They had Peter and John brought before them and asked, "By what power or in what name did you do this?"
Agus air dhaibh iadsan a chur anns a' mheadhon, dh'fheòraich iad, Ciod e an cumhachd, no ciod e an t‐ainm, anns an do rinn sibh seo?
Whether, then, it was I or they, this is what we preach, and this is what you believed.
Mar sin, ge b' e mise a bh' ann no iadsan, mar seo tha sinne a' searmonachadh agus mar seo chreid sibhse.
"My soul waits for the LORD, more than the watchmen for the morning; indeed, more than the watchmen for the morning."
6 Tha m'anam d feitheamh air an Tighearn ni's mò na luchd-faire na maidne, seadh, na luchd-faire na maidne.
say, "Very good!
then say, " Beannachd nan suibhal a's nan imeachd!
(The Sadducees said that there is no resurrection, and that there are neither angels nor spirits, but the Pharisees acknowledged them all.)
Oir tha na Sadusaich ag ràdh nach eil aiseirigh, no aingeal, no spiorad ann; ach tha na Pharasaich ag aideachadh gach aoin dhiubh.
[14] "Let them alone; they are blind guides of the blind.
14Leigibh leo: is cinn-iùil dhall nan dall iad.
My brothers, if one of you wanders away from the truth and somebody brings him back,
A bhràithrean, ma thèid aon neach agaibhse air seachran on fhìrinn, agus gun iompaich neach e
[7] I am for peace; but when I speak, they are for war.
7 Tha mise air son sìth; ach 'n uair a labhras mi, tha iadsan air son cogaidh.
"I can show you the way to my mother's place." (8)
"Is urrainn dhomh an slighe a thoirt dhut gu àite mo mhàthar." (8)
Oh, and - take pics, even if it's only through the window!
Oh, agus - a 'gabhail pics, fiù 's ma tha e a-mhàin tron uinneig!
that before the unbelievers.
h-àraidh an làthair nan ana-creideach.
5 And the apostles said to the Lord, "Increase our faith."
5 Agus thuirt na h-abstoil ris an Tighearn, Meudaich ar creidimh.
In that time; for it is an evil time.
'n a thosd anns an àm sin; oir is aimsir olc i.
"This is the gate of Jehovah; The righteous shall enter into it."
Is e seo geata an Tighearna, air an tèid na fìreanan a‐steach.
But he who unites himself with the Lord is one with Him in the Spirit."
"Ach esan a tha a' cumail ris an Tighearna, tha aon spiorad còmhla ris " (1.
Luke 5:32 (ESV) I have not come to call the righteous but sinners to repentance."
Lucas 5:32 Cha tàinig mi a ghairm na fìrean, ach peacaich gu aithreachas.
(The Sadducees say that there is no resurrection, and that there are neither angels nor spirits, but the Pharisees acknowledge them all.)
Oir tha na Sadusaich ag ràdh nach eil aiseirigh, no aingeal, no spiorad ann; ach tha na Pharasaich ag aideachadh gach aoin dhiubh.
5 And the Apostles said to the Lord, "Increase our faith."
5 Agus thuirt na h-abstoil ris an Tighearn, Meudaich ar creidimh.
say: "Very good.
then say, " Beannachd nan suibhal a's nan imeachd!
They made Peter and John stand before them and then asked them, "By what power or authority did you do this?"
Agus air dhaibh iadsan a chur anns a' mheadhon, dh'fheòraich iad, Ciod e an cumhachd, no ciod e an t‐ainm, anns an do rinn sibh seo?
They had Peter and John brought before them and began to question them: "By what power (ἐξουσίᾳ) or what name did you do this?"
Agus air dhaibh iadsan a chur anns a' mheadhon, dh'fheòraich iad, Ciod e an cumhachd, no ciod e an t‐ainm, anns an do rinn sibh seo?
- "Submit yourselves for the Lord's sake to every authority instituted among men: whether to the king, as the supreme authority."
