and its effect becomes visible.
-- यत् यत् तपते प्रकाशयति।
It was Iblis (a jinn) who refused to bow down to Adam (as).
हूयेते मासादिः स प्रकीर्त्तितः ।
The Qur'an mentions names (attributes) of God, which shed some light upon some of His qualities.
नाम कुरान्-शास्त्रं स्पष्टयति यत् भगवान् अनुशयानजनानां पातकान् एव क्षन्तुं अर्हति।
If I do badly, they will understand."
अवज्ञातं यदि हि ते मामेवैष्यत्यसंशयः ॥
"But Iblis (did it not); he refused to be with those who made prostration."
निर्दोषं हि समं ब्रह्म तस्माद्ब्रह्मणि ते स्थिताः ।
That is the only true punishment.
केवलं एकं अनन्तं दण्डं पर्याप्तं अस्ति।
So respond to the call of your lord.
अतः अपने पालनहार
(See various Scriptures).
ततः पूजा प्रकर्त्तव्या शास्त्रदृष्टविधानतः।
it is because of the inspiration of my Lord to me: it is He Who hears all things, and is
नीतिमान्राम इति मया श्रुतः
He whimsically creates what he wishes.
तस्याः इच्छानुसारेण एव रामस्य वनाभिगमनम् भवति।
To whom He pleases,
इच्छां गृह्णाति यो नित्यं करुणारसनिर्भरः
We gave her whatsoever she desired, and he replied, flushing up.
अस्मद्वचनस्यैव तं प्रति प्रमाणतया, तत एवानुमेयप्रतीतेः, तद्वचनस्य चरितार्थत्वात्।
And We have bestowed upon you (O Prophet) the seven oft-repeated ones and the grand Qur'an." (15:87).
साप्तये वो युष्मानरमत्यर्थं वयं गमाम प्राप्नुमः ।
(Prophets and Scriptures).
आपस्तम्वः, पुं, धर्म्मशास्त्रप्रयोजकमुनिविशेषः ।
Arise in the name of thy Lord, the God of Mercy, amidst the peoples of the earth,
प्रभु पासजी ताहरुं नाम मीठुं, तिहुं लोकमां एटलुं सार दीठुं;
It was Iblis (Satan) who refused.
मोक्षं दुष्कृतिनां चापि विद्यते कालपर्ययात्।
Let the one who wishes receive life-giving water as a gift."
अत एव अचिराच्छीघ्रं शुष्कतां नीरसतां याते प्राप्ते सति ।
But Iblis (did it not), he refused to be with those who made obeisance.
उभयेषाम् इन्द्रियाणां स दमः परिकीर्तित्तः ।
also by His enemies; for this is the excellency of His wisdom.
तौ हि रागद्वेषौ अस्य दुर्जयौ शत्रू ज्ञानाभ्यासं वारयतः ॥
to death for their parents; each will die for their own sin."
death, the abode of death; सर्वे पितृवनं प्राप्य स्वपन्ति विगतज्वराः [Mb.
So [Iran] want to come out punching."
तत् पुण्योपचये यत्नं कुरु सर्व्वफलप्रदे ॥
Indeed, it is a reminder of the.
न सम्झुन, तु सम्झन
Take the exit on the right (just before the stoplights).
"यस्तुभ्यं दाशान्न तमं
And at the end of the day when this comes crashing down they will be the ones holding all the power.
तद्बीजं भर्ग इत्येषा शक्ति रुक्ता मनीषिभिः
my wealth was of no help to me.
गृहशेषं मम धनं न चान्यत्तत्र विद्यते ।
well-pleased with their efforts,
यतु यत्प्रयन्त्यर्भि
[man] will have no power, and no helper.
न च पुण्यस्य सापेक्षा न वा वेधःसहायिनी ॥
except Iblis, he refused to be with those who bowed down.
वृत्तिः एकविंशतेर्लूञादिभ्यो निष्ठातस्य नः स्यात् ।
The faith of the believers and prayers of the saints were heard.
विश्वशासनशलिन्यां श्रुतौ च श्रूयते कथा ॥
and numbered with the five kings of Midian who were slain by the Israelites,
५५ इस्रायेल्सेवकस्तेन तथोपक्रियते स्वयं॥
But he who falls into (and subscribes to) the doubtful matters, falls into the unlawful (i.e. the haram).
यत्किञ्चिदपि सङक्ल्पं तज्जगन्नास्ति संशयः ॥
I swear (or affirm).
अतः कस्मिं-
Who is not afraid to die,
रुणद्धि यस्तस्य भयं न मृत्योः ॥
God is satisfied that His Body is equipped with all He intends,
देवस्यपुरतः छत्रादि धारणं तद्दोष निरूपणं
from them, and they shall have a painful punishment.
तथैव यातना भोज्याः किं वृथा ह्यतिदुखिताः ॥
except Iblis, he refused to be with those who bowed down.
हन्यास्त्वं तदभिप्रेता सिद्धिस्तव भविष्यति ।
"I shall terrorize the infidels!" (from the Qu'ran)
तिष्ठत् भयावहं यस्मात् शोकव्याधिकरं नृणाम् ॥
They will not help them and they will not help you.
न वा किमपि साहाय्यं तस्यानुतष्ठौ ।
Verily, I swear by the receding
अतः कस्मिं-
Thus if he is one of those who are drawn close [to Allah (God) ]
जलने यदि पुरवासी ,
There is no soul but has a guardian over it.
निरीक्षितुं कोऽपि शशाक तत्समम् ।
They will (hopefully) be able to help.
कल्पयिष्यति ते वीर साहाय्यं लघुविक्रम ॥
Then he recited this verse (interpretation of the meaning): "and your Lord is never forgetful" [Maryam 19:64].
तस्य वंशसमुच्छेदो न कदाचिद्भविष्यति ।
Do it yourself (DIY) parts
"अतः कर्म करो,
Then they sell the rapists (who she's known for a while) to s*avers.
() विक्रीतादीनि चान्येषु यतन्ते पापचेतसः ।
They have a kinship that is undeniable.
रुद्रभक्तिविहीनाये गृहं तेषां समाविश ॥
So announce to him the tidings of a grievous chastisement.
न्याय्यो दण्डनिपातो वै तवैव वचनं यथा ।
The boundary is shared (its on the deeds).
तदग्रतोऽपरा सीमा कार्या भागान्षडायता ॥
wont have known, but you will then know.
५.११॥ तदसि त्वमसि ज्ञोऽसि सोऽसि जानासि वीक्ष्यसि ।
Except Iblis, he declined to be with the bowing ones.
हन्यास्त्वं तदभिप्रेता सिद्धिस्तव भविष्यति ।