Or do they then begin to doubt what they have been taught to believe?
Èske yo doute oswa kwayan?

People like Elon Musk like to do that (and for a reason).
Moun tankou Elon Musk renmen fè sa (ak pou yon rezon).

And had they been the priests of Noah, He would have caused that they should be put to death.
Epi, si se te prèt Noe yo, li ta p fè touye yo.

I will never have a fulness of joy until we are reunited in the morning of the first resurrection.
Mwen pap janm gen yon lajwa total jiskaske nou reyini ankò nan maten Premye Rezirèksyon an.

The Lord has declared: "And ye are to be taught from on high.
Senyè a deklare: "Epi ansèyman nou dwe soti anwo.

The dream is true and its interpretation is trustworthy.'
Apre sa, rèv la se laverite, ak entèpretasyon li yo se fidèl. "

One is shown here a portion of the book of Isaiah from the Dead Sea Scrolls.
Nou gen foto youn la a: se pati nan liv Ezayi a yo jwenn nan Woulo Lanmè Mòt.

They believe that God exists, and they attempt to worship him in their own way.
Yo kwè ke Bondye egziste, ak yo eseye adore li nan pwòp fason yo.

And had they been the priests of Noah, he would have caused that they should be put to death;
Epi, si se te prèt Noe yo, li ta p fè touye yo.

But you are worth more to me than ten sons."
Ou genyen m', se tankou si ou te genyen depase dis pitit gason."

("He's from Mexico, and they raise them like that, you know.") [32]
("Li se soti nan Meksik, epi yo ogmante yo tankou sa yo, ou konnen.") [31]

I will never have a fullness of joy until we are reunited in the morning of the First Resurrection.
Mwen pap janm gen yon lajwa total jiskaske nou reyini ankò nan maten Premye Rezirèksyon an.

I will never have a fulness of joy until we are reunited in the morning of the First Resurrection.
Mwen pap janm gen yon lajwa total jiskaske nou reyini ankò nan maten Premye Rezirèksyon an.

And the rain is fast approaching.
Epi inondasyon an tou pre.

And I said, "Mosiah 18:9: 'Stand as [a witness] of God at all times and in all things, and in all places.'"
M te di l: "Mozya 18:9: 'Kanpe kòm temwen Bondye tout tan, nan tout bagay, e tout kote."

My heart goes out to each one of you who has suffered these or other losses.
Kè m ranpli ak konpasyon pou chak nan nou ki te soufri bagay sa yo oswa lòt kalite pèt.

He was among those who stayed.
Li te pami moun yo ki te rete a.

The Prophet and several companions had been months in prison.
Pwofèt la ak plizyè konpayon te nan prizon pandan plizyè mwa.

"For whoso is faithful unto the obtaining of these two priesthoods of which I have spoken, and the magnifying their calling, are sanctified by the Spirit unto the renewing of their bodies.
"Paske nenpòt moun ki fidèl pou jwenn de prètriz sa yo m te pale a epi ki mayifiye apèl yo, Lespri a sanktifye yo pou kò yo kapab renouvle.

God is nearby.
Wi, Bondye pou touzour pre.

Ez 16:50 - And they were exalted, and they committed abominations before me.
16:50 Apre sa, yo te leve, epi yo pran angajman abominasyon devan m '.

They may have been raised in the truth.
Petèt yo leve nan laverite.

They kept on struggling, or contending, and acting in harmony with their prayers.
Yo te kontinye goumen oswa lite, e yo te kontinye aji ann amoni ak priyè yo.

Some would ask, "Where is such truth to be found, and how are we to recognize it?"
Yon moun gen dwa mande: "Ki kote nou ka jwenn verite sa a, e kijan nou ka rekonèt li?"

And had they been the priests of Noah he would have caused that they should be put to death (c).
Epi, si se te prèt Noe yo, li ta p fè touye yo.

I hope you want to give more explanations about what you do (or need), ...
Mwen espere ou vle bay plis eksplikasyon sou sa ou fè (oswa bezwen), ...

Do not give up trying to strengthen your faith.
Pinga w sispann fè efò pou fè lafwa w vin pi solid.

God knows when we shall meet again.'
Bondye konnen lè nou pral rankontre ankò. ""

How blessed we are to have a knowledge of the truth.
Ala nou beni pou n gen yon konesans sou laverite!

Take your questions to the Lord, and to other faithful sources.
Pote kesyon w yo bay Senyè a ak lòt sous ki fidèl.

Isaiah said, "The work of righteousness shall be peace; and the effect of righteousness quietness and assurance for ever."2
Ezayi te di: "Zèv lajistis la se lapè; e fwi lajistis la se repo ak sekirite pou tout tan."2

had they been the priests of Noah he would have caused that they should be put to death.
Epi, si se te prèt Noe yo, li ta p fè touye yo.

God had in mind for their children to have children, until the human family filled the whole earth.
Bondye te gen nan lespri l pou pitit yo vin fè pitit, jiskaske fanmi lèzòm vin plen tout tè a.

Can you imagine having no control of your body except for your eyes?
Èske w ka imajine ou pa gen okenn kontwòl sou kò w eksepte sou je w?

Yea, ye know that I speak the truth; And you ought to tremble before God.
Wi, nou konnen m ap di verite, e nou dwe tranble devan Bondye.

If you do not stop them, waiting for the death of all mankind!
Si ou pa sispann yo, ap tann pou lanmò a tout limanite!

This way you will learn Chinese several years later.
Fason sa a ou pral aprann Chinwa plizyè ane pita.

Remember the Lord's words: "Did I not speak peace to your mind concerning the matter?
Sonje pawòl Senyè a: "Èske m pa t pote lapè nan panse w konsènan bagay sa?

- 'Yes, I receive a lot of calls... from strangers.'
- 'Wi, mwen resevwa yon anpil nan apèl ... nan men etranje.'

The rule of God is near!"
Jijman Bondye a li pwòch.

Indeed, he knows how you feel about the matter. - 2 Chron.
Anfèt, li konn sa w santi konsènan sitiyasyon sa a. - 2 Kwo.

16:50 And they were exalted, and they committed abominations before me.
16:50 Apre sa, yo te leve, epi yo pran angajman abominasyon devan m '.

Or, possibly, they have doubts about their faith?
Èske yo doute oswa kwayan?

Isaiah said, "The work of righteousness shall be peace; and the effect of righteousness quietness and assurance for ever."
Ezayi te di: "Zèv lajistis la se lapè; e fwi lajistis la se repo ak sekirite pou tout tan."2

Just as He appeared to Mary in the garden, calling her by name, He calls to us to exercise our faith.
Menmjan L te parèt devan Mari nan jaden an, kote L te rele l nan non li, Li envite nou pou nou egzèse lafwa nou.

How does Djinn's relationship to the past differ from those of the others?
Ki fason rezirèksyon Jezi a diferan ak rezirèksyon ki te fèt anvan yo?

I help people - there isn't a better way to work.
Mwen ede moun - pa gen yon pi bon fason pou travay.

They'll thank you for it later... perhaps on Twitter.
Yo pral di ou mèsi pou li pita ... petèt sou Twitter.

As we do so, we too will see the hand of God manifest in our lives."
Si nou fè sa, nou menm tou n ap wè men Bondye manifeste nan lavi nou.

They are doing some awesome things and I plan to be with them for a long time."
Yo ap fè kèk bagay awizom ak mwen planifye yo dwe avèk yo pou yon tan long. "