I am really an obvious warner from Him to you."
Ko ahau he mārama Warner ki a koutou i a ia.
2:209 Then if you slide back after the clear signs (Prophet Muhammad, and this Qur'an and Islam) have come to you, then know that Allah is All-Mighty, All-Wise.
2: 209 Ki te mōnehu koe hoki i muri i te mau irava mārama e kua tae mai ki a koutou, e mohio ana e Allah, ko te Kaha Rawa, ko te whakaaro nui.
Allah is the Arabic word for the Creator of Universe.
Allah Ko te kupu Arabic mo te Kaihanga
if I have eaten its fruit without paying for it, and caused its owners to die,
39 Ki te mea i kainga e ahau ona hua, he mea kihai i utua, a naku ranei ona ariki i mate ai,
38 But God gives it a body as He pleases (i.e. judgment), and to each seed its own body.
38 E hoatu ana hoki e te Atua ki taua kakano he tinana, ko tana i pai ai, a ki tenei kakano, ki tenei kakano, tona ake tinana.
Had I remained in prison like Joseph, I would have answered the summons."
Ki te noho ahau i roto i te whare herehere rite Hohepa, e kua ahau ka whakahoki nga karanga. "
when the patience of God was waiting in the days of Noah,
tatari ana te manawanui o te Atua i nga ra a Noa, i te mea e
sympathy with the disbelievers.
whakamanamana i runga i te hunga whakaponokore.
{9:18} Therefore, he takes pity on whomever he wills, and he hardens whomever he wills.
¶ Tera tetahi kei te rui, a tapiritia mai ana ano; tera tetahi kei te kaiponu i te mea e tika ana, heoi rawakore noa iho.
If he has any doubt [about Islam], it is explained to him.
Ki te he te kaitirotiro tetahi feaa, kia kōrero ia i te tohunga o te taura waea.
12 He who smites a man, so that he dies, shall surely be put to death.
12 Ki te patu tetahi i te tangata kia mate, me tino whakamate ano ia.
He hardens whom He wills, and He has mercy on whom He wills.
Tera tetahi kei te rui, a tapiritia mai ana ano; tera tetahi kei te kaiponu i te mea e tika ana, heoi rawakore noa iho.
therein are the signs for those who fear.
Hei tāna, i reira ngā tohu, ā e tika ana me wehi ki a ia.
[15] And every open vessel, which has no cover fastened upon it, is unclean.
15 Ko nga oko katoa ano e puare kau ana, kahore nei i herea te taupoki, ka poke.
15 And Moses said to them, "Have you saved all the women alive?
15 Na ka mea a Mohi ki a ratou, Kua whakaorangia e koutou nga wahine katoa?
Say: the truth came and the falsehood does not initiate (anything) and it does not return.
Na aki ia ia o ratou i mea, 'Kua tae mai te pono, me te kore ano teka ka tīmata e kore hoki ano.'"
Allah is able to do whatever he wills, but at the same time he never wills to do anything that would take him out of the status of being God.
Ka taea e te Atua mahi i te mea e hiahia ana ia. e kore e whai ia ki te whakahoki kupu ki te tangata no te mea he tino, me te tapu ia.
He said, "Is this not the Day of Sacrifice?"
Na ka mea ia, 'He kore reira te Day o te patunga tapu?'
God accepts his prayer and after that date, he has nine children.
Whakaae Allah tona inoi, me rite nga tau haere i ia ki tana e pai ai nui, e iwa atu tama.
And say, 'The truth has come, and falsehood has vanished.
"Atu: 'Kua tae mai te pono, me te kua ngaro teka.
(1) Be merciful to those who doubt.
1:22 Ko etahi ano tohungia, e ruarua tonu nei nga whakaaro.
Say, "The Truth has come; and in no way (can) untruth start (anything) and in no way (can) it bring back (anything)."
Na aki ia ia o ratou i mea, 'Kua tae mai te pono, me te kore ano teka ka tīmata e kore hoki ano.'"
There is no fear of God (Verse 18).
Kahore he mataku ki te Atua (Irava 18).
A man can surely do what he wills to do, but cannot determine what he wills.
