have fabricated for Him sons and daughters.
येपिस्स ते होन्ति पुत्ताति वा दाराति वा
That it would glorify God and His Son.
येपिस्स ते होन्ति पुत्ताति वा दाराति वा
and his wives and children,
येपिस्स ते होन्ति पुत्ताति वा दाराति वा
And he hurried back to the counter and returned with the hearts wrapped in foil.
साड्डे दिल ते फेर गई फेर गई दिल ते फेर गई आरी ओ कुड़ी कुंवारी
and fixed them on the woman and the child.
येपिस्स ते होन्ति पुत्ताति वा दाराति वा
God provided a wife and sons.
येपिस्स ते होन्ति पुत्ताति वा दाराति वा
He has a soul, property and sons.
येपिस्स ते होन्ति पुत्ताति वा दाराति वा
This is because he possesses some wealth and children.
येपिस्स ते होन्ति पुत्ताति वा दाराति वा
"We will die with you and [be] buried next to you because we are one.
कभी दीवाना तो कभी आशिक बन जायेगें, तेरा साथ मर कर भी हम निभायेंगे, यकीं न आए तो तन्हाई में याद करना, हंसी बन कर तुम्हारी होंठो पे खिल जायेगें।
ages, of [his] Wife and Children.
येपिस्स ते होन्ति पुत्ताति वा दाराति वा
But man transgresses because he sees himself self-sufficient.
मनुष्य स्वभाव पारखवानी तमारी शकित गजबनी छे
So he will be in a pleasant life -
फिर मंज़िल मिल जाये ज़िन्दगी में,
of infants and children, yet compounded.
येपिस्स ते होन्ति पुत्ताति वा दाराति वा
And He will receive them as His sons and daughters.
येपिस्स ते होन्ति पुत्ताति वा दाराति वा
and wellbeing for infants and children.
येपिस्स ते होन्ति पुत्ताति वा दाराति वा
between The Sons of Light (the Qumranites) and The Sons of
येपिस्स ते होन्ति पुत्ताति वा दाराति वा
And throw them in the fire.
तब लगि करहु अग्नि मंह वासा.
He has wealth, a wife, and sons.
येपिस्स ते होन्ति पुत्ताति वा दाराति वा
by liim and his sons.
येपिस्स ते होन्ति पुत्ताति वा दाराति वा
He had a wife and children to whom he was devoted (money).
येपिस्स ते होन्ति पुत्ताति वा दाराति वा
But Iblis (did it not), he refused to be with those who made obeisance.
याङ्सि मरियम्मिल्ले़ साः कत्तुआङ् युसुफरे़ खे़न् अङे़ःक्वाःन् ये़सु मिङ् वाःत्तुरो॥
That kind of persuasion does not come from the One who called you.
तिमी सुन बनेर खुल्थ्यौ म नी खुल्थेँ तिम्रै वरीपरी।
As for those belonging to him, his wife and children,
येपिस्स ते होन्ति पुत्ताति वा दाराति वा
(Wish you to have sons and daughters!).
येपिस्स ते होन्ति पुत्ताति वा दाराति वा
Made by Hadlow and Sons.
येपिस्स ते होन्ति पुत्ताति वा दाराति वा
by Bemrose and Sons.
येपिस्स ते होन्ति पुत्ताति वा दाराति वा
This is the day when they will not speak
ये आए दिन की छेड़ अच्छी नहीं ये खंजरे कातिल,
Most devoted and obedient Servants and Sons,
येपिस्स ते होन्ति पुत्ताति वा दाराति वा
Wherefore together they produce sons (and daughters).
येपिस्स ते होन्ति पुत्ताति वा दाराति वा
Indeed, man transgresses because he sees himself self-sufficient.
मनुष्य स्वभाव पारखवानी तमारी शकित गजबनी छे
To become the sons (and daughters) of God.
येपिस्स ते होन्ति पुत्ताति वा दाराति वा
They shall (unintelligible) toward the child, and the child...
येपिस्स ते होन्ति पुत्ताति वा दाराति वा
(He was so) because he had wealth and children."
येपिस्स ते होन्ति पुत्ताति वा दाराति वा
"There is nothing outside of you."
तुझ ते बाहरि कछू न होइ ॥
their property, and/or their children!
येपिस्स ते होन्ति पुत्ताति वा दाराति वा
daughters and sons,
येपिस्स ते होन्ति पुत्ताति वा दाराति वा
tidings of a painful torment.
फ़रहंग पे ये क़हर, अदब पर ये अज़ाब
And he fathered sons and daughters."
येपिस्स ते होन्ति पुत्ताति वा दाराति वा
Servant of God, and Son of Man,
येपिस्स ते होन्ति पुत्ताति वा दाराति वा
A female [Tosca] and her son.
येपिस्स ते होन्ति पुत्ताति वा दाराति वा
Her family, among whom were grown sons and daughters,
येपिस्स ते होन्ति पुत्ताति वा दाराति वा
tended to be sons and daughters of ihe;
येपिस्स ते होन्ति पुत्ताति वा दाराति वा
Daughters and Sons,
येपिस्स ते होन्ति पुत्ताति वा दाराति वा
to become God's sons and daughters,
येपिस्स ते होन्ति पुत्ताति वा दाराति वा
them - and have fabricated for Him sons and daughters.
येपिस्स ते होन्ति पुत्ताति वा दाराति वा
God only has sons and daughters."
येपिस्स ते होन्ति पुत्ताति वा दाराति वा
in wealth and children.
येपिस्स ते होन्ति पुत्ताति वा दाराति वा
the welfare of his wife (and children).
येपिस्स ते होन्ति पुत्ताति वा दाराति वा
then they will say, "Shall we be given time (for amendment)?"
किस पल आओगी ये तो कहो,हम आस लगाये बैठे हैं,
which is given to you by the angels of the Lord, the blessed and the
तेरी खातिर फ़रिश्ते ,सर पे इलज़ाम लेंगे ,