And Adam was obedient unto the commandments of the Lord."
A sa ctalairawarawa ko Atama ki na ivakaro ni Turaga.

Am I not worth not more than ten sons to you?"
Au sa sega beka ni vinaka cake mai vei iratou na lewe tini na luvemu tagane?"

God has not ceased to be a God of miracles, Morm.
E se sega ni sa cava na nona Kalou ni cakacaka mana na Kalou, Moma.

If I had eaten the sin offering today, would it have been accepted in the sight of the LORD?"
Kevaka au a kania nai soro ni valavala ca e daidai, e na vinaka beka e na mata i Jiova?"

contended, and then be thankful.
Dou masu tikoga vagumatua, ka yadrava tiko ena vakavinavinaka.

I need a thousand new years with you in my life!
Au vinakata e dua na udolu na yabaki vou vata kei kemuni ena noqu bula!

Yet God shall make you fall before the enemy, for God has power to help and to bring down."
E dina ga, Ni Kalou ena cakava mo ni druka e na matadra na meca; ni sa tu vua na Kalou na kaukauwa me vukea se me vakadruka."

And they said, From out of the land of Canaan, to buy foods.
A ra sa kaya, Mai na vanua ko Kenani, me voli kakana.

for I will bring evil from the north, and a great destruction.
Ni'u na kauta mai na vualiku na ka ca kei na veivakarusai levu."

are taught to be heart-warming,
Sa vakavulici na lomadra mera kocokoco.

Surely there is no such city in the world;
Mai na koro ko ya ena sega na oca,

The scriptures contain many examples of miraculous healings by the Lord and his servants.
E tu ena ivolanikalou e vuqa na ivakaraitaki ni cakacaka mana ni veivakabulai e vakayacora na Turaga kei ira na Nona italai.

The Message, the Meaning, and the Multitude.
Na iTukutuku, na Kena iBalebale, kei ira na Lewevuqa

Or blame each other.
se veilasutaki vakai kemudou.

Surely He could have prevented or stopped its destruction."
A rawa Vua me tarova na kama se muduka na kena vakacaca."

Call upon His name; Make known His deed among the people.
Masuta na Yacana; Vakatakila na Nona cakacaka ena kedra maliwa na Nona tamata!

One or two aphids feeding on the underside of the leaf,
se o ira e wase rua kena ququ ni kakua ni kania:

You will see much greater things than that!"
O na raica na veika lelevu mai na kena oqo."

We the People have the power,
O keda na lewe ni vanua (taukei) e tiko vei keda na kaukauwa.

The Book of Mormon: What Would Your Life Be Like Without It?
Na iVola i Momani: Ena Vakaivei Beka Nomu Bula Kevaka e Sega?

Or what does a believer have in common with an unbeliever?.
Se rau sa vakaitavi vata vakaevei ko koya sa vakabauta kei koya sa sega ni vakabauta?

She looked at the bread as if it were precious.
A vakaraica na madrai o koya me vaka e sa ka talei.

And they will announce my glory to the Gentiles.
Ia e ra na qai kacivaka yani Noqu lagilagi ki na veimatanitu tani.

That's why he said to Abraham, "Fear not.
Eparama ena raivotu ka tukuna, "Mo kua ni rere

He is waiting for you to come to Him in prayer.
Sa waraki kemuni tiko mo ni kerekere yani vua ena masu.

Is he the only one who came back to give praise to God?"
E lesu beka ga mai e dua me mai vakalagilagia na Kalou?'

And lied to Him with their tongue.
Qai lasutaki koya na yamedra.

God's promises are rich and pure.
Nayalayala ni Kalou e vutuniyau, vuabalekasoliwale."

There are two abodes; that of this world and that of the hereafter.
2 Na ararama ka vu-ni-bula kei vuravura; io na rarama sa cilava na butobuto, ia na butobuto sa sega ni kunea;

Those who do good deeds receive rewards."
Ia na tamata kecega sa vakayacora na veika dodonu, ena rawata vakaidina na kena isau.

Online rich, and the width of the list;
Vutuniyau ena initaneti, kei na rabana ni lisi;

"Has the day of miracles ceased?"
Sa Mudu Li na Siga ni Cakacaka Mana?

"And we will prove them herewith, to see if they will do all things whatsoever the Lord their God shall command them..."
"Io meda vakatovolei ira mada kina, era na muria na veika kece sa vakarota vei ira na Turaga na nodra Kalou se sega;

This is the First Resurrection.
Sa i koya oqo na i matai ni tucake tale.

All of these are included in the prayer, "He is merciful."
Na vei vanua kecega, era na kaci Vua ka tukuna, na dauniveivakalouvinakataki.

Am I, then, the best authority on them?"
E sega beka ni rawa ni'u sili vei rau ka savasava mai?"

Surely He could have prevented the fire or stopped its destruction.
A rawa Vua me tarova na kama se muduka na kena vakacaca."

And it came to pass that they would not, or the more part of them would not, obey the commandments of the king.
Ka sa yaco me ra sega ni kitaka vakakina, se na iwase levu cake vei ira era sa talaidredre ki na nona ivakaro na tui.

'And it shall be that every person who does not hear that Prophet shall be utterly destroyed from among the people.'
Ia ena qai yaco ni ko koya yadua na tamata sa sega ni rogoca na parofita ko ya, ena muduki tani mai na kedra maliwa na tamata.

If any one of them is right, which is it, and how shall I know?"
Kevaka e dua vei ira e dina, ia ko cei, kau na kila beka vakacava?

Or what does a believer have in common with an unbeliever.
Se rau sa vakaitavi vata vakaevei ko koya sa vakabauta kei koya sa sega ni vakabauta?

And bbehold, they were faithful until the end; therefore they were saved.
Ka raica, era sa yalodina tiko ga me yacova na divakataotioti; o koya e ra sa vakabulai kina.

and teach you what to speak."
ka vakavulici iko ena ka mo tukuna."

(11) And they say, "How can God know?
11 Era sa tukuna, "Sa kila vakacava na Kalou?

Yea, say unto them, except they repent, the Lord God will destroy them.
Io, mo kaya vei ira, vakavo sara ke ra veivutuni na Turaga na Kalou ena avakarusai ira.

In the meantime, we have increased the size of the [Afghan] Commandos.
Ia keimami sa vakayarayarataki ira tani yani na nodra mataivalu kaukauwa duadua na Leimanaiti;

Am I not worth more than ten sons to you?"
Au sa sega beka ni vinaka cake mai vei iratou na lewe tini na luvemu tagane?"

And when you pray, always give thanks."
Dou masu tikoga vagumatua, ka yadrava tiko ena vakavinavinaka.

Call upon his name: make known his deeds among the people.
Masuta na Yacana; Vakatakila na Nona cakacaka ena kedra maliwa na Nona tamata!

68:5 Behold, this is the promise of the Lord unto you, O ye my servants.
5 Raica, oqo na nona yalayala na Turaga vei kemudou, Oi kemudou na noqu tamata.