127 (Muhammad), they ask you concerning women.
127; Sunã yi maka fatawa a cikin sha'anin mãtã.
And the home of the Hereafter is best for those who fear Allāh; then will you not reason?
Kuma lalle ne gidan Lahira shi ne mafi alheri ga wadanda suka yi takawa, shin fa, ba ku hankalta?
He said, "O my people, why do you seek to hasten odious (deeds) before fair (ones)?
46- Yace: Ya ku mutanena,don me kuke neman gaggautowar mummunan sakamako tun gabanin kyakkyawa?
80:12 Whoever wishes will remember it (the Qur'an);
َ080-012 Sabõda wanda ya so ya tunaShi (Allah).
or a creation which is great in your mind (you still will be resurrected).
51"Kõ kuwa wata halitta daga abin da yake da girma a cikin ƙirazanku.
And he (Isa) is certainly the knowledge (a sign) for the hour of doom, so do not doubt about it and follow me, this is the straight path.
َ043-061 Kuma lalle shĩ, haƙĩƙa, wani ilmi ne na Sa'a, sabõda haka, kada ku yi shakka a gare ta, kuma ku bĩ Ni.
Indeed, that which you are promised is certainly true.
5; Lalle abin da ake yi muku alkawari (da zuwansa), haƙĩƙa gaskiya ne.
He said: O my people! why do you seek to hasten on the evil before...
46- Yace: Ya ku mutanena,don me kuke neman gaggautowar mummunan sakamako tun gabanin kyakkyawa?
And he (Isa) is certainly the knowledge (a sign) for the hour of doom, so do not doubt about it and follow me, this is the straight path.
Kuma lalle shĩ, haƙĩƙa, wani ilmi ne na Sa"a, sabõda haka, kada ku yi shakka a gare ta, kuma ku bĩ Ni.
Ye are taught of God to love one another.
Domin ku da kanku koya daga Allah da cewa ya kamata ka ƙaunaci juna.
I fear that he may change your religion or spread disorder in the land."
Lalle ne nĩ, inã tsõron ya musanya addininku, kõ kuwa ya bayyana ɓarna a cikin kasã." (26)
Believing in Jesus is also part of repenting.
Gaskantawa da Yesu ma bangare ne na tuba.
(This is the second death - the lake of fire.)
Tafkin wutan nan kuwa shi ne mutuwa ta biyu.
"This is that Hell which you were promised."
63; "Wannan ita ce Jahannama wadda kuka kasance anã yi muku wa'adi da ita."
"Do you approach the males of all creatures of the world,
"Shin kunã jẽ wa maza daga cikin talikai?" (165)
And he (Isa) is certainly the knowledge (a sign) for the hour of doom, so do not doubt about it and follow me, this is the straight path.
Hausa / Hausa Dili Kuma lalle shĩ, haƙĩƙa, wani ilmi ne na Sa'a, sabõda haka, kada ku yi shakka a gare ta, kuma ku bĩ Ni.
And he (Isa) is certainly the knowledge (a sign) for the hour of doom, so do not doubt about it and follow me, this is the straight path.
61; Kuma lalle shĩ, haƙĩƙa, wani ilmi ne na Sa'a, sabõda haka, kada ku yi shakka a gare ta, kuma ku bĩ Ni.
70:35 Such will be the honoured ones in the Gardens (of Bliss)
َ070-035 Waɗannan, a cikin gidãjen Aljanna, waɗanda ake girmamãwa ne
In Gardens they will ask one another (questions).
40; A cikin Aljanna suna tambayar jũna.
Whenever, in their anguish, they will intend to come out of it (the fire), they will be turned back to it, and (it will be said to them,).Taste the punishment of burning
A kÃμyaushe suka yi nufin fita daga gare ta, daga baÆTMin ciki, sai a mayar da su a cikinta, (a ce musu) "Ku É - anÉ - ani azãbar gÃμbara."
"Does Man think that he will be left uncontrolled, (without purpose)?"
Shin, mutum nã zaton a bar shi sagaga (wãto bãbu nufin kõme game da shi)? (36)
And most surely it is a knowledge of the hour, therefore have no doubt about it and follow me: this is the right path.
Kuma lalle shÄ©, haÆTMÄ©ÆTMa, wani ilmi ne na Sa'a, sabÃμda haka, kada ku yi shakka a gare ta, kuma ku bÄ© Ni.
"He Who has made for you the fire from the green tree, so that with it you kindle (your own fire).
80; "Wanda ya sanya muku wutã daga itãce kõre, sai gã ku kunã kunnãwa daga gare shi."
"So worship whatever you want besides Him."
َ039-015 "To, ku bauta wa abin da kuke so, waninSa."
