they are punished by the Lord for their transgressions."
as tied van heur straf der heer is, stroekeln ze

Allah is All-forgiving.
Allah is vergevingsgezind!

The Wait is (Sort Of) Over!
Och daer om Is den mensch ver wachtende

What were the Children of Israel to do carefully?
Was waere wenn Israel unser Nachbar waere?

Firaun (Pharaoh) said: And what is the Lord of the worlds?
Pharao zeide: "En wie is de Heer derWerelden?"

and eat of it,[1] and eat;
(gij) eet leeg (gij) at leeg

Who takes care of them in their creation?
En wie sjteit ut met de creatie?

Guide them and sustain them all in their endeavors.
Voer ze op rechte paân, bestuur gans hun lot.

He came down from Heaven: with which is reprinted The forgiveness of sins
Och of de hemel dat berouw zich liet behaegen,

And call upon him in prayer.
En bid hem in der waerheid aen!

Who is a friend and who is an enemy.
wie vijand is en wie vriend,

which allows him to become a god or a creator.
Dat mot God den Heer wâl vergèten höbben te maken of te veul geschapen höbben!'

We were doing (sings) Holy Moses.
We ware bij Mòsse (Maas) gebleve.

We do not know whether God revealed it to them, or whether they had to figure it out for themselves.
Wij wiese bè God nie wè dè waare, waor ze vendaon kwaamen of waor ze vur diende, die lappe meej al dè bloed der aon.

Said, "your friend today is your friend.
want wie vandaag je vriend is

their deeds upon the earth.'
hunne euveldaden in de landen van Overmaas pleegden,

Allah will recompense them for their fabrications.
waer méde God de kwaede volgens hunne werken loont:

She said: "He scared me.
En ze zag: 'ich bin neet bang,

deliver us from Gehenna; that by the prayers of the mother of God, Mary,
Bidt veur ons by uwen Soone, O Maria bidt veur ons.

To all of the believers;
For all believers (woah woah woah)

Allah is all-forgiving.
Allah is vergevingsgezind!

This is an unpalatable truth,
Want het es eene gherechte scult,

by the way that you love one another."
zie, hoezeer gij elkander bemint"

Then the heavens opened up, and a downpour began.
Este sterre aan de hemel fônkelde , dan woor öt good waer.

11Not so those who are steadfast and do good deeds: they will have forgiveness and a great reward.
11 Derjch dän es dien Deena jewoarnt; un enn dän jehuarsaum senne es doa grootet Loon.

God is the great and mighty liberator.
Godt is almachtich die den boosdoender haet

Allah oversees all things."
Want de Heer ziet alle dingen!

God is watching over all things.
Want de Heer ziet alle dingen!

Basically, it can be accurately translated as "and the Lord God created [or formed]" or "and the Lord God had created [or had formed]."
Dat mot God den Heer wâl vergèten höbben te maken of te veul geschapen höbben!'

He who conquers himself is strong."
wie zichzelf overwint is machtig."

of forgiveness of sin.
de vergeving vaan de zonde,

to in the verse are the Arabian idol-worshippers, while all
O blinde Arabers, waert ghy wijs!

but do not look to the Holy One of Israel nor seek the LORD!"
Siet de bewaerder Israel en slaept noch en sluymert niet.

the Law of Moses, the servant of God, have been
Ten waer dat Moses sijnen knecht,

Then we have the intercession of Moses.
We ware bij Mòsse (Maas) gebleve.

Therefore, if there are angels, then there are indeed demons.
angels, if there be angels we are angels,

You will make it with the right guidance.
Wie waere es wuerdest du nun richtig routen:

"Seeing yet they do not see.
maer up hen zelven zien zi niet,

And that, indeed, has been awesome (thank you).
Das waer super danke

For all the believers,
For all believers (woah woah woah)

(Nearest to you in your town).
Daer uwe stad meê is vereert,

And God (Allah) is the All-Forgiving.
Allah is vergevingsgezind!

How do I begin my journey with God?"
Wie begin ich mien nuuj reis mèt God?"

The ThamiZha!
mit dem tôde ouch sterben,

The Lord God is the Mighty Healer.
Godt is almachtich die den boosdoender haet

Call out to him in prayer.
En bid hem in der waerheid aen!

The sky is the limit as to what you cam put in them.
Dees Hemel zelf de Hel die gij verzint;

God will reward them for their doings.
waer méde God de kwaede volgens hunne werken loont:

Are you that deluded?"[3]
Doej de veurdeure dan ZÓ lös?'

I will give them an everlasting name that shall not be cut off.'
Ich zal ze trèn stèèke, me dei shoehn zal ich toch nie oandoehn."