The power of God is omnipotent,
Den selven God leeft noch omnipotent,

Luke 24:38: He said to them, "Why are you frightened, and why do doubts arise in your hearts?"
Lukas 24:38 "An hie sot zu hinnen: Firwat sidd Dir gestéiert a firwat entstinn Zweifel an Ären Häerzer?"

But God told him, "Fool, this night your soul will be required of you; and the things you have prepared, whose will they be?"
A Gott sot zu deem Mann: Du Dabo! dëser Nuecht, do si brauchen deng Séil vun dir! an deem soll deene Saache ginn, déi du gëtt hues?

There is none other God but Thee, the One, the Incomparable, the All-Knowing, the All-Wise.
Et gëtt kee Gott ausser Dir, deem Engen, deem Onvergläichlechen, deem Allwëssenden, deem Allweisen.

that they should take whatever they desired;
Déi kënne soen, wat se wëllen.

There is none other god but Thee, the One, the incomparable, the All-Knowing, the All-Wise.
Et gëtt kee Gott ausser Dir, deem Engen, deem Onvergläichlechen, deem Allwëssenden, deem Allweisen.

In the name of Allah, Most Merciful Grantor of Mercy.
Am Numm vum Gott, Deen all Sech erbaarmt, Deem Ganz Baarmhäerzegen.

God had created the angels.
Also huet Gott d'Engelen erschaf.

There is none other God but THee, the One, the Incomparable, the All-Knowing, the All-Wise.
Et gëtt kee Gott ausser Dir, deem Engen, deem Onvergläichlechen, deem Allwëssenden, deem Allweisen.

We find the punishment,...
we thuet die pein,

You are the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
Du bass Deen, dee sech selwer duergeet, de Baarmhäerzegste vun de Baarmhäerzegen.

Our Maker is sovereign and all-powerful; yet, full of compassion.
Eise Gott ass gutt a barmhäerzeg a mächteg.

Ask for the forgiveness of sins;
Nachdruecklich um Vergebung bittend,

Thou art, verily, the Almighty, the Most Exalted, the
Du bass wierklech dee Staarken, dee Kraaftvollen, deen Allmächtegen.

Worship the creator.
Den Schöpfer zu loben,

Omnipotence-God is all-Powerful
Den selven God leeft noch omnipotent,

1 These are only a few of the fruits that are borne
Hei sinn nëmmen e puer vun de bewäertene Virdeeler vun dësen Fruch vun den Fuerscher.

the blessings of the Merciful.
Deen all Sech erbaarmt, Dee Ganz Baarmhäerzegen,

I am well-pleased with what I have created.
Den ich mir schuf, begeht

the blessings of the merciful.
Deen all Sech erbaarmt, Dee Ganz Baarmhäerzegen,

"They (the people who live there) should be grateful, but they're not.
Si fuerderen, si halen de Beidel op, awer si sinn net dankbar.

to you - and the truth is that most people,
Dir Zu Den Meisten Menschen Und

But God said unto him, "Fool, this night shall they take thy soul from thee, and then all these goods that thou hast gathered, whose shall they be?"
A Gott sot zu deem Mann: Du Dabo! dëser Nuecht, do si brauchen deng Séil vun dir! an deem soll deene Saache ginn, déi du gëtt hues?

No, he is the wrongdoer.
Nein, er hat unrecht

"My lord, be careful!"
O Lord, J beseech thee,

What (almost) time is it?

Wherein they will remain forever.
ewig darinnen zu weilen!

We have seen the creation of the angels.
schaw das geschöpff der engel zu uns eilen.

The settlor is the one who establishes the trust.
De Siedler ass deen, deen d'Vertrauen huet erstallt.

We do not know (yet) how many of those that are in a group mute it!
E groussen Deel vun eisen Volleksvertrieder huet déi Schoul iwwerhaapt net kannt.

They eat what they want (for the most part)
Beim Prais kënnen Se Iessen, wat Se wëllen.

And offended by the pardoner.'
Den Unrechttuenden bietet sie Vergebung an

Verily, but the end of all things is at hand.
An um Enn kënnt awer alles ganz anescht.

the angels will receive them with glad tidings (good news)
Bass lo bei den engelen an hoffen geet der gudd!

The settlor is the one who creates the trust.
De Siedler ass deen, deen d'Vertrauen huet erstallt.

You are unlimited, almighty, all-powerful, and all-knowing.
Du bass wierklech, deen Allmächtegen, deen Allwëssenden, deen Allweisen.

But God said to him, "You fool, tonight your soul shall be required of you, and who shall get the things that you have accumulated?"
A Gott sot zu deem Mann: Du Dabo! dëser Nuecht, do si brauchen deng Séil vun dir! an deem soll deene Saache ginn, déi du gëtt hues?

or the convents, "Those who are dead [the saints], after a thousand years,
Oder fir et mam Goethe ze soen: "Nach den Jahren der Last kommt die Last der Jahre."

Thus We subjected them to you, so you may give thanks.
Dës Faveuren hu Mir dir erwisen als en Zeeche vun Onser Guttheet an Erbaarme vun Onser Präsenz, fir dass du zu deene gehéiers, déi dankbar sinn.

Thou art the God of bounty, the Ever-Forgiving, the Great Giver, the Most Generous.
Du bass wierklech den Allm chtegen, den Allgn degen, den Allverzeienden, de Ganzgener isen.

For she was the wife of all seven of them!"
Si haten si jo alle siwe fir Fra!"

(44:15) Indeed, We will remove the torment for a little.
we thuet die pein,

and intercede to Our Lord for you.
empor zu Dir unserem Herrn

I don't know if it would be [called] The Inbetweeners."
Ech verstinn déi net, déi dat verhënnere wëllen."

Verily, Thou art God, the Peerless, the Incomparable, the All-Powerful, the All-Knowing, the All-Informed.
Du bass wierklech, deen Allmächtegen, deen Allwëssenden, deen Allweisen.

they create, or what they fail to create.
ob sie geschaffen oder unerschaffen,

So Solomon, God told him, that when you worship Him, He would be with him.
Also de Salomo seet datt Dir Gott léiert (jada), wann Dir mat him de Wee an d'Liewe gitt.

Thou art the God of Bounty, the Ever-Forgiving, the Great Giver, the Most Generous.
Du bass wierklech den Allm chtegen, den Allgn degen, den Allverzeienden, de Ganzgener isen.

The people of old times;, the ancients.
dem früheren der früheren des früheren den früheren

to women so that they are able to testify safely.
Virun allem d'Frae géinge beweisen, datt si kéinten duerchhalen.