And these similitude's We put forward for mankind, but none will understand them except those who have knowledge (of Allâh and His Signs, etc.).
43Kuma waɗancan misãlan Munã bayyana su ga mutãne kuma bãbu mai hankalta da su sai mãsu ilmi.
In My name: They (you) will drive out demons.
A sunana, Za su fitar da aljannu.
or a creation which is great in your mind (you still will be resurrected).
51"Kõ kuwa wata halitta daga abin da yake da girma a cikin ƙirazanku."
[56.80] A revelation by the Lord of the worlds.
80; Wanda aka saukar ne daga Ubangijin halitta.
And these similitude's We put forward for mankind, but none will understand them except those who have knowledge (of Allâh and His Signs, etc.).
َ029-043 Kuma waɗancan misãlan Munã bayyana su ga mutãne kuma bãbu mai hankalta da su sai mãsu ilmi.
26"He is nothing but a man possessed; so watch him for a while."
25"Shi bai zamo kõwa ba fãce wani namiji ne, a gare shi akwai hauka, sai ku yi jinkiri da shi har wani lõkaci.
By what is the meaning of life,
Yahi Dhoka Duniya Chalati Hai Yahi Sara Game Hai,
In My name: They (you) will drive out demons.
Da sunana za su fitar da aljannu.
but how could they receive (Faith and the acceptance of their repentance by Allah) from a place so far off (i.e. to return to the worldly life again).
To inã zã su sãmu kãmãwa daga wuri mai nisa?
And these similitude's We put forward for mankind, but none will understand them except those who have knowledge (of Allâh and His Signs, etc.).
43; Kuma waɗancan misãlan Munã bayyana su ga mutãne kuma bãbu mai hankalta da su sai mãsu ilmi.
See, then, what was the end of those who were warned.
Sai ka dũba yadda ãƙibar waɗanda aka yi wa gargaɗi ta kasance. (73)
42 And We have created for them the like of it, what they will ride on.
42; Kuma Muka halitta musu, daga irinsa, abin da suke hawa.
So if they are in doubt, they may reject.
Ta bangaren magoya baya kuwa, watakila idan a da an sa musu shakku, to zuwan nasa ya rage musu wannan shakku da ke zukatansu," in ji Malam Sufi.
Such is the punishment (in this life), but truly, the punishment of the Hereafter is greater if they but knew.
33; Haka dai azãbar (1) take, kuma lalle ne azãbar Lãhira ta fi girma, in da sun kasance zã su iya gãnħwã.
righteousness (or duty).
sunadarai yana da muhimmanci!
Such is the punishment (in this life), but truly, the punishment of the Hereafter is greater if they but knew.
Haka dai azãbar take, kuma lalle ne azãbar Lãhira ta fi girma, in da sun kasance zã su iya gãnẽwã. (33)
or a creation which is great in your mind (you still will be resurrected).
51; "Kõ kuwa wata halitta daga abin da yake da girma a cikin ƙirazanku."
Ali: "The Qur'an is but words between two covers.
Ba hakan nan ake istinbadi da Al-Kur'ani ba sai abubuwa biyu sun tabbata: kafa dalilin tabbatar da Al-Kur'anin, sannan .
(42:24) Or do they say, "He has invented about God/Allah a lie"?
َ042-024 Kõ zã su ce: "Ya ƙirƙira ƙarya ga Allah ne?"
43And, verily, hell is promised to them all.
43Kuma lalle Jahannama ce haƙĩƙa, ma'alkawartarsu gabã ɗaya.
I call upon the wise ones, the ancient gods,
Ina kira ga masu hikima, alloli na dā,
And most surely it is a knowledge of the hour, therefore have no doubt about it and follow me: this is the right path.
Kuma lalle shĩ, haƙĩƙa, wani ilmi ne na Sa'a, sabõda haka, kada ku yi shakka a gare ta, kuma ku bĩ Ni.
Such is the punishment (in this life), but truly, the punishment of the Hereafter is greater if they but knew.
Haka dai azãbar take, kuma lalle ne azãbar Lãhira ta fi girma, in da sun kasance zã su iya gãnẽwã.
You will all return to Him: this is a true promise from God.
4Zuwa gare Shi makõmarku take gabã ɗaya, wa'adin Allah gaskiya ne.
Now, instead, you ought to forgive and comfort him, so that he will not be overwhelmed with excessive sorrow.
7Yanzu fa, a maimako, gara ku yafe masa, ku kuma ta'azantar da shi, don kada baƙin ciki mai yawa yă sha kansa.
I had no knowledge of the chiefs of the highest (order) when they were disputing."
69"Wani ilmi bai kasance a gare ni ba game da jama'a (malã'iku) mafi ɗaukaka a lõkacin da suke yin husũma."