Ka taea e te Atua mahi i te mea e hiahia ana ia. e kore e whai ia ki te whakahoki kupu ki te tangata no te mea he tino, me te tapu ia.
I call unto them and they stand up together.
Ka karanga ahau ki a ratou, a ka tu ngatahi ratou.
And Allah will give reward to those who are grateful."
Allah ka utu i te whakawhetai. "
patience, for God is with those who persevere.
Kia manawanui - ko Allah ki te hunga e manawanui.
38 The covenant that I have made with you, you shall not forget, and you shall not fear other gods.
38 Kaua hoki e wareware ki te kawenata i whakaritea e ahau ki a koutou; kaua hoki e wehi ki nga atua ke;
12 Before destruction the heart of a man is haughty, And before honor [is] humility.
12I mua ake o te whakangaromanga ka whakakake te ngakau o te tangata; i mua ake ano hoki o te honore ko te ngakau papaku.
Such is the recompense of disbelievers" (9:25-26).
Taua ko te utu o te hunga whakaponokore. "
And the infidels say, ""This is a magician, a liar.
Mea nga whakaponokore, 'Ko te makutu teka tenei.
12 Thy vows are upon me, O God: I will render thank-offerings unto thee.
12 Kei ahau nga kupu taurangi ki a koe, e te Atua: me tuku e ahau nga whakamoemiti ki a koe.
I call unto them and they STAND up together.
Ka karanga ahau ki a ratou, a ka tu ngatahi ratou.
of their power, but how long they will be able to do so is doubtful.
Ko te mea matua, ko to ratou kaha ki te feaa, tohi ia
HE enlarges the provision for whomsoever HE pleases and straitens it for whomsoever HE pleases.
¶ Tera tetahi kei te rui, a tapiritia mai ana ano; tera tetahi kei te kaiponu i te mea e tika ana, heoi rawakore noa iho.
God in His supreme power does what He pleases.
roto i tana mahanga, hei mahi i tana e pai ai.
Half of the earth is ours, and half belongs to the Koraysh, even though they are sinners."
Hawhe o te whenua he tatou, me te hawhe no ki te Koraysh, ahakoa he hunga hara ratou. "
"Be merciful to those who doubt (Jude 1:22)."
1:22 Ko etahi ano tohungia, e ruarua tonu nei nga whakaaro.
Say: 'This is a tick.'
Mau e ki ake, "ko te ngako tena,
Muhammad the best of all that You are asked for until the Day of Rising.
Na ka hoatu e Muhammad te pai o te katoa e ka te ui koe mo tae noa ki te Day o raa. "
And Noah: Oh, he cocked one eye, said: "It looks like rain, I think.
Na ka titiro a Noa ki a ia, ka mea, "Ka rite ki te ua, ki taku whakaaro,
12 He that smites a man, so that he dies, shall surely be put to death.
12 Ki te patu tetahi i te tangata kia mate, me tino whakamate ano ia.
all the signs, first of the destruction of the House of the Lord,
nga tohu katoa, tuatahi o te whakangaromanga o te Whare o te Ariki,
Thus, they wait for those who are worthy.
Kei te tatari rātou ki te tangata mau miraka.
But God gives it a body as He pleases, and to each seed its own body.
38 E hoatu ana hoki e te Atua ki taua kakano he tinana, ko tana i pai ai, a ki tenei kakano, ki tenei kakano, tona ake tinana.
40 Then he said to them, "Why are you afraid?af Do you still have no faith?"
40 Katahi ia ka mea ki a ratou, He aha ta koutou e mataku nei? he aha koutou te whakapono ai?
When I had waited, (for they did not speak, but stood still, [and] answered no more);
Tatari noa ahau, a kihai nei ratou i korero; heoi tu ana ratou, kahore ake a ratou kupu i whakahoki atu ai;
"O child of Adam, I asked you for food, but you did not feed Me."
'Te tama a Arama, ka ui ahau ki a koutou mo te inu, a kihai i hoatu e koe ki te inu ahau.
4Â I will answer thee, and thy companions with thee.
4 Maku e whakahoki he kupu ki a koe, ki a koutou ko ou hoa.
And say: "The truth has come, and the false has vanished."
"Atu: 'Kua tae mai te pono, me te kua ngaro teka.