuita basa raainge apiwa.

Humble yourselves therefore, under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time" (1st Peter 5:5-6).
Naizvozvo, zvininipisei pasi poruoko rwaMwari rune simba, kuti iye akukwidziridzei munguva yakakodzera." - 1 Petro 5:5, 6.

If they are against the Lord or agents of the damned he will bring them to judgement day.
Asi pavanorega kuteerera nekuramba Mwari, anovaripisa, nekuvaita vapoteri kana kuvaparadzira, kana kuita kuti dzimwe nyika dzivadzvanyirire, chiringazuva chaMwari chinenge chakamira.

To our God, for he will forgive in a large way.."
Kuna Mwari wedu, nekuti achamukanganwira zvikuru.*+

written concerning Him in the Scriptures.
zvakanyorwa pamusoro pake mumagwaro.

Satan is intensifying his attacks against God's people.
Satani ari kuwedzera kurwisa vanhu vaMwari.

Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time." - 1 Peter 5:5, 6.
Naizvozvo, zvininipisei pasi poruoko rwaMwari rune simba, kuti iye akukwidziridzei munguva yakakodzera." - 1 Petro 5:5, 6.

I was among those who persecuted the Witnesses.
Ndaiva mumwe wevaya vakatambudza Zvapupu.

Peace be upon you, O partner of the Qur'an.
Runyararo rwekutamba yepeji rega rega mu Holy Quran.

cannot describe how difficult it was for me to forgive her."
Handigoni kutsanangura maomero azvakanga zvakaita kuti ndimuregerere."

Even I wait for the sight of my Lord.
Ndichamirira Mwari woruponeso rwangu.

Solomon answered all her questions; nothing was hidden from Solomon which he did not explain to.
2Soromoni, akapindura mibvunzo yake yose; hakuna chinhu chakanga chakavanzirwa Soromoni, chaakanga asingagoni kumuudza.

Solomon answered all her questions; nothing was hidden from Solomon which he did not explain to her.
2Soromoni, akapindura mibvunzo yake yose; hakuna chinhu chakanga chakavanzirwa Soromoni, chaakanga asingagoni kumuudza.

One scholar wrote: "This [verse] definitely does not mean that they also love God to some extent.
Mumwe muongorori akanyora kuti: "[Vhesi] iyi hairevi kuti vanotombodawo Mwari.