But whoever volunteers to do good, it is better for him; and it is better for you that you fast, if you did (only) know."
Gidh bé oibrithe deonacha go maith, tá sé go maith dó; ach go tapa níos fearr duit,más rud é ach bhí a fhios agat.

(Still untitled).
Na tabhair ainm De gan adhbhar,

en] A word is enough to the wise.
A word to the wise is sufficient, tuigeann fear léinn leathfhocal; is leor nod don eolach.

They ask you about the phases of the moon.
"Iarr siad duit faoi na Mí Naofa agus an troid i sé.

What you are saying about Ishmael is false."
Chun an méid a dúirt tú faoi Ishmael bréagach. "

Ask him; he is of age, he will speak for himself."
Cuirigí ceist air féin; tá sé in aois fir; labhróidh sé ar a shon féin."

He is the eternal life, there is no Ilah (the right to be worshiped) but Him, then pray to Him to purify worship Him.
Tá sé an bheatha shíoraí, níl aon Ilah (an ceart chun a worshipped) ach Eisean, guí ansin Eisean a purify adhradh dó.

He says, "We were doing it before it was cool.
Deir sé, "Bhí muid ag déanamh sé sula raibh sé cool.

As this day will affect the health of Ukrainians
Toisc go mbeidh an lá seo difear do shláinte Ukrainians

Ask him, he is of age, he will speak for himself."
Cuirigí ceist air féin; tá sé in aois fir; labhróidh sé ar a shon féin."

Allah will be sufficient for him.
Is leor le Dia beagán dó.

God knows when we shall meet again."
Dia a fhios nuair a bheidh muid le chéile arís. ""

Behold, my servants will drink, and you will be thirsty.
Behold, Beidh mo sheirbhísigh ag ól, agus go mbeidh tú tart.

I'm working in Dallas today. / He said he was working in Dallas that day.
Táim ag obair i Dallas inniu. / Dúirt sé go raibh sé ag obair i Dallas an lá sin.

We have prepared a painful chastisement.
Dóibh siúd Táimid tar éis a ullmhú pionós painful.

You should also read them in the ears of all Judah coming from their towns.
Ina theannta sin, Beidh tú iad a léamh chomh maith san éisteacht sin go léir de Judah atá ag teacht as a gcuid cathracha.

"Who can stretch forth his hand against the LORD'S anointed, and be guiltless?"
Óir cé d'fhéadfadh a lámh a shíneadh in aghaidh fhear ungtha an Tiarna, agus ciontacht a sheachaint?

"O Lord, how innumerable are Thy works; in wisdom Thou hast made them all!
Nach líonmhar iad d'oibreacha, a Thiarna! rinne tú gach aon ní le

But wait... really... we missed LinkedIn, too?
Ach fan... i ndáiríre... chaill muid LinkedIn, freisin?

protector, and Allah is enough for a Helper.
Is leor go bhfuil Allah an Guardian, agus is leor é go bhfuil Allah an Helper.

(Jeremiah said) "You are stronger than I, and You have prevailed."
Bhí tú ag níos láidre ná mé, agus tá tú le sonrú.

2007: They take their first trip to Lake Como together.
2007: Tugann siad a gcéad turas go Lake Como le chéile.

You are stronger than I am, and you have overpowered me.
Bhí tú ag níos láidre ná mé, agus tá tú le sonrú.

The Prophet (peace be upon him) never had any doubt, or asked any of
An Prophet (salla Allahu alihi wa sallam) riamh, dhiúltaigh riamh nó fiú hesitated rud ar bith a thabhairt ar shiúl.

Whatever happened that day, can you forgive and forget?
Cibé rud a tharla an lá sin, Is féidir leat a logh agus dearmad?

The fact is they are going CRAZY only because they know they can't beat me in 2020!
Is é an fírinne go bhfuil siad ag dul CRAZY ach toisc go bhfuil a fhios acu nach féidir leo buille dom i 2020!

Don't be afraid: the rest of the year, the European Parliament is looking after it.
Ná bíodh eagla ort: an chuid eile den bhliain, tá Parlaimint na hEorpa ag tabhairt aire dó.

These days, he eats all kinds of Nigerian food."
Na laethanta seo, itheann sé gach cineál bia Nigéir. "

Ask him; he is of age, let him speak for himself."
Cuirigí ceist air féin; tá sé in aois fir; labhróidh sé ar a shon féin."

And the disbelievers say, 'This is a sorcerer, a liar.
Na unbelievers rá, 'Is é seo an sorcerer suite.

And when you mention your Lord alone in the Qur'an, they turn back in aversion." (5:46)
Nuair a bheidh tú (Prophet Muhammad) trácht ar do Thiarna aonar sa Koran, téann siad a ndroim i aversion" (17:46).

In this context it is ridiculous to be afraid to die!
Sa chomhthéacs seo, tá sé ridiculous a bheidh eagla ar a bás!

His lordship has not yet returned."
Nach bhfuil a chuid Tiarnas ar ais go fóill. "

In this context, it is ridiculous to be afraid to die!
Sa chomhthéacs seo, tá sé ridiculous a bheidh eagla ar a bás!

seven days until I come to you and show you what you should do."
Fan seacht lá go dtiocfaidh mé chugat, agus a thaispeáint duit céard atá le déanamh agat."

Why did you kill them if what you say is true?"
Cén fáth go raibh tú a mharú iad, má tá an méid a deir tú fíor? '

What you are saying about Ishmael is a lie."
Chun an méid a dúirt tú faoi Ishmael bréagach. "

IT/Consulting, Luxembourg is waiting for you!
IT / Consulting, tá Lucsamburg ag fanacht leat!

3:63 If they turn away, Allah knows the evildoers.
3:63 Má téann siad ar shiúl, a fhios Allah na evildoers.

I will show them the back, and not the face, in the day of
Beidh mé a thaispeáint dóibh an chúl, agus nach bhfuil an duine, sa lá ar a perdition. "

fuel is man and stone, which has been prepared for the unbelievers."
Is breosla a bhfuil daoine agus clocha ullmhaithe do na unbelievers. "

30, But God raised him from the dead.
30 Ach thóg Dia ó mhairbh é

See also: Who's in love in Springfield?
Féach freisin: Cé atá i ngrá i Springfield?

"My lord, we would have come immediately.
ÁR dTiarna: "Go gairid tiocfaidh Benedict chugainn.

"And if We had willed, We could have sent into every city a warner."
"Agus má willed againn, tá muid chuig fíor i ngach tír a thugann rabhadh (an Apostle).

He will say: 'My Lord is angry today, in a way in which He has never been angered before.
Beidh sé ag rá, 'Is é mo Thiarna feargach inniu ar bhealach inar Tá sé riamh angered roimh.

And the disbelievers say: "This is a sorcerer, a liar.
Na unbelievers rá, 'Is é seo an sorcerer suite.

And if We had willed, We could have sent into every city a warner.
"Agus má willed againn, tá muid chuig fíor i ngach tír a thugann rabhadh (an Apostle).

When Someone Says You Can't Do It November 3, 2013
Nuair a Deir Duine éigin Ní Féidir Leat é a Dhéanamh Samhain 3, 2013

This is a serious business, you know, five hours working with your eyes."
Is gnó tromchúiseach é seo, tá a fhios agat, cúig uair an chloig ag obair le do shúile. '