Now instead, you ought to forgive and comfort him, so that he will not be overwhelmed by excessive sorrow.
7 La sẽn ya neer n yɩɩd moasã, yaa tɩ yãmb tog n kõ-a-la sugri, la y bels-a tɩ sũ-sãoong-kãseng da wa yõk-a, n kẽes-a pãn-komsem pʋg ye.
"On That Day, she will recount (all) her news'."
A rãnar nan, zã ta faɗi lãbãrinta.
: A slave (Muhammad (Peace be upon him)) when he prays?
Bãwã idan yã yi salla?
Certainly, then, shall not God cause justice to be done for his chosen ones who cry out to him day and night, even though he is long-suffering toward them?"
Dẽ, Wẽnnaam kõn sõng bãmb nin-tũusdsã sẽn zẽkd b koees wĩndg la yʋng n kot bãmbã sɩda?
Verily, We know what they conceal and what they profess (and they will be paid back in their own coins).
9 Bala, tõnd sẽn bãngdã, yaa wɛdg-wɛdga, la pĩnd-n-bãngr goamã d sẽn togsdã yaa wedse.
Enoch walked with God. - Genesis 5:22.
A Enok ra tũuda Wẽnnaam. - Sɩngre 5:22.
For all You have given,
All ye had to give ye gave,
I am among those believers.
Ne kam arỳm mebê akẽx ne mã tẽ.
or retain the knowledge of God as the Creator.
Wãn to la bũmb nins Wẽnnaam sẽn naanã wilgd t'a yamã ka koaka?
the faithful only, that is to say, of those who, uniting charity
wa mã kãna lanã alaykum min sultãn bal kuntum qawm (an) tãghĩn _
When they had come near him, he said: I am Joseph, your brother, whom you sold into Egypt.
La b sẽn kolgã, a yeel-b lame yaa: 'Mam yaa yãmb yao a Zozɛf yãmb sẽn koos tɩ b tall n wa Ezipt tẽngã.'
"Do not be afraid (command), for I am with you (promise)."
"Da zoe rabeem ye, bala, mam bee ne foom.
They know what they do not know.
Bãmb paoogda bũmb nins b sẽn ka mi.
There is nothing [of the word stauros] in the Greek of the N.T. even to imply two pieces of timber."
Baa fʋɩ pa be [Kãab Paalgã] gɛrk goamẽ wã meng sẽn kɩtd tɩ b tags raad a yiib [sẽn pɩgl taab] yell ye."
15:20), but the dead in sin they are dead even while they are alive (Matt.
15Wo ma -sẽ cã, ke ne wo wãnar luhu, wo cã ma yee, wa"a ngii ngii nar, ke ne le kai pye wa wo kẽ.
And when they were come near him, he said: a I am Joseph, your brother, whom you sold into Egypt.
La b sẽn kolgã, a yeel-b lame yaa: 'Mam yaa yãmb yao a Zozɛf yãmb sẽn koos tɩ b tall n wa Ezipt tẽngã.'
I love teaching them, mentoring and advising them."
Rẽ kɩtame tɩ m tõe n sagl-ba, n keng b raood la m zãms-ba."
And they have no Sabbath night and day, who worship the beast and his likeness, and whoever receives the mark of his name.
La wĩndg ne yʋngo, neb nins sẽn wõgemded rũngã ne a bõn-naandgã taoorã, la ned ning sẽn deeg-a yẽ yʋʋrã bãndã ka tol n tar vʋʋsem ye.
And it goes on to say: "At that day ye shall ask in my name."
La a yeel-b-la woto: "Badaare, yãmb na n kosa ne mam yʋʋre."
But today it is lawful to speak of the blessings that now exist among God's people!"
La rũndã-rũndã, b kõo tõnd sor tɩ d tõe n gom n wilg bark nins Wẽnnaam nin-buiidã sẽn zoe n paamdẽ wã.
He has heard that there are dissensions among the brothers there.
A ra wʋmame tɩ saam-biisã pa zemsd taab ye.
When they had done so, he said, "I am your brother Joseph, the one you sold into Egypt.
La b sẽn kolgã, a yeel-b lame yaa: 'Mam yaa yãmb yao a Zozɛf yãmb sẽn koos tɩ b tall n wa Ezipt tẽngã.'
