God’s first miracle – creation – has never been hidden in any way.
Prvo Božje čudo – stvaranje – nikada nije bilo skriveno.
What will you do with God’s Son?
Što će učiniti s Božji Sinom.
Avoid sugar except that found in fresh fruit.
Izbjegavajte šećer osim onoga koji se porirodno nalazi u voću
"Why There Almost Certainly Is No God".
"Zašto gotovo sigurno nema Boga".
It is not fitting for the All-Merciful to have a son.
Nezamislivo je da Milostivi ima dijete –
They can be found near the Earth's surface or hundreds of meters below it.
Mogu se nalaziti blizu površine zemlje ili više od sto metara pod njom.
She said, “Teacher told us about Enoch and how he walked with God.”
Rekla je: "Učitelj nam je govorio o Henoku i o tome kako je on hodio s Bogom."
But David's transgression had changed his relation to God.
Ali Davidov prijestup je promijenio njegov odnos s Bogom.
That is God’s design for the family, and that is the way it will be.
To je Božji naum za obitelj, i tako će i biti.
These are not things we bring up, so he clearly remembers.
To nisu stvari koje donosimo, pa se jasno sjeća.
'Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful.'
budemo milosrdni „kao što je milosrdan Otac vaš“.
The meaning of this verse is, “I will be a wall around you, your protector, your defense.”
Značenje ovog retka je: "Ja ću biti zid oko tebe, tvoj zaštitnik, tvoja obrana."
You are God’s child and God loves you.
Ti si Božije djete i Bog te voli.
He who stands up for God’s laws seldom reaps applause.”
Onaj koji ustraje u obrani Božjeg zakona rijetko žanje pljesak.“
‘And few of My servants are grateful.’
A malo je zahvalnih među robovima Mojim.
Sufficient is He as Witness between me and you, and He is the Forgiving the Merciful."
Dovoljan je On svjedok između mene i između vas, a On je Oprosnik, Milosrdni."
And one of the doctors said, ‘Robin was very aware that he was losing his mind and there was nothing he could do about it.”
A jedan od liječnika je rekao: “Robin je bio vrlo svjestan da gubi svoj um i tu ništa nije mogao učiniti.”
23) Jesus said, "I shall choose you, one out of a thousand, and two out of ten thousand, and they shall stand to their feet as a single one."
(23) Isus reče: "Vas ću izabrati, jednoga od tisuću i dvoje od deset tisuća, i stajat će kao jedan jedini."
He merely permitted, "let," them both grow together until the harvest.
On je jedino dopustio, „neka“ oboje rastu zajedno do žetve.
And they partied and gave thanks.
Zahvaljivali i darivali
2135 "You shall worship the Lord your God."
2135 "Gospodinu Bogu svom se klanjaj!"
Did we not believe in Christ, when we believed in His merit?
Zar nismo vjerovali u Krista kada smo vjerovali u Njegovu zaslugu?
Some (though not enough) of them are women.
Neki (mada nedovoljno) od njih su žene.
They will see Him as heaven’s King.
Tada će Ga vidjeti kao nebeskog Kralja.
What did your prophet Mohammed ever do to save mankind."
Što je vaš prorok Muhamed ikada učinio da spasi čovječanstvo?”
Christ has conquered the powers of earth; and shall we be afraid of a world already conquered?"
Krist je pobijedio zemaljske sile; hoćemo li se bojati svijeta koji je već pobijeđen?”
It can only be the full truth or not at all, if the prophecies given to God’s children are from him.
Ona može biti samo potpuna Istina ili uopće ne, ako su proročanstva koja su dana Božjoj djeci od Njega.
"Why is he not given the like of what was given to Moosa (Moses)?
„Zašto mu (Muhamedu) nije dato onako isto kao što je dato Musau (Mojsiju)?“ (Sura 28:48).
[1] No, I’m not talking about another Hitler.
[1] Ne, ne govorim o još jednom Hitleru.
A prayer to almighty god, all merciful.”
Molitva Bogu svemogućem i sve-milostivom.”[2]
It can only be the full Truth or not at all, if the prophecies given to God’s children are from Him.
Ona može biti samo potpuna Istina ili uopće ne, ako su proročanstva koja su dana Božjoj djeci od Njega.
Because of that they will never be as strong or as fast as you can be.”
Zbog toga nikada neće biti tako snažni ili brzi kao što ti možeš biti.’
Is He not the Powerful, the Forgiving
Zar nije On Moćni, Oprosnik?
Let each return to his house in peace’.
Neka svaki od njih vratiti u svoju kuću u miru.”
And it is not possible for the Most Merciful that He should take a son.
Nezamislivo je da Milostivi ima dijete –
It is not fitting for the Most Merciful to have a son."
Nezamislivo je da Milostivi ima dijete –
For this is God's testimony : He has testified of his Son.
Ovo je naime svjedočanstvo Božje: One je svjedočio o svom Sinu.
In his acceptance speech, he talked about Rastafari, and said, “You need to listen to God”.
U svom govoru za prihvaćanje govorio je o Rastafari i rekao: "Morate slušati Boga."
Have you thought about God's patience, the patience that he has for each of us?
Jeste li vi razmišljali o Božjoj strpljivosti, strpljenju koje ima sa svakim od nas?
He wanted to take God’s place.
Želio je zauzeti Božje mjesto.
Is not He the All-Mighty, the Oft-Forgiving?
Zar nije On Moćni, Oprosnik?
"No, but he stands in God's light!"
“Ne, ali stoji u Božjem svjetlu.”
And few of My servants are grateful.
A malo je zahvalnih među robovima Mojim.
Sufficient is He as Witness between me and you, and He is the Forgiving the Merciful.”
Dovoljan je On svjedok između mene i između vas, a On je Oprosnik, Milosrdni."
When Moses, before the burning bush, received God’s calling, he asked what His name was.
Kad Mojsije, pred gorućim grmom, prima Božji poziv, pita ga koje je njegovo ime.
But since when were we ever worthy of God’s grace?
No, kada smo to ikada bili dostojni Božje milosti?
And when each one dies, let everyone remember the death of my people."
I svaki put kad umre, neka se svi sjete smrti mog naroda.“
And when each one dies, let everyone remember the death of my people."
I svaki put kad umre, neka se svi sjete smrti mog naroda."
This is the Law of Nature, or if one would rather, God’s will. ”
To je zakon prirode, ili ako bi radije, Božja volja.”
"If they fulfill their obligations to us," he added, "the answer is yes."
Ako oni ispunjavaju svoje obveze prema nama”, dodao je, “odgovor je da.”