What is there to marvel at or be amused about in the sight?"
Memangnyo ado lapek nan dibuek untuak dikakok-kakok atau dicaliak-caliak se?"

Get away from me, workers of iniquity."
Bakiroklah kalian dari siko, kalian nan suko mangarajokan karajo nan jahek!'"

I seek refuge with You from evil whispers, from confusion, from the trial of the grave, from the evil that takes place during the day or night, from the evil carried by the winds, and from the afflictions of the world.'"
Malin: Rancak Sutan: Alah juo kato ambo cako, Malin tibo mananti, ambo tibo baiyo kabakeh inyiak jo mamak baliau angku nantuo, bulek sagelek pipiah salayang lah dapek buah barinyo, alah buah barinyo kok siang jan bahabih hari malam jan bahabih minyak kok bana nantaragak paham nan takiro lah bana diansua rasonyo mah Malin, lah buah pambariannyo bakeh Malin.

"This will result in your being witnesses to them."
Minangkabau: Kutiko itulah masonyo di angku-angku, untuak mancuritokan Injil nan dari Allah.

to the Scriptures, Psalm).
ad Scripturas,

We know that God does not listen to sinners [i.e., when they pray]; but God does listen to the person who reveres Him and does what He wants.
31Kito lah samo-samo tawu, baraso Allah indak mampalakukan doh pintak urang nan badoso, nan dipalakukan adolah pintak urang nan saliah, nan suko mangarajokan nan katuju dek Allah.

will be saved, you and all your household.'"
Lah jaleh angkau ka salamaik -- angkau sarato jo kasadonyo urang nan di rumah angkau!"

Man is righteous (according to you).
wahai manusia,insaf lah kalain.

[17] so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.
17Jo Alkitab tu, urang nan malayani Allah dapek dilangkok-i sacaro samparono, untuak sagalo macam karajo nan baiak.

Owner does not have any knowledge of them other than they are present.
Bahkan para malaikat pun ndak ado punyo ilmu pengetahuan selain nan dititip'an padonyo.

Undoubtedly, the devil is your enemy.
Dek karano, ubilih adolah musuah angku-angku.

The Devil and his angels were cast down to the earth.
Inyo dibuwang ka bumi sarato jo sagalo malekaiknyo.

"This is how it will be with anyone who stores up things for himself, but is not rich towards God."
Minangkabau: Bakcando itulah jadinyo satiyok urang nan mangaja arato untuak dirinyo sorang, tapi indak ba usawo untuak manjadi kayo di mato Allah."

We know there's only One Allah (One God).
Kito lah tawu pulo baraso Allah hanyo satu; indak ado doh nan lain.

Are you greater than our father, Abraham, who is dead?"
53Jikok Nabi Ibrahim sandiri lah mati, baitu pulo, kasadonyo nabi-nabi nan lain lah bi mati pulo, jadi, nan Angkau ko, siya Angkau nan sabananyo?

he who walks in darkness does not know where he is going."
Urang nan bajalan di nan kalam, indak tantu doh nan ka dipijakkannyo.

I ascend unto MY FATHER, and YOUR FATHER; and to MY GOD, and YOUR GOD."
Nan ma aromaik-i Ambo adolah Bapak Ambo, Baliau tu nan angku-angku anggap sabagai Tuhan Allah angku-angku,

"But it was Solomon who built the house for him.
Minangkabau: Tapi Nabi Sulaimanlah nan mambuwek rumah, nan ka untuak Allah tu.

He himself was not the Light -he came only as a witness to the Light.
Minangkabau: Indak inyo doh, nan tarang tu, inyo hanyo sakadar mambaritokan.

Your god (s) will not save you.
Tuhan kalian jo indak bisa manyalamaik an

And the reason is that they do not believe
Liek, dek adiak, kok indak picayo

Or the Prophet's companions (may Allah be pleased with them)
ataupun utusan

Therefore, as it is written: "Let Him who boasts boast in the Lord."
Minangkabau: Jadi, bakcando nan lah tatulih di Alkitab, "Urang nan niyo nak ka mamanggak-manggak, mako andaklah inyo mamanggakkan, apo nan lah dipabuwek dek Tuhan ka dirinyo."

And we truly are God's Children.
Batua, kito adolah anak-anak Allah.

