to stray, and they will have no helpers.
ny mahantra mitaraina izy sy ny ory tsy manan-kamonjy;

God gives what He wishes.
nomen'Andriamanitra azy izay niriny.

On the Day when We fold the heaven, like the folding of a book.
"Amin'izany andro izany, toy ny hangoronana ny soratra no handrodananay ny lanitra (ho eo ampelatananay).

all of them unto me as Sodom, and the inhabitants thereof as Gomorrah.
Eny, izy rehetra dia tonga tahaka an'i Sodoma raha amiko, ary ny mponina ao dia

They had Peter and John brought before them and began to question them: "By what power or what name do you do this?"
Ary rehefa nataony teo ampovoany izy roa lahy, dia nanontaniany hoe: Fahefana manao ahoana, na anarana manao ahoana, no nanaovanareo izany? ka nasainy nentina teo anatrehany izy roa lahy, dia nanontaniany hoe: Amin' ny fahefan' iza, na amin' ny anaran' iza no anaovanareo izany?

The Time of God is near.
Efa akaiky dia akaiky ny fotoana hamonoan'Andriamanitra ny mpanao ratsy.

Or shall we recall the parable of the two men who went to pray?
Sa mitaky ny fanaovantsika ireo zavatra roa loha ireo ny tena fivavahana marina?

He could not do any miracles there, except lay his hands on a few sick people AND HEAL THEM.
Ary tsy nahazo nampiseho hery akory Izy teo, afa-tsy ny nametraka ny tànany tamin'ny olona marary vitsy foana ka nahasitrana azy.

These are indeed the inheritors who shall inherit the Firdaus, they shall dwell therein forever."
tamin'ny famolaina; Handova izany mandrakizay ireo ary hitoetra ao

faith and of the good teaching that you have followed.
finoana sy ny fampianarana tsara izay efa narahinao.

"But if ye say, We will not dwell in this land, neither obey the voice of the Lord your God,"
Tsy hijanona eto amin'ity tany ity izahay!," ka tsy mankatò ny tenin'i Jehovah Andriamanitrareo ianareo,+

And in the fifth year you may eat its fruit, that it may yield its increase: I am the LORD your God."
25 fa amin'ny taona fahadimy vao hihinana ny voany ianareo, mba hitomboan'ny fahavokarany ho anareo: Izaho no Jehovah Andriamanitrareo.

And he (Yaakov) stayed with him (Laban) for a month.
Ary nitoetra teo aminy iray volana maninjitra Jakoba.

And seeing him, they worshiped, but they doubted.
<17Nony nahita azy izy ireo, izay nisalasala taloha, dia nitsaoka azy. >

" Sing to the Lord, for He has done excellent things; this is known in all the earth."
Mihirà ho an' ny Tompo fa nanao zava-mahagaga izy; ka aoka ho fantatra any amin' ny tany rehetra izany!

They will be in (Hell) forever.
ka hanana izany mandrakizay ireo;

So they wait for naught but the way of the ancients.
afa-tsy amin' ny razana miandry azy,

And the home of the Hereafter is best for those who fear Allāh; then will you not reason?
fa, indro, tsara indrindra izany; moa mbola mijanonjanona ihany va ianareo?

And now, O man, remember, and perish not (emphasis added).
Ary ankehitriny, Rey olona ô, tsarovy, ary aoka tsy ho faty.

We need mercy on the Day of Judgment.
Mila famindram-po isika amin'ny andro fitsarana.

Stay with them until you leave (that place).
Mitoera ao aminy mandra-pialanareo (eo amin'ilay vohitra)

and Joseph's hand shall close your eyes."
tokoa ary ny tànan'i Josefa no hanirina ny masonao.

12 The [do]righteous one considers the house of the wicked,
12Dinihin'ny marina ny tranon'ny ratsy fanahy;

I just got him today and he already seems to love his new home!
Vao nahazo azy aho androany ary toa efa tiany ny tranony vaovao!

Lot invited the angels (who looked like men) to spend the night at his house.
Nanasa ireo anjely i Lota (izay toa lehilahy) nandry tao an-tranony alina.

