than for their Lord."
सिर्फ परवरदिगार से"

Indeed, for he who fears the punishment Of the Everlasting Life that is a sign.
जसलाई हार्न डर लाग्छ, उसको हार निश्चित छ।

On that day man shall cry, "Where is there a place to flee to?")
१०) त्यस दिन मानिसले भन्नेछ कि आज भागेर जाने ठाउँ कहाँ छ ?

the book of the book in which there is no doubt from the Lord of this world.
साहिल हो गई बल्ले बल्ले रब ने किते कम सवले

That they shall be made for his lord.
वे मेन रब्ब मनया तेनु पौं लाई

He will be pleased, surely.
करियै वहै उपाइ; मनै सुखु पाइयै ॥

abounds, we ought to thank God concerning you, but not to praise you,
९.हामी त केवल अल्लाहको प्रशन्नताको निम्ति तिमीलाई खुवाउँछौ, तिमीसित न कुनै पुरस्कार चाहन्छौं र न कृतज्ञता ज्ञापन ।

The punishment decreed assuredly overtook them early in the morning.
नौ बजे पुर्याइएकी उनलाई रातको एक बजेसम्म यातना दिइयो।

It awaits only My Lord's pleasure."
सिर्फ परवरदिगार से"

This scripture is sent down from god, the mighty and wise one.
१) यस किताबको अवतरण अल्लाह अत्यन्त अधिपत्यशाली, तत्वदर्शीको तर्फबाट हो ।

It is a promise He has made binding on Himself, but most people do not know it.
सम्पूर्ण प्रशंसा अल्लाहकै लागि हो, किन्तु कुरा यो छ कि उनीहरूमध्ये अधिकांशले बुझ्दैनन् ।

And how they came into existence.
उसो भए सृष्टि कसरी भयो होला त ?

Y: Except an old woman who was among those who lagged behind:
मगर जातिको लोककला

Stand in awe of your Lord.
रब तेरा हो राखा,

The likes of which had not been created in (other) cities,
न गाउँ जस्तो रह्यो न सहर नै बन्यो भन्ने जस्तो भइसक्यो ।

So, fear Allah and follow me.
१४४) अतः तिमी अल्लाहसित डर र मेरो कुरा मान ।

Say it is He Who has created you, and endowed
छ यो सृष्टि तिम्रै र संहार तिम्रै

They will be whispering among themselves: "You stayed no more than ten days in the world"
१०३) तिनीहरू आपसमा एक अर्कासित बिस्तारै भन्नेछन् कि हामी त (संसारमा) मात्र दश दिन बसेका थियौं ।

Then the angel said to them, "Do not be afraid, for behold, I bring you good
लूका २ः१० - अनि स्वर्गदूतले तिनीहरुलाई भनेः "नडराओ; किनभने हेर, म तिमीहरुलाई बढो आनन्दको

Ilyas was also from the messengers.
१२३) र "इलियास" पनि पैगम्बरहरूमध्येका थिए ।

believers to unbelievers.
र, उनले नलिए विपक्षीले अविश्वास लान पाउनेछन् ।

So did not benefit them whatever they used to earn (through their beliefs and deeds).
यसको अलाबा उनको कमाइको कुनै सहारा छैन ।

will be satisfied with the fatness of his house,
घरका मालिक सुखी थिए SAD बनेछ,

"This is the Fire which you used to deny.
१४) यही त्यो नर्कको आगो हो, जसलाई तिमीले असत्य ठान्दथ्यौ ।

"And put me not to shame on the Day of Resurrection."
'मलाई (कति दिनमा सरकार बन्छ भनेर) दिन भन्न नलगाउनुस् न ।

Let them then produce a recital like unto it if they speak the truth." (52:34) [7]
) यिनीहरूलाई भनिदिनु कि यदि (तिमी) सत्य छौ भने कुनै प्रमाण त पेश गर ।

But on the contrary, he belied (this Quran and the Message of Muhammad) and turned away!
२१) तर उसले झूठो भन्यो र अवज्ञा गर्यो ।

Even then We forgave you, so that you might be thankful."
५२) तर हामीले तिमीलाई त्यसपछि पनि क्षमा गरिदियौं, ताकि तिमी कृतज्ञ बन ।

We will make easy for him (the path to) ease (goodness).
हामीले उसलाई सहजता प्रदान गर्नेछौँ ।

And he said to them, "How do you not yet understand?"
उनले भने, 'तपाईंले एमालेले गरेको काम देख्नुभएको छैन ?

