Truly God loves those who are just."
Tassew, Alla jħobb lill-ġust."

He said, "You stayed for a hundred years.
Allah qal, "Pjuttost, inti baqgħu mitt sena.

It was he who, by God's hand, made Pharaoh the.
Dak li Alla se tagħmel, huwa żvelat li Pharaoh.

but I respited the unbelievers,
imma jien respited l unbelievers,

"Indeed, we have opened for you a clear opening."
"Tabilħaqq, Aħna fetħu għalik (Profeta Muhammad) ftuħ ċar,

Let the Right of Retribution be fulfilled."
Tirċievi l-ħlas fil-qawmien tal-ġusti!"

They believe that God is helping the Israelites, and they do not want to fight against God.
Dawn jemmnu li Alla qed jgħin lill-Iżraelin, u ma jridux jiġġieldu kontra Alla.

3:51 "God is my Lord and your Lord; you shall worship Him alone.
03:51 Allah hu Mulej tiegħi u Lord tiegħek, għalhekk, qima lilu.

Pharaoh, his army, perished in the tide.
Pharaoh, meta tkebbset wara serħan tiegħu,

"When He [the Comforter] is come, He will reprove the world of sin."
U meta huwa ġejjin, hu se reprove-dinja tad-dnub,

and sprinkled both the book itself and all the people,
u imbexxex kemm il-ktieb u l-poplu kollu,

[They] are also seven kings.
U huma wkoll is-seba' slaten.

Does anyone know what she is (Unsalvageable is the obvious).
Minn ja jaf ghaliex hux ?

Are they willing to come out of the safe,
hummmmmmmmmmm qu'entend je ?

These are on (true) guidance from their Lord: and these are the ones
Dawn huma ggwidati minn Lord tagħhom; dawn żgur huma l prosperi.

is There is a breed of cattle which does
Hemm xi annimal li tibzgha minnu ? ?

These are on a guidance from their Lord, and these are they who are
Dawn huma ggwidati minn Lord tagħhom; dawn żgur huma l prosperi.

Say: "My Lord knows best their number... "
Jgħidu: "Mulej tiegħi jaf aħjar in-numru tagħhom.

Rather, they said: "What are we to do, because this man [Jesus] performs many signs?"
Pjuttost, huma qalu: "X'se nagħmlu, għax dan ir-raġel [Ġesù] qed iwettaq ħafna sinjali?"

And God is Forgiving and Merciful" (Quran 66:1).
Alla huwa l-Pardoner, il Forgiver. "

These walk according to the direction of their Lord, and these are the blessed."
Dawn huma ggwidati minn Lord tagħhom; dawn żgur huma l prosperi.

3:11 Like the people of Pharaohs and those before them, they belied our Signs; then Allah seized them for their sins and Allah's punishment is severe.
03:11 Bħal nies Pharaoh u dawk quddiemhom li kkontradett rivelazzjonijiet tagħna; Allah maqbuda fil sinfulness tagħhom.

"[...] and do good; indeed, Allah loves the doers of good."
Kun malfatturi tajba; Allah iħobb l-malfatturi tajba.

"I know what he (Tim) and his family went through.
I]da ]gur li l-;img[a li g[addiet, g[alih u l-familja tieg[u

O Allah, fight the unbelievers who have been given the Book, You are the God of the Truth.'"
O Allah, ġlieda kontra l-unbelievers li ngħataw il-Ktieb, Inti l-Alla tal-Verità. ""

Verily He is the Tree of Life[5] which bringeth forth the fruits of God, the Exalted, the Powerful, the Great.
Fis-sew Huwa is-Siġra tal-Ħajja li tagħmel il-frott t'Alla, il-Għoli, il-Qawwi, il-Kbir.

And when he [the Holy Spirit] is come, he will reprove the world of sin....
U meta huwa ġejjin, hu se reprove-dinja tad-dnub,

3:11 Like the behaviour of the people of Fir'aun (Pharaoh) and those before them; they belied Our Ayat (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.), so Allah seized (destroyed) them for their sins.
03:11 Bħal nies Pharaoh u dawk quddiemhom li kkontradett rivelazzjonijiet tagħna; Allah maqbuda fil sinfulness tagħhom.

Is there an animal outside in it (i.e. the rain)?
Hemm xi annimal li tibzgha minnu ? ?

But the meek shall inherit the earth; and shall delight themselves in the abundance of peace (KJV)."
Imma l- ġwejdin se jirtu l- art, u bi sliem kotran jitgħaxxqu ferm."

He said: "He is very much aware.
Hu qal: "L-għarfien veru jkun abbundanti."

the twelfth month, which is the month of Adar,
minn tnax il-xahar li Alla mar jisilfek,

As for him who disbelieve, then verily, Allah is needless of the worlds" (3:97).
U kull min disbelieves, Allah huwa Rich, indipendenti ta 'l-dinjiet.

And what We have sent down before you.
U Messengers minnhom Għandna ħrejjef lilek qabel,

11; Like the people of the Pharaoh, and those before them, who rejected Our signs, and were punished for their sins by God; and the punishment of God is severe.
03:11 Bħal nies Pharaoh u dawk quddiemhom li kkontradett rivelazzjonijiet tagħna; Allah maqbuda fil sinfulness tagħhom.

Tell them:" To fight in that month is a great sin.
Jgħidu: "Li jiġġieled fil dan ix-xahar huwa gravi (reat);

3:11 Like habit of Pharaoh's people and those before them, they denied Our signs, so God punished them for their sins.
03:11 Bħal nies Pharaoh u dawk quddiemhom li kkontradett rivelazzjonijiet tagħna; Allah maqbuda fil sinfulness tagħhom.

(i.e. divorced her), We gave her to you in marriage, so that (in
Aħna taw tagħha għalik (Profeta Muhammad) fiż-żwieġ,

"Whoever prays to me once, then Allah will bless him ten times."
Kull min jitlob tberik fuqi darba, Allah blesses lilu għaxar darbiet.

Indeed those who disbelieved in God's signs, a severe punishment is for them.
Għal dawk li disbelieve fil-versi ta 'Allah, għalihom huwa kastig intensa.

Certainly We have prepared Hell for the entertainment of such unbelievers.
Aħna ppreparati Nar tisreġ għall-unbelievers.

With him are (L-R) Atty.
;abu ru[hom sewwa mieg[u.

These are truly guided by their Lord; these are truly saved.
Dawn huma ggwidati minn Lord tagħhom; dawn żgur huma l prosperi.

What God is about to do, he showed to Pharaoh.
Dak li Alla se tagħmel, huwa żvelat li Pharaoh.

Say: "I take refuge in the Master of humankind,
Say, "I jieħdu kenn mal-Mulej ta 'nies,

Thou art, verily, the Almighty, the Most Power ......
Twajjeb Mulej, int l-ogħla, tista' kollox,

and sprinkled both the book, and all the people,
u imbexxex kemm il-ktieb u l-poplu kollu,

Whoever seeks to be self-sufficient, Allah will make him self-sufficient."
U, kull min jixtieq paċenzja, Allah tagħtih paċenzja.

Thou art, verily, the Almighty, the Most Power ......
Twajjeb Mulej, Int l-ogħla, tista' kollox,

And whether or not it is clear to you; no doubt,
U jekk huwiex ċar għalik jew le, bla dubju l-uni-