(Surat Hud [11]: 65, al-Jalalayn) They, being the people of Thamud.
Lemmâ deAllahü dâıynâ li tâatihi

(Surat Hud [11]: 65, al-Jalalayn) They, being the people of Thamud.
Lemmâ deallahü dâıynâ li tâatihi

And the angel said unto her, Fear not, Mary, for thou hast found favour with God."
L'ànghjulu li disse: Ùn àbbia paura, ò Marì; perchì hai trovu gràzia voltu à Diu.

It is they whose works shall come to nought both in this world and in the life to come; and they shall have none to succour them.
Lu prezzu te la vita a ncarutu e quiddrhu ca tene nu li e d'aiutu

The fit is just right (as sized).
I cosi giusti sunu giusti.

(This is true, if experiencing such, but can you realize it?)
oppuru, i chistu incontru: Vui sapiti pocu?

I will go yonder and worship, and we will come back to you."
ricontrarrò ricontrarrai ricontrarrà ricontrarremo ricontrarrete ricontrarranno

(Luke 6:24): "But woe to you who are rich, For you have received your consolation."
6:24 ma in verità, guai à voi chì sò ricchi, di avete u vostru cunsulazione.

(This is when he sees the town in flames.
(Ragiunata) Videò: U focu in paese

It is they who reject the communications of their Lord, and in the meeting with Him.
Era l 'unbelievers chi rifiuta a parolla di u Signore, è tutti i persi cù in u dilùviu.

But we are not afraid; therefore, you are scared."
"Ma temi chì l'Altru (u diàvule), ùn c'insome."

'O you who have believed; be careful of your duty to God and be with the Truthful.'
Fedeli, o Dio, conservali, da' lor virt, consigli;

worship of Our Lord.
ca si chiamatu de nostro signore;

She is (I am sure) that way because you have raised her that way.
È à causa di ciò avete cumincitu à esse insatisi cù

Say, "Open your eyes!
e dì: ciechi di lì!

And he built an altar there to the LORD.
Eppo custruitu un altare ci à u Signore,.

So give good tidings to My servants.
e si cumandi a mia su servituri

Then he did the math, and the two hundred thousand grew by an order of magnitude!
accuminzò a spenniri: e di li stessi dumila unzi pigghiau quantu cci vosi

We have given him shares in a few of them.
"Avemu Patrunu fieru di esse parte di lu.

They mailed it this morning (Monday).
Li cugghiru stamatina,

Is God the Father pleased with you?
ALLAH??? allah lu tau apa?

Lord of the oppressed and are my Lord.
dint'ê disgrazzie 'e chistu mio signore!

Glorious [things] are spoken of thee, O city of God.
Di te si dicono cose stupende, città dì Dio.

that all the congregation of the children of Israel will take heed [meaning] that they will behave
So fècenu à tutti di Israel chi ghjuntu à Shiloh.

"This is the second Thanksgiving we've had without Ahmaud.
"Questu hè u secondu Thanksgiving chì avemu avutu senza Ahmaud.

If I dont, then there will be severe punishment.
For I vi sò feriti incù u corpu di un nemicu, cù un chastisement crudeli.

the likeness of God?
somiglianza di dio?

I Found In Him A Resting Place,
io u n'attrovo paci nà sta aggia,

Do they not depreciate?
Non è ca si ni pentunu?

will be a resurrection for everyone.
Sarà pe tutti 'na resurrezzione,

So my walls are covered with scripture.
sunnu lavagna di la mia scrittura,

He forbids that which our ancestors were worshipping.
Non nn'àvi saluni! 'U sacciu ju chi vurrissi fari capiri, acquistannu il nostro antenato!

The Judgment day will be the day of doom.
Shall the day of parting be the day of gathering? fe lu xu le nu cliva djedi cu ba du le nu jmaji djedi

Although they will be frightened
essi si temerebbero essi si sarebbero temuti

The little ones are the feistiest.
I picciriddi sunnu i chiù feroci,

(And indeed, it is a remembrance for you and your people)
Hè statu un insignamentu per voi è per e persone chì vi hanu intesu dì.

Jesus said: "There was a man who had two sons.
Disse dinò: Un omu avia dui figlioli.

It is truthful."
sonnu veru è!"

Now that we have the promise of eternal life with you, Lord God,
E accussì ti avemu mai esse cù u Signore,

They may have problems when he wants the attention of another woman.
Puderanu avè prublemi quandu vole l'attenzione di un'altra donna.

Thus [you are ordered by Allâh to continue in carrying out Jihâd against the disbelievers till they embrace Islâm and are saved from the punishment in the Hell-fire or at least come under your protection], but if it had been Allâh's Will, He Himself could certainly have punished them (without you).
magari: maháre, avv.; magari!, volesse Iddio!: fusse' lu Dduè!, fusse chilu Dduè!

And hearing, they do not hear.
nun sentono li passi de quarcuno,

"Who it is to whom comes a Penalty of ignominy, and on whom descends a Penalty that abides." (40)
Quandu qualchissia face una malfatta, chì si passa ?: Hè punitu

Exodus 14:15 Then the LORD said to Moses, 'Why are you crying out to me?
14:15 È u Signore li disse: Moses: "Picchì chianci fora à mè?

"The hour (of judgement) is near, and the moon has been split.
L"Ora si avvicina e la luna si spacca.

(b) those which were seen by Pharaoh and his people Noah's people the 'Ad and the Thamud, Lot's people and the people of Aiykah.
QûZâ Q ûZâ ú u ejò a û, LûAaû,

their hands, and leaned them [against] the tree of peace, we took their
Citaglianu e mani, ùn li pudemu arrubà

Repentance is, by far, the greatest miracle.
A so risurrezzione hè u più grande miraculu.

whenever the (bleep) he wants.
E u pussedu quandu vogliu,

The commander said: "Do you speak Greek?
U tribunu rispose: Parli u grecu ?