God does not know of any sin that He does not hate.
Urang nan babuwek jahek alun tawu jo Allah.

him that he would not die; rather, "If I want him to remain until I come, what is that to you?"
Padohal, Baliau indak mangatokan, baraso pangikuik tu indak ka mati doh, nan Baliau katokan hanyolah: "Santano jikok Ambo namuah, mako inyo ko bisa ka tatap iduik, sampai tibo masonyo Ambo babaliak isuak, nan itu biyalah Ambo sajo nan ma uruihnyo."

that God's promise is true.
janji allah benar.

By my servants.
dari hamba-Ku

{3} And they reasoned among themselves, saying, It is because we have no bread.
Pangikuik-Nyo bi mangatokan, "Mangkonyo Angku Guru mangecek bakcando itu, dek karano kito indak punyo roti."

until the day of the deadline.
Hingga tiba kala sang hari.

and say, "We got Manny!"
Gw: "Kami (aku) lah punyo (punya) laki bang!"

And the angel said to her, "Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God.
30Mako malekaik tu bakato ka inyo, "Jan takuik, Siti Maryam, dek karano angkau adolah urang nan manyanangkan ati Allah.

now you are also a son of Abraham.
Angku-angku sandiri adolah anak-anak Allah, nan dilayiekan dek karano janji Allah; angku-angku samo jo bakcando Nabi Ishak.

dedicated to other than Allah.
Balain bana jo makhluk Allah nan lain.

'Jesus said, "For a brief time still, the light is among you.
35Isa Almasih manjawab, "Hanyo sakutiko sajo, Tarang tu barado di antaro angku-angku.

It contained all kinds of four footed animals, as well as reptiles of the earth and birds of the air.
12Di dalamnyo ado sagalo rupo binatang nan bakaki ampek, sagalo binatang nan manjala, sarato jo buruang-buruang liya.

You have the right to dispute those charges if they turned out to be fraudulent."
+Sanak dapek maabaikan pasan iko jikok akun iko dibuek karano suatu kasalahan.',

the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful).
Dangan manyabuik namo Allah nan Maha Pamurah jo Maha Panyayang.

He himself was not the Light -he came only as a witness to the Light.
8Indak inyo doh, nan tarang tu, inyo hanyo sakadar mambaritokan.

For they loved the PRAISE of Men, more than the PRAISE of God.
Minangkabau: Inyo labiah suko manarimo pujian dari manusia, daripado manarimo kasiah dari Allah.

I seek refuge with You from evil whispers, from confusion, from the trial of the grave, from the evil that takes place during the day or night, from the evil carried by the winds, and from the afflictions of the world.'"
Sutan: Alah juo kato ambo cako, Malin tibo mananti, ambo tibo baiyo kabakeh inyiak jo mamak baliau angku nantuo, bulek sagelek pipiah salayang lah dapek buah barinyo, alah buah barinyo kok siang jan bahabih hari malam jan bahabih minyak kok bana nantaragak paham nan takiro lah bana diansua rasonyo mah Malin, lah buah pambariannyo bakeh Malin.

But they did not understand what He meant and were afraid to ask Him about it.
32Tapi pangikuik-pangikuik Baliau, indak mangarati doh tantang apo nan di ajakan dek Isa Almasih, ka batanyo, inyo bi takuik.

Al-Mustapha: The compassionate, the merciful
karunah = merciful;

7 The world can't hate you.
7Dunia ko indak ka mungkin doh banci jo kalian.

Moses and the Prophets are tied together.
Kitab-kitab Nabi Musa sarato jo kitab nabi-nabi lah manunjuakkan caro nan ka ditampuah,

and ask for forgiveness
mintak ampun ateh sagalo doso

[niv] so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.
Inyo disadiyokan untuak ka dipagunokan di satiyok karajo nan baiak.

They were in a land of their own creation.
"Dek inyo mambantuak KAN (Kerapatan Adat Nagari) di Nagarinyo ciek lai.

"It is a city where, by and large, there is a live and let [live] attitude here."
" 'Elazığ " ' adolah sabuah kotokota nan ado di [[Provinsi]] [[Provinsi Elazığ_Elazığ]], [[Turki]].

Do this in remembrance of me").
Pabuwek pulolah nan bakcando iko isuak, untuak mangana-ngana-i Ambo."