And whilst they were digging [in the foundations] they found a Book of the Law.
Finas inoghe si ponent indedda s'unu dae s'àteru e giughent in manos unu libru.
If God is glorified by him, God will also glorify him by himself, and he will glorify him at once.
Si Deus est istadu glorificadu in issu, Deus e totu dd'at a glorificare dae parte sua e dd'at a glorificare luego.
- And Jesus, having found a young ass, sat upon it; as it is written,
Gesus agatadu un'aineddu, che fit pigadu subra, comente est iscritu:
were the children of Abraham, and professedly God's cove
tra sos fizos de Abramo e su rancore?
a witness to that at the time.
pro testimonianza in cussu logu.
are the only ones in which she hears, (Truth)
est unu solu chi ódiu l'ada,
How they would react to me and to our family?"
A nos la faghides una pariga de cunferèntzias a mie e a unos cumpanzos meos?"
The servant said, "I think I saw you with him (Jesus) in the garden!"
Ddi aiat rispostu: "In veridade ti naro: oe as a istare cun megus in su paradisu."
Jesus, having found a young ass, sat thereon; as it is written,
Gesus agatadu un'aineddu, che fit pigadu subra, comente est iscritu:
The return (W) is a guidance of error.
Ma su perdonu est àtera guida,
And they are in bondage to them.
issus iant a essi [iant 'ɛssi]
A fight between us and them?'
A nos la faghides una pariga de cunferèntzias a mie e a unos cumpanzos meos?"
He felt the magic stir at his invocation, but it was reluctant to do what he wished.
Su pedidore bogaiat a campu su disìgiu suo, e duncas pregontaiat su chi cheriat,
It (sometimes) gets through to them.
issus iant a essi [iant 'ɛssi]
So is Bringing Out the Dead.
e faghet puru risuger sos mortos.
And so it is with all tenants."
Appo a imbarare inoghe cun tottu sos cumpanzos."
will worship and then we will come back to you."
Su buiu non at bintu e podeus torrare a s'ispera.
"Do you know where the sun goes (at the time of sunset)?"
Pensat sas cosas chi che sun lontanu,
without a righteousness, the judgment would not be according to truth.
No Isco si bi so renessidu: su giudìtziu est a su letore.
He was speaking to the Apostles.
e at faeddadu po su mediu de sos profetas.
prophet; but I am the last of the Prophets (Seal of the Prophets), and there will be no Prophet after
Deo fiat messadore e de istajones de messeras nd'apo fatu prus de una.
He made them pay for the evil that was inflicted on him.
si enit pagadu su male chi at fatu.
knower (ʿālim) of what he seeks.
Sa cosa chi cheriat Podestade,
Through their deeds and knowledge.
sas operas chi faghent sabiu e giustu.
Jesus said to her 'Didn't I tell you that if you would have faith [believed], you would see God's glory?'
Ddi aiat naradu Gesùs: "Non t'apo naradu chi, si as a crèere, as a bidere sa glòria de Deus? ."
He is rewarded handsomely for his bad deeds.
si enit pagadu su male chi at fatu.
Am a prophet of God and he is a servant,
Deo fiat messadore e de istajones de messera nd'apo fatu prus de una.
He [that is, God the Holy Spirit] has spoken through the prophets.
e at faeddadu po su mediu de sos profetas.
then everyone will keep believing it).
a manera chi totus crederent pro mediu de issu.
half of the chosen Prayer (Mantra).
faghet de mediu d' esser invitadu,
And He said to him,"Truly truly I say to you will be with me in paradise."
Ddi aiat rispostu: "In veridade ti naro: oe as a istare cun megus in su paradisu."
Muhammad has not spoken of them.
Fiat po custu chi su Mosè no chistionàt.
and we shall live in his sight.
e nois amus bidu sa glòria sua,
If God is glorified in him, God will also glorify him in himself, and he will glorify him at once.
Si Deus est istadu glorificadu in issu, Deus e totu dd'at a glorificare dae parte sua e dd'at a glorificare luego.
which can only be attributed to God.
chi riservadu est solamente a Deu,
"O! am I to live, or am I to die?
O m'at mortu e como so in su chelu; o so ancora 'iu e so sanadu?
"O! am I to live, or am I to die?
O m'at mortu e como so in su chelu; o so ancora 'iu e so sanadu?
They are blessed with the life you create and enjoy alongside them.
chi pro vida t'han bene coronada
The idols have been the patrons of licentiousness (Rom.
E cuddos qui devotos sunt istados
But forgiveness is the path.
Ma su perdonu est àtera guida,
which fell upon those who heard them as though they were listening to
cussas chi paren acua sonende,
For the left and for the right.
giustu pro sa sinistra e pro sa destra
They are outward signs of a well-lived life, and will cheer you in times of trouble.
chi pro vida t'han bene coronada
simply the forgiveness of sins.
Professo unu battísimu solu pro su perdonu de sos peccados.
Do you not see that the sun descends in the Balance
Pensat sas cosas chi che sun lontanu,
Forgiveness is the true path.
Ma su perdonu est àtera guida,
The only life and the taken life are worlds away from one another.
Sa vida de s'unu e sa vida de s'àttera faghen a pare in sa pag.
Each of them (mostly) likes what they do and have the skill set to pull it off.
Totus depiant essi prontus a fai su traballu de is atrus e depiant essi bonus a ddu fai.
will be rewarded for its sins.
si enit pagadu su male chi at fatu.
He is not under their judgment; they are under his judgment!
No Isco si bi so renessidu: su giudìtziu est a su letore.