And they tend to peak (for the year, again) in June.
Kỹ Topẽ tóg ẽg kanẽ jun mãn ke tũ nĩ ha.
and multiplying His people.
GhaM Ko BadnaaM Kar Gaye Aansu,
and warning).
So ye be warned,
So we are standing waves; we are no exception." [virtual dipoles].
Masã, tõnd pãng sɛɛme, tõnd ka tar dɩɩb ye, sã n ka mann-kãngã bala."
Certainly, then, shall not God cause justice to be done for his chosen ones who cry out to him day and night, even though he is long-suffering toward them?"
La Wẽnnaam kõn sõng bãmb nin-tũusdsa sẽn zẽkd b koees n kot bãmb wĩntoog ne yʋnga bɩ?
The Lord, the righteous Judge, will award it to me in that day.
Zu-soabã sẽn ya bʋ-kaood tɩrgã na n kõ-a-la maam da-kãngã.
Even the sinners do the same."
Bala, yel-wẽn maandbã me maanda a woto.
raise the hand against him).
Wa-y n tik-y yẽnda ne y nugu la a na n vʋʋgame.
For those who believe in monotheism,
wa mã kãna lanã alaykum min sultãn bal kuntum qawm (an) tãghĩn _
"Blessed is the one who keeps the prophecy of this book."
Bark bee ned ning sẽn sakd seb-kãngã bãngr goamã zugu.
There will be not a third party -
Nees nkaum yim Dudek ok -
[36.7] Certainly the word has proved true of most of them, so they do not believe.
7Lalle, haƙĩƙa, kalma (2) tã wajaba a kan mafi yawansu, dõmin sũ, bã zã su yi ĩmãni ba.
you, both of jinn and mankind - into the fire!"
Yef Y ne deye, thou gost to helle;
While they will be bearing their burdens on their backs.
Dil me lagi aag na bujh payegi,
inscribed in the Book of Life,
Lamhon ki ek kitaab hai ye zindagi,
"He said, 'My dad,' and teared up.
Hã kỹ ẽg tóg ti mỹ: "Aba," he tĩ, hã vỹ: "ẽg jóg," he mũ, ẽg vĩ ki.
The Phrase has become obligatoryupon most of them, yet they do not believe.
7Lalle, haƙĩƙa, kalma (2) tã wajaba a kan mafi yawansu, dõmin sũ, bã zã su yi ĩmãni ba.
(Except for those who believed Vyse, the Obvious Forger.
wa mã kãna lanã alaykum min sultãn bal kuntum qawm (an) tãghĩn _
Say, "if you were in my place,
say ye had; and if ye like to nay-say me when ye
Wax hardens the book and protects it from moisture.
Humko kisi kitaab me ye to nhn mila,
Muhammad (PBUH) brought the truth to all of mankind.
A Moiiz yeelame tɩ ned kam fãa wʋk a sẽn tõe n dɩ tɛka.
His name is inscribed on the wall [in Founder's Garden]."
Ra too ra roo ra laddiday.
Smite the Unbelievers
kau tu yg noob,dah kne delete la kafir
say, "Thou hast made us thou hast made us what we are; we are nothing without thee."
Re kã fi jẽ ag mré, kỹ ag tóg ũ jẽnẽg mũ, ti jé prẽr jé.
14 Joseph then sent for his father Jacob and his whole family, a total of seventy-five people.
14 Dẽ, a Zozɛf tʋmame tɩ b tɩ peeg a ba a Zakob ne b yirã rãmb fãa, b sõora taa bãmb pis-yopoe la a nu.
On the day when there will be no ancestors, no wealth and no sons (that
88"A rãnar da dũkiya bã ta amfãni, kuma ɗiya bã su yi."
So he said, 'A hundred [c]measures of wheat.'
Tɩ yẽ leok tɩ kood yond kobs-nu.
They will all know me, from the least of them to the greatest.
Sɩda, b fãa na n bãnga maam, sẽn sɩng ne sẽn ya-a bilfu, n yɩɩd bãmb sʋkã, tɩ ta sẽn ya-a kãseng n yɩɩdã.