Prophet Noah called on his people for centuries.
Niantso ny vahoakany ho amin'ny fivavahan'Andriamanitra nandritry ny 950 taona ny Mpaminany Noa.

Many say of my soul, There is no help for him in his God.
Maro no milaza ny fanahiko hoe: tsy manam-pamonjena amin' Andriamanitra izy.

The king said to me (and the queen was also sitting by him), "How long will your journey take, and when will you return?"
Ary hoy ny mpanjaka tamiko: "Haharitra hafiriana ny dianao, ary rahoviana ianao no hiverina?"

I'm human, so I look at Instagram every twenty minutes.
Olombelona aho, noho izany dia mijery Instagram isaky ny roa-polo minitra.

Sadly, many angels rebelled against God.
Mampalahelo fa betsaka ny anjely nikomy tamin'Andriamanitra.

[9] If ten people remain in one house, then they will die.
9 Ary raha folo lahy sisa no ao amin'ny trano iray, dia ho faty koa ireo.+

Read more about The Suffering of the Righteous
Read more about Ny amin'ny fijalian' ny marina

be said in that day, Lo, this is our God; we have waited for him,
amin'izany andro izany hoe: Indro Andriamanitsika, izay nandrasantsika

Elevated to the Prophet's household she had the title of 'mother of the believers'.
Rehefa nasandratra tamin'ny laharan'ny fianakavian'ny Mpaminany izy dia nanjary "Renin'ny mpino."

The apostles were motivated primarily by the desire to please God in all that they did.
Ny faniriana hahafaly an'Andriamanitra eo amin'izay rehetra ataony no antony voalohany indrindra nanosika ny apôstôly.

There will be an attack on God's people.
Hotafihina ny vahoakan'Andriamanitra.

Every day turn back to God.
Ny fibebahana dia ny fiverenana amin'Andriamanitra isan'andro.

Not one word of them has failed.'"
Tsy nisy tsy tanteraka na iray aza."

wait, surely we are waiting (also).
isika, ka miandry vonjy; andevo isika, ka miandry mpanafaka.

And they prepared their children to be worthy to be called by the Lord to teach, to testify, and to serve in other parts of His vineyard.
Ary nanomana ny zanany izy ireo mba ho mendrika ny ho antsoin'ny Tompo hampianatra, hijoro ho vavolombelona ary hanompo any amin'ny faritra hafa ao amin'ny tanim-boalobony.

The miracle is done if you will believe."
Andriamanitra dia hanao fahagagana hafahafa amin'ny alàlan'ity torolàlana ity raha toa ka mino ianao.

and to offer a sacrifice in keeping with what is said in the Law of the Lord: "a pair of doves or two young pigeons. "
2:24 ary mba hanatitra fanatitra, araka izay voalaza ao amin'ny lalàn'ny Tompo, "Domohina na zana-boromailala roa."

Allah loves those who do what is Beautiful."
Ary tian'Andriamanitra ny mpanao ny tsara."

Is there a place at the house of your father for us to spend the night?"
Ary misy azonay atoriana ve ao an-tranon-drainao?"

[9] If ten people remain in one house, then they will die.
Ary raha hisy folo lahy sisa ao an-trano iray, dia samy ho faty ireo.

And the entire army of heaven was standing beside him, to the right and to the left.
Ary ny rehetra eny amin'ny lanitra dia nitsangana teo anilany,, ho amin'ny ankavanana sy any amin'ny ankavia.

your brethren the prophets, and of those who keep the words of this book.
mpaminany rahalahinao sy izay mitandrina ny teny amin'ity boky ity;

How do they (the establishment) get away with it?
Tena hafahafa tokoa!

Ask yourself, 'Could it be that God is using them to reach out to me?'
Mieritrereta àry hoe: 'Sao dia ry zareo àry no ampiasain'Andriamanitra mba hitaomana ahy hanatona azy?'

They also called upon others to help them fulfill the Lord's command.
Niantso olona hafa koa izy ireo mba hanampy azy ireo hanatanteraka ny baikon' ny Tompo.