Little [wealth] that suffices is better than a lot which makes one insolent.
Bonyenyane bjoo moloki a nago le bjona bo kaone Go feta boati bjoo ba kgopo ba bantši ba nago le bjona.
So why do you speak to me this way?"
Bjale ke ka lebaka lang o bolela le nna ka mokgwa wo?"
unto thee; this is thy wickedness, because it is bitter,
Ke bokgopo bja lena bjo bo le hloletšego ditlaišego tše, bjo bo le tsetsemeditšego pelo.
Idols will completely disappear, and the lord alone will be exalted on that day.
Medimo e tla timelela sa ruri, gomme gwa godišwa Morena fela tšatši leo.
Therefore, fear Allah, Oh servants of Allah.
Be ye God fearing, O servants of God!
What was God's original purpose for the earth and mankind?
Morero wa Modimo ka lefase le ka batho go tloga mathomong e be e le ofe?
Idols will completely disappear, and the Lord alone will be exalted on that day.
Medimo e tla timelela sa ruri, gomme gwa godišwa Morena fela tšatši leo.
As for the deniers, there is severe punishment for them.
Empa ge ba betha bahlanka, ba tagwa, kotlo ya bona e tla ba ye kgolo.
Pharaoh's staff said to him, "How long will this man be a trap for us?
Ka morago ga moo bahlanka ba Farao ba re go yena: "Monna yo e tla ba molaba go rena go fihlela neng?
Yet there are some of you who do not believe. "
Eupša go na le ba bangwe ba lena bao ba sa dumelego."
O my people, they which lead thee cause thee to err and destroy the way of thy paths" (Isaiah 3:12).
Lena setšhaba sa ka, baetapele ba lena ba a le timetša, ba le rarakanyetša ditsela.
The other answered, 'Lord, sir! he will not die!'
Nathane a re: Gona Morena o go lebalela sebe sa gago; o ka se ke wa hwa.
"God is only mocked by believers."
Modimo O nale phomolo feela ho badumedi.
"You have abandoned Your people, the house of Jacob.
Ka gobane o lahlile batho ba gago, e lego ba ntlo ya Jakobo.
you will see how the wicked are punished.
wa bona ka moo bakgopo ba otlwago ka gona,
and on that day, he became a legend.
Letšatši leo le ile la fetola Mukhabudi.
"You have abandoned your people, the house of Jacob.
Ka gobane o lahlile batho ba gago, e lego ba ntlo ya Jakobo.
"Thy righteousness in the land of forgetfulness?"
goba yona toka ya gago nageng ya ba ba lebetšwego?
The son said to him, 'Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you.
Morwagwe a re go yena: 'Tate, ke fošeditše Modimo le wena.
an angel appeared to Him from heaven, strengthening Him.
Ke moka morongwa yo a tšwago legodimong a iponagatša go yena gomme a mo matlafatša.
'Return to your lord and ask him.'
Retologelang go Morena a sa le file sebaka; mo rapeleng a sa le kgauswi.
Why then were you not afraid to speak against My servant Moses?......"
Ke ka baka la eng le sa ka la boifa go mmolela gampe, yena Moshe mohlanka wa ka?
You have covered yourself with a cloud, so that no prayer can pass through.
O ikapešitše ka leru, gore thapelo e se ke ya fihla go wena.
said unto me, These are the four winds of heaven, which go forth from standing before the Lord of all the earth."
Yena a mphetola a re: "Tšeo ke diphefo tše nne tša legodimo di a tloga ge di seno rongwa ke Morena wa lefase lohle."
The Scriptures abound with declarations that God is faithful.
Mangwalo a Makgethwa a boletše e sa le pele gore Modimo o tla lokafatša baditšhaba ka tumelo.
unto thee? or hast thou seen the doors of the shadow of death?
Na o utolletšwe dikgoro tša lehu, Goba na o ka bona dikgoro tša moriti wa lehu?
We want to go with you to your people."
Re tla ya nago go batho ba geno."
Then he saw one of them running to him.
Daga se yãã wee go wara lay.
Tell your servants the dream, and we will interpret it.
Botša rena bahlanka ba gago toro yeo, rena re tla e hlatholla."
Tell your servants the dream, and we will interpret it.
Botša rena, bahlanka ba gago, toro ya gago, gomme re tla go hlathollela yona."
This is the city to be punished,
Ona motse o lokelwa ke kotlo,
And in the day of salvation I have helped you."
ke go thušitše ka letšatši la go go phološa."
Then he said, 'These are the two anointed who stand by the Lord of the whole earth.'"
Ke moka a re: "Ba ke batlotšwa ba babedi bao ba emego kgauswi le Morena wa lefase ka moka."
shall be bowed down, and the LORD alone shall be exalted in that day.
Medimo e tla timelela sa ruri, gomme gwa godišwa Morena fela tšatši leo.
His son said to him, "Father, I have sinned against God and against you.
Morwagwe a re go yena: 'Tate, ke fošeditše Modimo le wena.
Aren't you [plural 'you'] children of iniquity, seed of liars?
Na ga le bana ba karogo, yona peu ya maaka,
He asked: "Who made a mouth for man, or who makes them speechless, deaf, clear-sighted, or blind?
Ge a re'alo Jehofa a re go yena: "Ke mang a neilego motho molomo goba yo a dirago gore go be le dimumu goba difoa goba ba go bona gabotse goba difofu?
your graves, O my people, and brought you up out of your graves.
Lena setšhaba sa ka, baetapele ba lena ba a le timetša, ba le rarakanyetša ditsela.
But there was also a quarrel among them about which of them is considered the greatest.
Lega go le bjalo, gwa tsoga le ngangišano e šoro go bona mabapi le gore ke ofe yo a bego a bonala e le yo mogolo go bona ka moka.
son said to him, 'Father, I have sinned against God and against you.
Morwagwe a re go yena: 'Tate, ke fošeditše Modimo le wena.
Return to your Lord.
Na rejeeni kwa Mola wenu...
Therefore tell me the dream and the interpretation of it."
Ka gona mpotšeng toro le tlhathollo ya yona."
And do you know what the Gupt (secret) was?
Miyona Ka Bara To Sagwada
Now you are selling your own people, so that we can buy them back!"
Bjale le gapeletša batho ba gabolena gore ba ithekiše, gore le bona re tle re ba rekolle!"
Peace be on whoever has gone on the straight road.
O tsena khutšong; yo mongwe le yo mongwe yo a sepelago ka go loka o khutša lebitleng.
unbelievers will run to the
Kafirnya jago jago ya
At that time, your people will be spared - all who are found written in the book.
Mehleng yeo setšhabeng sa geno go tlo phološwa bao ba hwetšwago ba ngwadilwe pukung.
We cannot know all that the angels are doing today.
Re ka se tsebe dilo ka moka tšeo barongwa ba di dirago lehono.
Humans and angels are distinctly different orders in God's creation.
Batho le barongwa bao Modimo a ba hlodilego ba be ba ka kgona go kwa Modimo ka mo go phethagetšego.
So he said, "These are the two anointed ones, who are standing by the Lord of the whole earth."
Ke moka a re: "Ba ke batlotšwa ba babedi bao ba emego kgauswi le Morena wa lefase ka moka."