There is no God but Thee, the Omnipotent, the Most Exalted, the Knowing, the Wise.
No tin otro Dios sino Bo, esun uniko, esun incomparabel, esun ku sabi tur kos, esun di mas prudente.

In both cases, God emphasizes what He will do for His people.
Den ámbos kaso Dios ta enfatisá kiko E lo hasi pa Su pueblo.

Moses wanted to strengthen the faith of others.
Ademas, Moises a haci esfuerso pa fortalece fe di otro hende.

What did God create on the third day.
Kiko Dios a krea riba e di tres dia di kreashon?

What would happen to my children?" - Janet, United States.
Kiko lo para di mi yunan?" - Janet, Merka.

For the famine has been in the land these two years; and there are five more years in which there will be neither plowing nor harvest."
Pasobra dos aña kaba tabatin hamber den e tera aki, i ainda ta bin sinku aña den kual lo no tin plugmentu ni kosecha.

When i created the heaven and the earth, i spoke to them into being.
"Ora mi a krea shelu i tera, ta ku mi palabranan mi a forma nan.

And they said: "From the land of Canaan to buy food."
I nan a bisa: 'For di tera di Kanaan, pa kumpra kuminda.'

Creation was "very good" and "blessed" by God.
Kreashon tabata "masha bon" i "bendishoná" dor di Dios.

This very night your life will be demanded back from you, but who will get what you have prepared for yourself?"
Awe nochi mes bo alma lo ser eksigí for di bo; i awor ken lo bira doño di loke bo a prepará?

This is a sign for those who ponder.
esaki ta un señal pa esnan cu tin

[So,] Do not be surprised, my brothers, if the world hates you.
Tambe e ta bisa: "No keda sorprendi mi rumannan, si e mundo ta odia boso.

"and said, Ah! my lord, we came indeed down at the first to buy food."
20. i nan a bisa: 'Ai mi señor, di bèrdat nos a bin e promé biaha pa kumpra kuminda,

526 Because He Lives.
526. pasobra e ta biba

"Whatever you ask for in prayer, you will receive if you have faith"
"Tur loque bo a pidi den oracion, lo bo hafia si bo tin fe. "

of Allh (may peace be upon him), when asked about the women
Pas, ora cu el a bisa e muher cu e

" When I created the heavens and the earth, I spoke them into being.
"Ora mi a krea shelu i tera, ta ku mi palabranan mi a forma nan.

"When I created the heavens and the earth, I spoke them into being.
"Ora mi a krea shelu i tera, ta ku mi palabranan mi a forma nan.

the sinners will return to you.
i pekadornan lo bolbe serka Bo

For who is able to judge this great people of Yours?").
Pasobra ken ta kapas pa huzga e pueblo grandi aki di Bo?"

and the sinners will come back to you.
i pekadónan lo bolbe serka Bo.

This and similar promises guarantee the safety of God's people as a whole.
E promesa akí i otronan similar ta garantisá e siguridat di e pueblo di Dios komo grupo.

the good news; for Isaiah says, "Lord, who has believed our message?"
Pasobra Isaias ta bisa, "Señor, kende a kere nos mensahe?

Rather, they are asleep in death, awaiting a resurrection.
Mas bien, nan ta drumi den morto, wardando riba resureccion.

answer me, [And] in Your righteousness.
Contestami den Bo Fieldad, den Bo Husticia.

Just as though there is nothing to your LORD!
Niun manera bo Señor

the sinners will return to you.
i pekadónan lo bolbe serka Bo.

fruit, and be my disciples."
ora boso karga hopi fruta i boso bira mi disípulonan."

and the sinners will come back to you.
i pekadornan lo bolbe serka Bo

And they said, "From the land of Canaan to buy food." (1)
I nan a bisa: 'For di tera di Kanaan, pa kumpra kuminda.'

Peace in heaven and (F) glory in the highest!"
Pas den shelu, i gloria na esun ku ta den e lugánan di mas haltu!"

Thomas, one of His disciples, said, "Lord, we do not know where You are going, and how can we know the way?"
Anto un di Su discipelnan a bis'e: Señor, nos no sabi ta unda Bo ta bai, anto con nos por sa e camina?

Noah was a preacher of righteousness (2 Pet.
Noe [tabata] un predikadó di hustisia. - 2 Ped.

For, Isaiah said, "Lord, who has believed our message?'"
Pasobra Isaias ta bisa, "Señor, kende a kere nos mensahe?

and said, "Oh, my lord, we indeed came down the first time to buy food,
20. i nan a bisa: 'Ai mi señor, di bèrdat nos a bin e promé biaha pa kumpra kuminda,

these things, and so to enter into his glory?"
cosnan aki y asina drenta den su gloria?"

They did not think that he was the God of the whole earth.
Nan no a kere ku e ta Dios di henter mundu.

Thou hast the words of everlasting life.'
Abo tin e palabranan ku ta hiba na bida eterno;

God uses His anointed ones (all Christians) to display His power in any way he chooses.
Dios ta mustra su poder door di sali for di nada pa traha tur loke E ta desea.

Nor is it beyond the sea, so that you have to ask,
No sea ingrato, mande a gringos,

However, there is also a corporate dimension involved, as we can conclude from Acts 7:51.
Sinembargo, tin tambe un dimenshon kolektivo enbolbí, manera nos por konkluí for di Echonan 7:51.

Thou hast the words of everlasting life."
Abo tin e palabranan ku ta hiba na bida eterno;

God showed that he has the power to accomplish his will in any way he pleases.
Dios ta mustra su poder door di sali for di nada pa traha tur loke E ta desea.

Thou hast words of everlasting life."
Abo tin e palabranan ku ta hiba na bida eterno;

They were the guardians of the true worship, the keepers of the holy oracles.
Nan tabata e guardiannan di e berdadero adorashon, e wardadónan di e orakelnan santu.

answer me, [and] in thy righteousness.
Contestami den Bo Fieldad, den Bo Husticia.

what is best for you and your family."
ta mihor pa bo y bo famia,"

15 O mankind, you are those in need of Allah, while Allah is the Free of need, the Praiseworthy.
15 Y el a bisa nan: Boso ta esunnan, qu ta haci boso mes hustu pa apariéncia pa hendenan, ma Dios conoce boso curazónnan; pasoba loque ta haltu den hendenan, ta un cos horroroso pa Dios.

Or what the (bears) might be wearing.
Of, loke cu e ta apoya,

They did not believe he was the God of the whole earth.
Nan no a kere ku e ta Dios di henter mundu.