I have a thousand difficulties: help me.
E i ai aʻu faigata faigata e afe: fesoasoani mai ia te aʻu.

4) And inasmuch as they are faithful unto me, it shall be made known unto them what they shall do;
4 Ma o le tulaga e oo i ai le la faamaoni ia te aʼu, o le a faailoa atu ia te i laua mea la te faia;

There is dread, and there is no peace.'
Ua fefe, ma e leai se filemu. '

Ask them that heard Me what I have said unto them; behold, they know what I said."
Fesiligia i latou oe faalogo i mea sa ou fai atu ia i latou. faauta, latou iloa o nei mea ua ou fai atu ai. "

For who is able to judge this great people of Yours?" (verse 9).
Mo le a mafai ona o ai e faamasino lenei nuu, ou tagata, oe le tele o?"

Thou art, verily, the Almighty, the Most Exalted, the
E moni o Oe le Malosi-uma , o le Mamalu-uma, o le Mamana-silisili.

11 Men will say, "Surely there is a reward for the righteous;
11 'Ona fai mai ai lea o le tagata, "E moni, o loʻo i ai le taui mo ē amiotonu;

for the things that are seen [are] for a time, but those that are not seen eternal.
Auā o mea 'ua va'aia e lē tumau; a o mea e lē o va'aia e fa'avavau.

said, "Live as if you were to die tomorrow.
Ola e pei pe afai e te oti taeao,

For they themselves have the wisdom of a midwife, and so they give birth before we can come to them."
Mo i latou i latou lava o le poto o se faatosaga, ma ina ia latou fanau ae tatou te lei mafai ona oo mai ia i latou. "

Surely a demon is not able to open the eyes of the blind is he?"
E lē mafai e se temoni ona faapupula mata o se tagata ua tauaso, a ea?"

And they will bless you for it in years to come.
O le a latou viia ai oe mai le tausaga i tausaga.

Then the desire, when it has become fertile, gives birth to sin."
Auā a tō le tuʻinanau, ona fanau mai ai lea o le agasala."

Yet the hand of the house of Joseph was heavy so that they became tributaries.
Ae sa matua mamafa le aao o le aiga o Iosefa, ma sa avea o ia puleesea ia te ia.

For those who truly desire it, there is a way back.
Mo i latou e mananao moni ai lava, o loo i ai se auala e toe foi mai ai.

And it came to pass that we did wait to receive provisions and strength from the land of Zarahemla.
Ma sa oo ina matou faatalitali ia maua mai ni meaai ma se malosi mai le laueleele o Saraʼemila.

Brothers and sisters, indeed we have great reason to rejoice.
Uso e ma tuafafine, ioe o loo i ai le mafuaaga tele e olioli ai.

Nobody had heard of Health and Safety 70 years ago.
E leai se isi na faʻalogo i le Soifua Maloloina ma le Saogalemu 70 tausaga talu ai.

5 "Behold, this is the promise of the Lord unto you, O ye my servants.
5 Faauta, o le folafolaga lenei a le Alii ia te outou, E outou e o aʼu auauna.

'What if a spirit or an angel has spoken to him?'
Ae faapefea pe afai ua fetalai se agaga ia te ia, po o se agelu?"

And I will praise him in the midst of the multitude.
Ma o le a ou viia o ia i le lotolotoi o le motu o tagata.

He brings out what is hidden.
Ua ia aumaia i le malamalama mea ua natia.

Satan knew this, and it pleased him.
O lenei sa iloa e Satani lenei mea, ma sa fiafia i ai o ia.

For who is able to judge this great people of Yours?").
Mo le a mafai ona o ai e faamasino lenei nuu, ou tagata, oe le tele o?"

and follow the promptings of the Spirit.
ma mulimuli i uunaiga a le Agaga.

towards the promised land; and ye shall know that
outou agai i le laueleele na folafolaina; ma o le a outou i iloa ai o

The book of Luke allows us to walk with them:
O le tusi a Luka ua faatagaina ai i tatou e savavali faatasi ma i laua:

His grace (a new term for me) is sufficient.
Ua lava mo Ia le alofa mutimutivale ia te au

The Apostles argued with each other over who would be the greatest.'
Ina ua māeʻa lenā talisuaga, ona finau lea o aposetolo po o ai o i latou e sili.

The Quran was revealed as a guide for mankind.
Na auina le quran i lalo o se taitaiga mo le tagata."

12:27 He is not the God of the dead, but the God of the living - therefore you are greatly mistaken."
12:27 le o ia o le Atua o le oti, ae o le ola. o le mea lea, e te alu mamao ese. "

'O our people, we have heard a wonderful Recital (the Qur'an).
Ua faafofoga mai foi le tatou nuu, ma o le molimau ola lena o le

Quran has been revealed for the guidance of mankind.
Na auina le quran i lalo o se taitaiga mo le tagata."

Ale w ten sposób, the scriptures are fulfilled."
Ae i lenei auala, ua faataunuuina i tusitusiga paia. "

Undoubtedly, for a beautiful garden not only during the day,
E le masalomia, mo se togalaau manaia e le gata i le ao,

But in this way, the scriptures are fulfilled."
Ae i lenei auala, ua faataunuuina i tusitusiga paia. "

Is not he thy father, that hath possessed thee, and made thee, and created thee?...
Pe o ia o ia lava e le o outou Tama, ua maua e, ma faia outou, ma foafoaina e?

And, along with it, a desire to become like him.
Ma o loo aumai ai ma se naunautaiga tele e avea e faapei o Ia.

there you shall worship other gods, of wood and stone."
Ma o iina o le a outou auauna atu i atua ese, o laau ma maa.

And inasmuch as they are faithful unto me it shall be made known unto them what they shall do:
4 Ma o le tulaga e oo i ai le la faamaoni ia te aʼu, o le a faailoa atu ia te i laua mea la te faia;

[14] Is any one of you sick?
14 'Ua ma'i 'ea se isi o 'outou?

24:26 [That] he that escapeth in that day shall come to thee, to
24:26 i lena aso, , o le tagata o le a oo mai le sola ese ia te oe, ina ia mafai ona lipoti atu ia te oe,

It is readily available to each of us today as we obey God's commandments.
E faigofie ona avanoa ia i tatou taitoatasi i le asō pe a tatou usiusitai i poloaiga a le Atua.

20 Verily, verily, I say unto you, that Satan has great hold upon their hearts; he stirreth them up to iniquity against that which is good.
20 E moni, e moni, Ou te fai atu ia te oe, ua i ai ia Satani se uu malosi i o latou loto; ua ia afaaoso aʼe i latou i le eamioletonu e faasaga i mea ua lelei;

movement said: "Live as if you were to die tomorrow.
Ola e pei pe afai e te oti taeao,

Do not give grudgingly for God loves a cheerful giver."
tigā,aua foi ma le faatauanauina; auā e alofa le Atua i le ua foai ma le loto malie."

But the Lord said, "No, you did laugh."'
Ae fetalai mai le Alii, "E le faapea; mo e te ata. "

raised on the third day according to the Scriptures,
O le aso tolu na toetü ai ia e pei ona tusia i tusi;

Therefore, take hold of it and be of the thankful.
ia onosa'i pea ma fa'afetai.

God will Reveal the Truth to Those who Seek Him
O le a faaali mai e le Atua le upumoni ia i latou e saili atu