May God not let my eye stray from the most eminent humans, should they fall," continues the recital.
Que Deus non permita que o meu ollo se afaste dos humanos máis eminentes, se estes caen", continúa o poema.

Creator of the heavens and earth.
creadora de los cielos y la Tierra.

Even the people of the God of Abraham.
ao povo do Deus de Abraão,

Love is my faith and my religion."
Pois o amor é a miña relixión e a miña fe".

Abraham, Father of God’s People
Vocación de Abraham, pai do pobo de Deus

O Lord God of Heaven’s Armies, the God of Israel,
‑Así fala o Señor dos Exércitos, o Deus de Israel;

This will ensure that all your doings are in full accord with the will of God.”
Isto asegurará que todo o seu proceder está de acordo coa vontade de Deus."

Whoever touches the mountain shall surely be put to death.’”
Pero salvar-se na montaña, para que tamén debe perecer. "

Whatever you call it, just know it’s our truth.”
Calquera que o chames, só sabes que é a nosa verdade. "

15) You can now enjoy your ECO100 fully functional.
15) poden agora gozar da súa ECO100 totalmente funcional.

He said, ‘This is Ibrahim.'”
"El respondeu:" Iso foi Abraham ".

But you know, my map of Africa is here ... in Europe.
Pero xa sabes, o meu mapa de África está aquí... en Europa.

So that many will gave thanks!
:::Moitas grazas [[Usuario:HombreDHojalata|HombreDHojalata]].

He said to her: ‘After today, there is no more suffering for your father.’
El dixo a ela: 'Despois de hoxe, non hai máis sufrimento para o seu pai.

The people of the God of Abraham;
ao povo do Deus de Abraão,

“The Creator of the heavens and the earth.
que é o Criador dos céus e da Terra.

Which do you prefer: the mountains or the sea?
E vós, que preferides: mar ou montaña?

They were mistreating one another, cheating one another.
saqueaban los unos a los otros"[10].

Whoever is not capable of fighting for others, will never be capable enough of fighting for himself.”
Quen non for capaz de loitar por outras persoas, non será nunca suficientemente capaz de loitar por si.

Do not let any of you say I am better than Jonah, Matta's son."
Non deixe que calquera de vostedes din que eu son mellor que Jonas, fillo de Matta."

unless the water is safer than the land.*
a no ser que el agua sea más segura que la tierra.

And how did she know Daniel was a lawyer, anyway?
E como ela sabía Daniel era un avogado, de calquera xeito?

11But the LORD's angel shouted from heaven, “Abraham!
11Mais o anxo do Señor chamou desde o ceo: ‑"¡Abraham!

He replied: ‘Then help someone with his work, or do something for someone who is unable to do it himself.’
El respondeu: 'Entón, axudar a alguén co seu traballo, ou facer algo para alguén que non é capaz de facelo só. "

And being near the mountains certainly helps.”
Só para probas de montaña (ver axuda).

This is like the heaven on the Earth.
Así en el cielo como en la tierra (1995).

Another four very weak decisions and resolutions have been applied to Sudan.
Outras cuatro decisions e resolucións moi débiles foron aplicadas a Sudán.

That is truly admirable.”
É realmente admirable”.

The moment you know, you begin to die a little.”
No momento en que sabes, comezas a morrer un pouco".

True and just are His judgements.”
verdadeiras e xustas son as túas sentencias".

Whenever the Prophet was mentioned he wept and continued to do so and those around him got up and left."
Sempre que o profeta foi mencionado chorou e continuou a facelo e aqueles en torno a el levantouse e saíu ".

` Was not Allah's land vast so that you could have migrated therein?'
"Non era a terra de Alá grande abondo para ti, a fin de que migrar nel?"

You have done a foolish thing, and from now on you will be at war.”
Fixeches unha loucura e de agora en adiante vivirás en guerra".

God had promised blessing to Abraham for his seed.
Non obstante, Deus concedeu o seu favor a Abraham en forma de promesa.

[The enemies of Allah] do not know that the Palestinian people has developed its [methods] of death and death-seeking.
"[Os enemigos de Alá] non coñecen que o pobo palestino desenrrolou os seus [métodos] de morte e búsqueda da morte.

Whoever touches the mountain shall surely be put to death” (Ex.
Pero salvar-se na montaña, para que tamén debe perecer. "

They were hungry for God’s Word.
Eles estaban con fame para a palabra de Deus.

But if someone from the dead goes to them, they will repent’.
Pero se alguén de entre os mortos é ter con eles, eles van arrepentir"

In the eyes of all of Israel”.
e á vista de todo Israel".

Oh and definitely be negative about the ex!
Oh e definitivamente ser negativo sobre o ex!

'When the thousand years have expired satan is released from his prison.'
"Cando os mil anos, Satanás será solto da súa prisión.

'Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you.
meu pai, pequei contra o ceo e contra ti

“My people will be divided into 73 sections, all of them will be in the fire except one.”
A miña nación se dividirá en setenta e tres, todos estarán no lume, agás unha."

Let each return to his house in peace’.
Volva cada un á súa casa e en paz".

DAN: Heaven and earth shall pass away: but my words shall not pass away.
E engade: o ceo e a terra pasarán, pero as miñas palabras non pasarán [15] .

But God gave His inheritance to Abraham by the promise.
Non obstante, Deus concedeu o seu favor a Abraham en forma de promesa.

O Lord God of Heaven’s Armies, the God of Israel,
16"Señor dos Exércitos, Deus de Israel,

But not the knot of human death and fate.
mais non o Nó da Morte e do Destino Humán.

I say, “Peace be with you.”
eu direiche: ”Que a paz sexa contigo”.

The following signs will be apparent in those who truly love the Prophet .
Os seguintes sinais serán evidentes para os que aman verdadeiramente o Profeta.