They are God's even if they do not know it.
Es tanbé é kiriatura di dios, sikré es ka sabe.
She turned to her father and said, "O Daksha, in your arrogance, you have insulted him, who is infinitely above all else.
Nton, el fla se pai: 'Ta sérba un pekadu si bu mata Davidi; nada el ka faze-u.'
The power of ten (i.e., the raised number to the upper right of ten) gives you the number of zeros following the number.
dizerje dis (je di) tu dis (tu di) il dit (il di) nous disons (nu dizon) vous dites (vu diti) ils disent (il dize)
upon the earth, acquiring all things.
pabia na es tera elis k ta fasi tudu obra,
shade on the earth to which each one of his servants who is wronged
pabia na es tera elis k ta fasi tudu obra,
Day symbolizes the knowledge of God's will and reliance on his guidance, and night the absence of this knowledge combined with self-reliance.
di noti. dios ki ka konxedu. amor pa padas di minutos,
On the Day of Atonement the Israelites were to fast (Le.
Gulias tudu dia ta fazeba trósa di israelitas.
Solomon said, "Cast your bread upon the waters, for you will find it after many days" (Ecclesiastes 11.1).
Salumon skrebe: 'Bota bu pon riba di agu, pamodi dipôs di txeu dia bu ta bai atxa-l otu bês.'
those who have died in the faith are concerned, that necessitates Resurrection -
I kes sérvu fiel di Jeová ki móre na nos ténpu?
Then it gathered speed and, one-eyed, it disappeared Into the night.
Pur isu, el bai pa un monti el sô i el ora un noti interu.
And prove them to be guilty of high Treason,
Kóre ku es pamódi ses monti pekadu,
watching over it, testifying [to it] - the 'Book' means the Scriptures.
Bom tem es informasom, mas nhos tem ki tem mas kuidadu ku skrita.
He asked his servants, "Did not we cast three men bound into the midst of the fire?"
El fika ku medu ki el pergunta se ajudantis: 'É ka três ómi ki nu bota na lumi?
In addition, the reciting the Qur'an will lead to an increase in hasanat (good deeds).
i quî inpusébbil i én pió fâzil di quî difézzil
So, what is it that I have created?
Nha ta kre o nha ka ta kre?
Allah will suffice you for protection against them.
Deus pôs fora já se vê.
Belief: God is all-powerful, perfect.
Deus é fiel, Deus é poderoso.
make them the same length as in the book by adjusting
skrebe-l di manera regular, sima fazedu ku língua purtugês na ténpu di Rei
And Pharaoh said unto him, Get thee from me, take heed to thyself, And
Faraó fika rei di xatiadu i el fla uma altu: 'Sai di nha frenti!
Then we shall surely be lost.
Ten sertéza, nu ta vense,
Are you now doomed to years of nightwakings, while the rest of the world (aka husband) slumbers?
kel anonimu ki poi disison di spiga anu passadu dja no entra na lasa es ano dja. bu tene dor di cutubelu?
We placed on them a power which did not originate from them.
nos k'é di kes ki ka kreba abertura
He gives honor and He humiliates whomever He pleases.
El ta rabaxa kes algen ki é orgulhozu i el ta da reinu pa kenha ki el krê.'
She said, "It was the best decision she ever made."
(trg) ="85"> El fla: " Kel - li foi midjór disizon ki dja N toma na nha vida . "
He will be the one to confront Pharaoh.
É ki fit pèrdr' é trebu^çér Faraôá dan séte mèr
He had greeted a Jewish group, saying, "I am Joseph, your brother."
Juzé ka aguenta más i el kumesa ta txora i el fla: 'Ami é nhos irmon Juzé.
The angels are greater than us, so they serve us.
Es é anjus mau ki ten mutu más puder ki nos.
Then Joseph reveals himself, saying, "I am your brother, Joseph, whom you sold into Egypt."
Juzé ka aguenta más i el kumesa ta txora i el fla: 'Ami é nhos irmon Juzé.
He said, "See My hands; and put out your hand, and place it in My side.
Nton el fla-s: 'Nhos odja nha mô; nhos pode poi mô.
the uttermost part of the earth for his possession; and now is praising him for it; he has delivered all our
El kria Téra ku tudu kuza ki ten na el pamodi el ta ama-nu txeu.
After Salah and reciting Qur'an, what is the best form of dhikr?
i quî inpusébbil i én pió fâzil di quî difézzil
"What am I creating?"
Nha ta kre o nha ka ta kre?
of Satan from which there is no escape.
Diabu ka ten undi bai;
So will the land be filled with knowledge of Our God."
Que pais nu sa vivi na nos terra sera ki ten justiça"
and send him away from the cast.
p'el largaba es stória ku pagodi
Thousands reject the word of God as unworthy of belief, and with eager confidence receive the deceptions of Satan.
Milhons di algen dja disidi faze vontadi di Deus i es nega sigi Satanás.
he has created as part of a sideline of work.
Mesmu ki el kre, e un trabadju inpusivel di faze.
In the end he knew that God reigned and gave the kingdom to whomsoever he wished.
Tudu algen ta fika ta sabe ma Deus é Governanti i el ta da reinu pa ken ki el krê.'
Life is certainly complicated,
Bida sta mariadu e sta konplikadu,
Satan does not rule in hell.
Diabu ka ten undi bai;
"And they said: 'come let us build a city,
Es fla: 'Nu ben faze un sidadi i nu ta fika li.
Against God they have thousands of arguments, but against the Devil, no argument.
Milhons di algen dja disidi faze vontadi di Deus i es nega sigi Satanás.
We shall be watching them most closely.
I nu ta odja divagar pa es.
"This," he answered, "is the angel of luxury and deceit: he wears out the
El fla: "Kel-li é un pasaru rei di mau sima Brunu.
There is the account of Solomon.
é kOm£ tu di SalOmé
He said to them, "It is like a mustard seed, the smallest of all seeds [in the world it has little value].
El fla: "Kel-li é un pasaru rei di mau sima Brunu.
So pleased was the Lord with Solomon's request that He also granted him great wealth and success.
Deus fika kontenti ku pididu di Salumon i el da-l txeu priviléjiu.
So the proof of burden is on the one who denies the existence of a Creator.
Kaká Karbosa avisa ma ken ki kre fazi kodjeta tem skodji gran di simenti.
Then, we will see the angle between them increasing.
I nu ta odja divagar pa es.
So when they lose a mother, it is like loosing a child.
Sima mai ki perdi si fidju