So (both of you) cast him into the severe punishment."
तिमीले दिएको यातनाको

And when the truth came to them, they said, 'this is a magic, and
३०) र जब उनीहरूको पासमा सत्य आयो त भन्नथालेः कि "यो त जादू हो ।

And the fifth (testimony) that the Wrath of Allah be upon her if he is one of the truthful (if he has spoken the truth).
लौ साँच्चै त हो त, भनेर (चाहिने) बगरमा (चाहिने) पाँच मुठी बालुवाको पूजा गरेर आफू ती (चाहिने) किनारमा नुहाउन गइन्।

Only the saying, "Peace, Peace."
सलाम साब भन्न मा मात्रै

Show me what they have created of the earth; or do they have partnership in the heavens?"
" मलाई देखाऊ कि उनीहरूले धरतीको कुनचाहिँ भाग सृष्टि गरेका छन् वा आकाशहरूमा उनीहरूको कुनै भागिदारी छ ?

The like of which was never created in the land.
न गाउँ जस्तो रह्यो न सहर नै बन्यो भन्ने जस्तो भइसक्यो ।

Now, O People, We have sent down to you a Book (The Qur'an) which deals with matters concerning yourselves; why don't you understand
१०) निःसन्देह हामीले तिमीतिर यस्तो किताब अवतरित गरेका छौं जसमा तिम्रो लागि सदुपदेश छ, के तिमीले तैपनि बुझ्दैनौ ?

Peace, that is until the awakening of the dawn.
यो पूर्ण शान्तिको (रात) हो र प्रातः कालको आगमनसम्म रहन्छ ।

"Your truth is that you are a creation of God.
ईश्वर तिम्रो सृष्टी पनि, झूठो नै हुने हो कि

Only the speech, "Peace, Peace!"
सलाम ठोकता केवल ख़ुदको

And certainly a continuous torment seized them in the morning.
नौ बजे पुर्याइएकी उनलाई रातको एक बजेसम्म यातना दिइयो।

He was truly one of Our faithful servants.
१२२) निश्चय नै ती दुवै हाम्रा ईमानवाला सेवकहरूमध्येका थिए ।

having been inspired by your Lord.
तेरे जिहना कोइ मुनु सोनह लागे रब दी

people deny that they will meet their Lord.
तर जनताले यस्को प्रत्याभु्त गर्न पाएनन् भन्ने गुनासो पनि सँगै उठ्दैछ ।

And We have bestowed upon thee the Seven Oft-repeated (verses) and
१२) र तिमीमाथि हामीले सातवटा सुदृढ आकाश निर्मित गर्यौं,

This is not hard for God.
२०) अल्लाहको लागि यो कार्य केही पनि कठिन छैन ।

And they have taken besides Allah gods, hoping that they might be helped.
७४) र उनीहरूले अल्लाहलाई छाडि अरुलाई पूज्य बनाउँछन् ताकि त्यसबाट उनीहरूलाई मद्दत पुगोस् ।

4 They will see his face.
4 तिनीहरुले उनको चेहेरा देख्नेछन्।

You are the creation and the creator.
तिमी सृष्टि कर्ता र भर्ता

They will say: 'Surely before this, we used to live in fear (of Allah's torment) in our homes.
२६) भन्नेछन्ः कि यसभन्दा पहिला हामी आफ्ना घरहरूमा (अल्लाहसित) धेरै डराउने तर्सने गर्दथ्यौं ।