and striking out seven in his appearance for the day.
Kuo tik tuos septenis dīnys naījam sevī, ka tai padūmuot!"
"[W]hatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven."
Un kū tu sasīsi vērs zemes, tys byus sasīts ari dabasūs, un kūtu atraiseisi vērs zemes, tys byus atraiseits ari dabasūs" (Mt.
Then many of the Jews who had come to Mary and had seen what Jesus had done believed in him.
Tod daudzi nu jūdim, kas beja atnōkuši pi Marijas un redzēja, kū jys izdareja, īticēja jam.
"And whatsoever you shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatsoever you shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven."
Un kū tu saisteisi vērs zemes, tys byus saisteits ari dabasūs; un kū tu atraiseisi vērs zemes, tys byus atraiseits ari dabasūs" (Mt.
None is higher than another.
Nazadzenīs augstuoks par cytim byut,
When a man is clothed in righteousness he is impregnable.
Kod cylvākam lobuo rūka nīz, tod pīzīmēj, ka jis
So too is knowledge (and knowledge is power).
Ari raunūtīs piec zynuošonu.
Which means that they put Faith (pretending to know things they do not know) ahead of Knowledge.
Ticīs, ka īgiutuos zynuošonys vēļ koč iz breidi paliks pruotā!
And by your side we will reign on the earth.
Un zemeiti valdeisim sovu.
Those who provided guidance and direction.
orientuotu orientuotais orientuota orientuotom, orientuotomis,
And the angels, they, the shining ones
Un eņģeļu pulkus aiz muokūnim suortim,
At night there is an abundance of stars on a clear night.
I cytys zvaigznis kreit naktīs nu myužeibys tuoļuos,
They ask for prayers for perseverance in the face of persecution.
Nu tai jī ir aizsprausti, tai kai lai sorgoj muoju nu nagaisim.
And all of them are misleading.
I vysys nataisneibys munys teirej.
Your life is your own, and you are still deciding."
Tu pats nūsoki sovu dzeivi, i vaira nav nikuo, kas byutu jau nūsaceits."
When the trouble lessens, so do the prayers.
Jo pataiseji lūgu, tod ari styklus īlīc.
or understanding of what they are dealing with.
Voi var īsadegt par tū, kū jī vuica.
Do you understand them at all?"
Vai jyus tū vysu saprotot?"
"And with many such parables He was speaking the word to them as they were able to hear it; and He did not speak to them without a parable."
Un Jys tim sludynōja vōrdu ar daudzom taidom leidzeibom, cik tī spēja klausetīs, un bez leidzeibom Jys tim nikō nastōsteja.
It is in their genes (genotype).
Tī dieli [grupā] ir ar sovu izlīkumu.
I certainly will not leave you now."
Niu es nu tevis ni nūst naatsastuošūs."
They will be grateful for it.
Un zemnīks byus pateiceigs.
Knowledge is better than ignorance."
Reits byus gudruoks par vokoru."
The Jews said, "It took forty-six years to build this temple!
Bet jūdi saceja: "Četrudesmit sešus godus tyka calta šei svētneica.
Whoever manages to overcome it, will be a worthy winner."
Kas tū akmeni pacels, tys byus uzvarējis."
the blunders of the sinners.
Sjav nūpynu vaiņuceņi;
that it seems right [to whom?] that one [who?] ought to speak about the
Cik ir tūs, kas runoj atklõti,
The life is better when you are shredded
Vēl skaistuoka, kod nūpļauta;
Give me some wine, and let me speak a little!"
Dūd man vīnu kugi un dūd ari montu, ar kū tierguotīs."
But anyone who lives by[fn] the truth comes to the light, so that his works may be shown to be accomplished by God."[fn]
Bet, kas dora patīseibu, tys tyvojās gaismai, lai atsaklōtu jō dorbi, jo tī ir Dīvā dareiti."
He said: "We are keeping a very close eye on him.
Jei atbiļd: "Jiusim cīši lobys acs."
For he comes forth from of old, from ancient times.
Un jō izceļsme nu seņsenim laikim, nu myužeibas dīnom.
Let your will take place, as it is in heaven, also upon earth.
Tova vaļa lai nūteik kai debesīs, tai ari viers zemis.
On the same day you must present a guilt offering ('asham')."
Tys naboltā dīnā tev paleidzēs."
And anyone who denies it is denying the truth.
noliejasses noliejàssem noliejàsseu noliejassen val, bal (1)
Then they made their excuses and walked away.
Tad jī atsasvaicynuoja un izzaškeira.
THE ANCIENT VIRTUOUS ONES were people in the past with virtue in the Way.
Sen senejūs laikūs tai beja, ka varēja cylvāka puorluodēt [nolādēt].
Whether they listen or not, they must know that there is a prophet among them.
Bet jī vai klauseisīs, vai ari nasaklauseisīs, jo tei ir dumpeiga tauta - tūmār zynōs, ka jūs vydā ir pravīts.
They had no faith in what they want to accomplish.
Bet tī nagribieja ticēt un vysys cereibys lyka iz laiku.
Lie to me, lie to me...
tu man meluoji, meluoji...
from right to left, and others from left to right.
Cytai ruļs kreisā, cytai lobā pusē.
they said, "Hide, watch and see."
Jys tim saceja: "Nōcit un redzēsit."
Indeed, out of this world!
Ni nu ituo pasauļa, uorpus juo.
enter in at the mouth, but by those which proceed out of it.
Atej, kod vuordi īt lānai, bez steigys,
and earth and the sea and all the heavenly bodies.
Caur Jū myusūs Zemes i Dabasu lītas, vyss vysums savīnuots!
No Town House in the city,
Piļsāta naīpazeitõ,
If not, then reject those that are false.
noliejàs noliejassis noliejàs noliejàssim noliejàssiu noliejassin bal
That I may possess the knowledge of the All-Holy.
Un es zynōtu vysus nūslāpumus, vysas zineibas īgyutu.
I wish you the best in recovery,
Gribi atdūšu tev duorguokū,
(Not for your children to enter, of course, but to put in some of their sea-life creatures.)
Nūzīgums pret tim, kas tevi audzynuojuši, veiduojuši, naīlikt tuoļuok sovūs bārnūs jūs īlyktū.