What is it that these people testify against You?"
Kodi umboni umenewu ndi otani umene anthu awa akupereka kukutsutsa Iwe?"
All three made these changes because they wanted to be like Christ.
Anthu atatu onsewa anasintha chonchi chifukwa choti ankafuna kutsanzira Khristu.
And he and his hosts were arrogant in the land, without right, and they thought that they would never return to Us
"Ndipo iye pamodzi ndi makamu ake ankhondo adadzitukumula pa dziko popanda chilungamo ndipo ankaganiza kuti iwo sadzabwelere kwa Ife.
what ways they are deluded away from the truth!
njira yanji akuchotsedwa ku (choonadi)!
And fear the Fire, which is prepared for the disbelievers.)
"Ndipo opani Moto umene wakonzedwa kwa (anthu) osakhulupirira.
Ask them about the town that was present by the sea, when they overstepped in Sabbath.
"Tawafunsani nkhani ya mudzi umene udali m'mphepete mwa nyanja; (anthu am'mudziwo) pamene adali kuswa (lamulo la) tsiku la Sabata (lomwe adauzidwa kuti pa tsikuli asamachite usodzi wa nsomba, koma m'malo mwake azichita mapemphero okha).
"It is He Who gives life and causes death - your Lord and the Lord of your forefathers."
Amapereka moyo ndikupereka imfa, Mbuye wanu ndi Mbuye wa makolo anu oyamba.
Thus We caused Joseph to be established in a position of authority in the land.
"Ndipo motero tidampatsa ulemelero Yûsuf m'dziko (la Iguputo); amakhala m'menemo paliponse pamene wafuna.
Man says, "When I am dead, shall I be brought forth alive?"
"Ndipo munthu (wokanira) amanena: "Kodi ndikadzafa nzoonadi kuti Ndidzatulutsidwa (m'manda) nkukhala wamoyo?"
He walked with Me in peace and uprightness, and turned away many from iniquity.
Iye anayenda nane mwamtendere ndi molungama mtima, ndipo anabweza anthu ambiri mʼnjira zawo zauchimo.
Or, "who has first given to him, so that it must be repaid to him?"
Kapenanso, 'Ndani anayamba kumupatsa kanthu, kuti amubwezere?'
That is what pushed them to accomplish what they did."
N'zimene zinawasonkhezera kukwaniritsa zimene anachita."
Was the language of the Qur'an Arabic?
Kodi Qur'an sinadzudzule ma Arabu achikunja chifukwa
Although his presence as King of God's Kingdom is invisible, it is obvious from the fulfillment of prophecies.
Ngakhale kuti kukhalapo kwake monga Mfumu ya Ufumu wa Mulungu n'kosaoneka, umboni wake ukuoneka chifukwa cha kukwaniritsidwa kwa maulosi.
And the Aad. they were destroyed by a fierce roaring wind.
Ndipo A'adi adaonongedwa ndi chimphepo
But the recompense of your Lord is best, and He is the best of those who provide sustenance (72)
Koma malipiro a Mbuye wako ndiwo abwino; ndipo Iye ndi Wopereka Wabwino kuposa opereka.
Then he called upon his Lord, "These are a guilty people."
Ndipo iye adaitana Mbuye wake kuti: "Awa ndithu ndi anthu oipa."
They are the ones who bought the life of this world for the Hereafter; so their punishment shall not be lightened, nor will they be helped. (86)
" Iwowo ndi amene asinthanitsa moyo wa dziko lapansi ndi moyo ulinkudza choncho sadzawachepetsera chilango, ndiponso sadzapulumutsidwa.
(23) Then you will go on your way in safety, and your foot will not stumble.
Ukatero udzayenda panjira yako popanda chokuopseza, ndipo ngakhale phazi lako silidzapunthwa ndi chilichonse."
"God is my Lord and your Lord, so serve Him: that is a straight path."
""Ndithu Allah ndiye Mbuye wanga ndi Mbuye wanunso; choncho mupembedzeni; imeneyi ndiyo njira yolunjika."
And the fifth time: that Allah's curse be upon him, if he is a liar.
"Ndipo kachisanu (alumbire) kuti matembelero a Allah akhale pa iye ngati (iye) ali m'modzi mwa onama.
then every soul will know what it has brought about."
(Zikadzachitika zimenezi) mzimu Uliwonse udzadziwa zimene Wabweretsa (zabwino ndi zoipa).
To escape from the lake of fire, there is no other way but to have our names written in the Book of Life.
Kuti tithawe kuchoka mnyanja yamoto, kulibe njira ina iliyonse koma kuti maina athu alembedwe mu Buku la Moyo.
They leave their wealth to others.
ndipo amasiyira chuma chawo anthu ena.
"And we have left a clear sign of it for people who possess intellects."
"Ndipo ndithu tidasiya chizindikiro mmenemo choonekera kwa anthu anzeru.
