in the Hereafter, are disbelievers.
aaKhir gunaahagaar huu.N, kaafir nahii.n huu.N mai.n.
and the earth are Signs for those who believe.
Inna fiis-samaawaati wal ardhi li-aayaatil (n) -lilmu'miniin.
Messenger Noah (peace be upon him) used to say: I have been building a
Ka Annabi Nuhu yεli: "Yaa n Duuma (Naawuni)!
Where the tree shall fall (subj.) there it shall lie.
A fallen tree waa lying;
He will direct them any which way he pleases.
Maallaqatu bakka fedhetti isaan geessa, maallaqaan gaggeeffamu jechuudha.
"Read" in the name of thy lord who create the man from a clot.
Yaada kana akkuma jirutti yeroo kaa'amu (Read in the name of your lord who created you' jedha.
ALLAH is Omniscient.
Ilaah baa runta og.
Umayyah bin Khalaf was the leader of the disbelievers.
Qad sa-'alahaa- qawmum-min- qablikum summa 'asbahuu bihaa kafiriin.
O my Lord! bring peace to the earth.
Eebbow tabaalaha adduun, talaf ha noo keenin
o ye who have believed, what is the matter with you?
Horta yaa Galaalow
Are We wearied with the first creation (that We will not be able to create them the second time on the Day of Resurrection)?
"Sila yeroo (duunee) dachii keessatti banne, dhugumatti uumaa haarawaa ni uumamnaa?
and so forth down to the time of Noah.
Wamaa nu'akh-khiruhu ilaa ajalin ma'duudin;
your mind (sort of) at ease.
Tegeed hamtran ajillahdaa taatai baina.
Then (O Muhammad) leave Me Alone with those who deny this speech (Qur'an).
qaa o forem fradellaaao falsea.
O believers! take heed to yourselves.
iii jotiriiiy to tiie lain! of Sold.
are not believers.
Waa dhuuni-raac aan mabaa'dii rumaysnayn.
them; So a book of remembrance was written before Him For those who fear the Lord And
Akka isin Rabbiin sodaattaniif Soomni akkuma warra isin duraa irratti barreefametti (dirqama ta'etti) isin irrattis barreeffameera.
Isa () said: "Fear Allah, if you are believers."
Wuxuuna yidhi, "Ka dhawrsada Eebbe haddaad mu'miniin tihiin."
"Read in the name of thy Lord, who created" (The Holy Quran, 96: 1).
Yaada kana akkuma jirutti yeroo kaa'amu (Read in the name of your lord who created you' jedha.
Then we had a judgment of Solomon.
Walaqad fatannaa sulaimaana wa-alqainaa 'ala kursii-yihi jasadan tsumma anaab (a)
Truly We have made it (as) a trial for the Zaalimoon (polytheists, disbelievers, wrongdoers, etc.).
Walaqad fatannaa sulaimaana wa-alqainaa 'ala kursii-yihi jasadan tsumma anaab (a)
The measuring vessel of your lord (What is it?)
za zailaa eebee chinii bichlegiig eruusuu oilgoxgui umaa
(See various Scriptures).
by Kitaaba Waaqa: ka afaani Boranatini t'aafani.
to the time of Noah.
Wamaa nu'akh-khiruhu ilaa ajalin ma'duudin;
them; So a book of remembrance was written before Him For those who fear the LORD
Akka isin Rabbiin sodaattaniif Soomni akkuma warra isin duraa irratti barreefametti (dirqama ta'etti) isin irrattis barreefameera.
You are given over to the angels for punishment.
Fa-'in giftum 'allaa ta'-diloe fawaa-hidatan 'aw maa malakat 'aymaanukum.
God is omniscient (i.e. all knowing).
Ilaah baa runta og.
Indeed, the hypocrites, they are the defiantly disobedient.
Munaafiqiintii waa qexeen.
If you believe'."
[Eebbana talasaarta haddaad mu'miniin tihiin]
God is omniscient (knows everything).
Mala awaal: illaahbaa og.
The hypocrites are indeed the disobedient ones
Munaafiqiintii waa qexeen.
But fear Me if you are believers."
Eebbaa mudan inaad ka cabsataan haddaad mu'miniin tihiin.
Allah boasts: "And how many cities have We destroyed, and Our punishment came to them at night or while they were sleeping at noon" (7:4).
[7:4] Na miji mingapi tuliiangamiza, ikaifikia adhabu yetu usiku au walipo kuwa wamelala adhuhuri. famaa kaana da'waahum idz jaa-ahum ba/sunaa illaa an qaaluu innaa kunnaa zhaalimiina
They had now had a taste of God's Word - and they wanted more!
Amma hamma tokko Dubbii Waaqayyoo kan hubatan siʼa taʼu, caalaatti barachuus barbaadaniiru!
and a book of remembrance was written before Him for those who fear.
Akka isin Rabbiin sodaattaniif Soomni akkuma warra isin duraa irratti barreefametti (dirqama ta'etti) isin irrattis barreeffameera.
Can they be of any help to you, or even to themselves?"
Miyay idiin gargaari karaan, mase u gargaari karaan nafahooda?"
Put me on the list of those who would be bejeezus-less.
Minii ene bichgiin avyas gej neeree unen baina aa....
Allah is Omniscient.
Ilaah baa runta og.
(O you who have believed, fulfill [all] contracts.
iii jotiriiiy to tiie lain! of Sold.
the Hereafter, are disbelievers.
aaKhir gunaahagaar huu.N, kaafir nahii.n huu.N mai.n.
the Hereafter, are disbelievers.
aaKhir gunaahagaar huu.N, kaafir nahii.n huu.N mai.n
in a house with a snake (in it, is) death, without doubt.
Hammam illee mana tokko keessa jiraaachuun mataa isaatti cubbuu yoo ta'uu baatellee, kallattiin cubbuu garuu achi jira.
If you will be believed!
[Eebbana talasaarta haddaad mu'miniin tihiin]
Verily, for each difficulty, there is a relief.
Dhib-kasta Dheef-baa kujirta.
Follow me, true believers!
Qaaluuu bal lam takuunuu mu'miniin (a);
They built a new house for them,
paaravatee bhee mana ke haaree ,
AssuS; a township of Troas, whence it derived its name.
Nama magaala cululuqaan cuqilisa fakkaata jedhama; bifti see magariisa cululuqaa buleeti siqu.
in the Hereafter, are disbelievers.
aaKhir gunaahagaar huu.N, kaafir nahii.n huu.N mai.n
Whether you say what is in your heart or hide it, he knows it for he knows what is inside the hearts.
"Haasawa keessan dhoksaa yookiin ifa baasaa, Inni (Rabbiin) beekaa wanta qoma keessa jiruuti.
Abraham his father and said, 'My father!'
Ismaa'il yommuu abbaa isaa Ibraahim waliin deemu ykn fiigu irra gahe, abbaan "Yaa ilma kiyya!