13Uime sin bithibh umhail do gach uile riaghailt dhaoine airson an Tighearna: mas ann don rìgh mar an tì as àirde inbhe;
"This is the gate of YHVH; the righteous shall enter through it."
Is e seo geata an Tighearna, air an tèid na fìreanan a‐steach.
he said, "she has a lovely face.
He said, "She has a lovely face; (Thuirt e, "Th'aghaidh àlainn aice;)
The ThamiZha!
Tha tham tham..
But whomever is united with the Lord is one with him in the spirit.
"Ach esan a tha a' cumail ris an Tighearna, tha aon spiorad còmhla ris " (1.
Verse 5 - And the apostles said to the Lord, "Increase our faith."
5 Agus thuirt na h-abstoil ris an Tighearn, Meudaich ar creidimh.
the thamiz).
Tha tham tham..
I think that's what's keeping my johnson down.
Tha mi a 'smaoineachadh gur e sin a tha a' cumail mo johnson sìos.
4:32 But He said to them, "I have food to eat of which you do not know."
4:32 Ach thuirt e riutha, "Tha mi biadh gu bheil thu chan eil fios agam."
Yeah, yeah, you've seen every cat eye out there - you're over it.
Yeah, yeah, tha thu air a h-uile sùil cat fhaicinn a-muigh - tha thu thairis air.
Sex in the office, I'm amazed!
Sex san oifis, tha mi amazed!
Why do we die? - Romans 5:12.
Carson a tha sinn a bàsachadh? - Ròmanaich 5:12.
Holy crap, I must be 80 years old!
Crap naomh, feumaidh mi a bhith 80 bliadhna a dh'aois!
We recall that you are the One who speaks to your people
Tha sinn a' cuimhneachadh gur tusa an Tì a labhras ri do shluagh
"What's this wisdom [ that has been given him ]?
Dè an gliocas a tha seo air a thoirt dhut?
Like they say, "Water is life."
Mar a tha iad an-còmhnaidh ag ràdh, is e uisge beatha.
You have been rebellious against the LORD from the day that I knew you.
Bha sibh ceannairceach an aghaidh an Tighearna on là a b'aithne dhòmhsa sibh.
But the name Gavin, obviously, we had to change.
Ach an t-ainm Gavin, gu follaiseach, bha againn ri atharrachadh.
(KJV) Are not five sparrows sold for two farthings, and not one of them is forgotten before God?
Nach eil còig gealbhain air an reic air dà fheòirling, agus chan eil aon dhiubh air a dhearmad am fianais Dhè?
Be one with them in all things in righteousness.
agus bi maille riutha anns gach cas.
I am [for] peace: But when I speak, they are for war.
7 Tha mise air son sìth; ach 'n uair a labhras mi, tha iadsan air son cogaidh.
"Oh," you will say, "we have known that for a very long time!"
Thuirt i: Tha sinn air a bhith eòlach mu [Sìona] airson ùine mhòr.
say, "the rest of the story!"
Say: Alba gu bràth!
I swear to God they whispered: "wait."
"Aghaidh dhe dhe!" ar siad sin, "feuchaidh amach,
Luke 5:32 (NKJV Strong's Bible) I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners, to repentance."
Lucas 5:32 Cha tàinig mi a ghairm na fìrean, ach peacaich gu aithreachas.
And he did not know this truth: that this was being done by an Angel.
Agus cha robh fhios aige seo fhìrinn: a chaidh seo a dhèanamh le Aingeal.
Are not five sparrows sold for two pence? and not one of them is forgotten in the sight of God.
Nach eil còig gealbhain air an reic air dà fheòirling, agus chan eil aon dhiubh air a dhearmad am fianais Dhè?
To his own master he must stand or fall; but he shall be made to stand, for God is able to set him up.
Da mhaighistir fhèin seasaidh, no tuitidh e: seadh, cumar suas e; oir is comasach Dia air a chumail na sheasamh.
(40:32) "And, O my people, I fear for you the day of mutual blaming."
Agus cuiridh mi dealachadh eadar mo shluagh-sa agus do shluagh-sa: air an là màireach bidh an comharradh seo.