Send forth your Spirit and they shall be created.
Atumize Mzimu Wanu, ndipo iwo adzakhala analenga.
But worship Allah alone and be among the grateful" [Qur'an, 39:66].
"Koma pembedza Allah yekha, ndipo khala mwa othokoza.
Don't they see how Allah originates the creation, and then repeats it?
"Kodi saona momwe Allah ayambitsira zolengedwa, kenako nkuzibwerezanso?
"And for he who feared the majesty of his Lord, there will be two gardens."
"Koma amene waopa kuti adzaimitsidwa kwa Mbuye wake (pa nthawi ya chiweruziro), adzalandira minda iwiri (yaikulu yamtendere).
Still my lord the king is as the angel of God, so do what seems best to you.
Koma inu mbuyanga mfumu muli ngati mngelo+ wa Mulungu woona, motero chitani zimene zili zabwino kwa inu.
If you ask them: "Who created them?"
"Ndipo ngati utawafunsa: "Ndani adawalenga?"
"Surely Allah loves those who fight in His way in ranks as if they were a firm and compact wall."
"Ndithu Allah amakonda amene akumenya nkhondo pa njira Yake (yofalitsa chipembedzo Chake), ali pa mzere (umodzi) uku ali monga chomanga, chomangika mwamphamvu.
And that is how We make clear the verses (provide details) so, that maybe they will return.
"M'menemo ndi momwe tikulongosolera mokwanira zivumbulutso kuti mwina iwo angabwelere (kwa Allah).
I gathered together all their inhabitants and restored to them their dwellings."
(Komanso) ndinasonkhanitsa anthu onse (amene ankakhala m'mizindayo) ndipo ndinawalamula kuti abwerere kumizinda yawo."
Then they will live in their own land, which I gave to My servant Ja'acov.
Ndipo iwo adzakhala ndi moyo m'dziko lawo, limene ndinapatsa mtumiki wanga Yakobo.
but those who seek to go beyond that are transgressors --
Koma amene angafune (zina) Kusiya zimenezi iwowo ndiwo Olumpha malire.
In this is a sign for every obedient servant.
Ndithu m'zimenezo muli malingaliro kwa kapolo aliyense wotembenukira (kwa Allah).
I fear for you the punishment of a great Day."
""Ndithu ine ndikukuoperani chilango cha tsiku lalikulu."
He will take them into gardens with rivers flowing beneath them, where they will live forever.
Ndipo adzawalowetsa m'minda yomwe pansi pake pakuyenda mitsinje; adzakhala m'menemo muyaya.
then every soul will know what it has brought about."
" (Zikadzachitika zimenezi) mzimu uliwonse udzadziwa zimene wabweretsa (zabwino ndi zoipa).
Whomsoever You cause to enter Hell, him You have surely disgraced, and for the wrongdoers there shall be no helpers."
Ndithudi, yemwe mudzamulowetse ku Moto ndiye kuti mwamuyalutsa, ndipo sipadzakhala athandizi kwa ochita zoipa."
The two angels came to Sodom in the evening, and Lot was sitting in the gate of Sodom.
"Ndipo angelo awiriwa anadza ku Sodomu madzulo, pamene Loti adakhala pachipata cha Sodomu.
Moreover, we are assured: "It will turn out well with those fearing the true God."
Komanso tikulimbikitsidwa ndi mawu akuti: 'Omwe aopa Mulungu adzapeza bwino.'
To whomsoever of you wills to walk straight.
"Kwa yemwe mwa inu akufuna kuyenda mu njira yoongoka.
(18) And so we awaked them from their sleep, that they might ask questions of one another.
"Ndipo momwemonso tidawautsa kuti afunsane pakati pawo (zanthawi imene akhala ali chigonere).
So that a man shall say, no doubt,
Ndipo munthu adati kwa ena,
When you come out, you will be old and alone."
Ukadzatuluka udzakhala wokalamba komanso wekhawekha."
Allah has revealed the holy Qur'an in the month of Ramadan.
Qur'an inabvumbulutsidwa Mmwezi wa Ramadhan, choncho Allah anaupanga mwezi wa Ramadhan kukhala wabwino kuposa myezi yonse.
We sent down upon them a violent sandstorm (which destroyed them all) except for the family of Lot, whom We saved in the early morning by Our favor.
"Ndithu Ife tidawatumizira chimphepo champhamvu choulutsa miyala (ndi kuwagenda), kupatula akubanja la Luti; tidawapulumutsa (ku chilangocho) m'bandakucha,
For the days of my people will be like the days of a tree, and the work of their hands my chosen ones will enjoy to the full."
Thangwe nsiku za wanthu wangu, zin'dzakhala ninga nsiku za muti, ndipo omwe ndawasankhulawo, wan'dzapfatsa na mabasa yakuphatidwa na manja yawo.'