Parts of the Qur'an verify other parts.
Abbo jaŋgi deftere Qur'aana yowti ɗefte goɗɗe ɗe
The only mention of the term is in Revelations.
Kono seese tan, ko e haala tawo ɗum haaɗi.
The excavation of earth to make the mound left a ditch around the motte, called a moat (which could be either wet or dry).
Irtugo bee wasugo lesɗi ngam nyiɓa, acci gasɗe taari towdire, ɗo nodda 'moat' (waawan laata ɗo yoori koo boo ɗo soofi).
There will be spoilers: You have been warned.
There be spoilers afoot, ye be warned.
follow them in pursuit.
Follow her. pRaateete ye Pratite je.
by His Grace at the Lotus Feet of the Lord of All the Creation, and Dissolution.
e breed be into mynde of e offrynge of e Lord; e loond;
servant of the Lord is standing between them with uplifted staff."
Ɓe fu Joomiraawo gooto ɓe goodi.
And adhere to that (whatever you fix).
Follow her. pRaateete ye Pratite je.
For example, to explain why the ancient Egyptians developed a successful civilization, studying the geography of Egypt is essential.
Misaalu, to en fammtinan ko waɗi Misirannko'en naane heɓi nguurdam boɗɗam ɓoosiigal, janngugo anndal joogaraafi Misra kimmiɗiniiɗum.
Believers are to support one another
Hay laamɓe no hooloo wonde
But whoever turned away from your admonition and refused to accept - [88:23]
Kala tuubuɗo laɓɓini, oon e misal,
A kiss, in our family, was an event.
Muccaade dow gole, nder iyaalu men, lamar on.
31 We know that God does not listen to sinners, but He does listen to the one who worships Him and does His will.
31 En andi Allah nanataa do'aare gaɗooɓe hakke, ammaa e mo nana do'aare kuloowomo gaɗoowo ko o yiɗi.
We said (in part):
We say doa ga aku , (suteeji no) kaaten ga aku ,
But they taught themselves to reason.
Ammana ɓe njanngini hoore maɓɓe e daliila.
And stay there with the Lord of Power and Glory!
e breed be into mynde of e offrynge of e Lord; e loond;
So he was associating with devotees.
o hawta ɓe bee laamɓe,
[41] And because of his words many more became believers.
41 Yimɓe kooliiɓe Yeesu ɓeydii naa' seɗɗa ngam boliiɗe maako.
and they will not deny me.
A ɗon esta yimɓe ɓe nuɗɗina fewre.
Allah is He Who is The Supreme and The Exalted.
O Allah mawɗo, baawɗo, kulniiɗo.
Thereby good shall come unto you."
That ye wol be good frend unto hem al.'
But he who is joined to the Lord is one spirit.'
Ɓe fu Joomiraawo gooto ɓe goodi.
"Blessed are those who have not seen Me, yet believed."
Ɓe barkiɗinaaɓe yimɓe ɓe ngi'aayiyam, fuu e non ɓe koolakeyam."
It is the only merciful thing to do.
Laamɗo tan woni lobbo!
(Lamsa) And his word does not abide in you, because you do not believe in him whom he has sent.
38 Wolde maako boo walaa nder ɓerɗe mooɗon ngam on koolaaki mo o liloyi.
Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them...
Kanjum woni ngeenaari kuuɗe maɓɓe.
But they have been taught the meaning.
Ammana ɓe njanngini hoore maɓɓe e daliila.
and not only for that nation, but also in order to gather into one the scattered children of God.
52 O maayay naa' ngam Yahuudanko'en tan, ammaa haa e yimɓe Allah cankitiiɓe nder goɗɗe leyɗe, o hawritaɓe o wartiraɓe go'o.
But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what they have done has been done in the sight of God'"
21 Ammaa koo moye gaɗoowo goonga e natta jayngol, ngam ɗum yi'a e njayri e mo waɗa ko Allah yiɗi."
But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what they have done has been done in the sight of God"
21 Ammaa koo moye gaɗoowo goonga e natta jayngol, ngam ɗum yi'a e njayri e mo waɗa ko Allah yiɗi."
of war, in the midst of doubt and confusion,
be contrary to, be diffident, be doubtful, be dubious,
It can also be understood as the free market idea applied to international trade.
Nden boo ɗun rakkay anduki ɗon ɗun e famtuki meere kutirteeɗun e luumo leydi e leydi.
The value of pi was first calculated by him.
Darja Pi ɗum kanko fuɗɗi limuki-ɗum.
We know that God doesn't listen to sinners, but God does listen to anyone who worships Him and DOES HIS WILL.
31 En andi Allah nanataa do'aare gaɗooɓe hakke, ammaa e mo nana do'aare kuloowomo gaɗoowo ko o yiɗi.
who rules the kingdom of men and gives it to whom He will."
Nden o gooŋɗini no Allah Ɓaŋgiiɗo mari baawɗe dow laamu yimɓe, lamminan mo o yiɗi fuu.
Femto is a frigging God (Hand).
5 Kanjum woni seedamku no Allah hiitorto bee gooŋga.
But anyone who is joined to the Lord is one spirit with him.'
Ɓe fu Joomiraawo gooto ɓe goodi.
But he who is joined to the Lord is one spirit."[701]
Ɓe fu Joomiraawo gooto ɓe goodi.
Blessed by the Lord of the wind and the billow."
e breed be into mynde of e offrynge of e Lord; e loond;
However, whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what they have done has been done in the sight of God."
21 Ammaa koo moye gaɗoowo goonga e natta jayngol, ngam ɗum yi'a e njayri e mo waɗa ko Allah yiɗi."
For example, trade networks were, until the nineteenth century, much larger than either cultural spheres or political spheres.
Misaalu, laabi coggu bee filu ɗonno, sai nder karnuwol sappo'e je'enayi, ɓuri haala cappal al'aadaaji ko siyaasaaku.
In botany, classes are now rarely discussed.
Nder botani, jooni dun wolwata haala ajihon soosai.
One part of the Qur'an explains another.
Abbo jaŋgi deftere Qur'aana yowti ɗefte goɗɗe ɗe
The value of Pi was first calculated by him.
Darja Pi ɗum kanko fuɗɗi limuki-ɗum.
But he who is joined to the Lord is one spirit."
Ɓe fu Joomiraawo gooto ɓe goodi.
I miss you too, man
duuude i miss you too man
It is often called oh in the context of telephone numbers.
E nde ɗuuɗi noddireeki oh nder wolde limɗe telefol.
God, the Great, the Powerful, the Awesome.
O Allah mawɗo, baawɗo, kulniiɗo.
Or rather, he came back from the dead.
Ko ɓuri ɗum boo, o ummiti diga maayde.
in respect of the truth,
e dow goonga