Verily, the hypocrites are the Faasiqoon (rebellious, disobedient to Allaah)."
La histristos certe trograndizan!"
Now questions are no, you live on the machine.
Nun demandoj estas ne, vi vivas sur la maŝino.
And do not let this one thing be concealed from you, beloved, that one day with the LORD [is] as one thousand years and one thousand years as one day; the LORD is not slow in regard to the promise, as some count slowness, but is long-suffering to us, not intending any to be lost, but all to come to conversion, and it will come - the Day of the LORD - as a thief in the night. . .
fpgqg fpgqh fpgqi fpgqj fpgqk fpgql fpgqm fpgqn fpgqo fpgqp fpgqq fpgqr fpgra fpgrb fpgrc fpgrd fpgre fpgrf fpgrg fpgrh fpgri fpgrj fpgrk fpgrl fpgrm fpgrn fpgro fpgrp fpgrq fpgrr fpgsa fpgsb fpgsc fpgsd fpgse fpgsf fpgsg fpgsh fpgsi fpgsj fpgsk
"Your Lord is never forgetful."
Your Lord est neniam forgetful.
of the infidels became that of the faithful.
[4:139] Ili est unu ally disbelievers believers.
Can the Queen of England do so much?"
Ĉu la Reĝino de Anglio povas fari tiel multe?"
That was the only reason they hired you again!"
Tio estis la nura kialo ili dungis vin denove!"
They do not wait for signs."
Oni ne atendu tujan rezulton."
Hence turn away from them for a while (i.e. be patient).
Turnu vin do for de ili por iom da tempo,
And all live in the seed which hath the blessing, and in the wisdom by which you may order all things to God's glory [Wis 8:1/1 Cor 10:31], over the evil seed, that is out of the truth [John 8:44]. . . .
fpgqg fpgqh fpgqi fpgqj fpgqk fpgql fpgqm fpgqn fpgqo fpgqp fpgqq fpgqr fpgra fpgrb fpgrc fpgrd fpgre fpgrf fpgrg fpgrh fpgri fpgrj fpgrk fpgrl fpgrm fpgrn fpgro fpgrp fpgrq fpgrr fpgsa fpgsb fpgsc fpgsd fpgse fpgsf fpgsg fpgsh fpgsi fpgsj fpgsk
and the one who does not want to forgive is the transgressor.
Kiun oni ne povas (aŭ ne volas) pardoni: nepardonebla krimo.
He does indeed listen to those who reach out to Him.
Li aŭdis tiujn, he heard those (persons, or things).
These feelings and thoughts of our Republic 96.
Ĉi tiuj sentoj kaj pensoj de nia Respubliko 96.
Nothing more is asked for since He is the most merciful.
[52:28] Ni uz implore Him; Li est plej Kind Merciful!
they have been (they are) friends from that day.
Ili estas amikoj de tiu tago, they have been (they are) friends from that day.
What do you really want to give your kids? ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Truth: at the end of the day, it isn't that toy. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ You want to give them your love.
fpgqg fpgqh fpgqi fpgqj fpgqk fpgql fpgqm fpgqn fpgqo fpgqp fpgqq fpgqr fpgra fpgrb fpgrc fpgrd fpgre fpgrf fpgrg fpgrh fpgri fpgrj fpgrk fpgrl fpgrm fpgrn fpgro fpgrp fpgrq fpgrr fpgsa fpgsb fpgsc fpgsd fpgse fpgsf fpgsg fpgsh fpgsi fpgsj fpgsk
Then follow certain texts of Scripture; after which he adds, "Who does not believe that in these scriptures there is an abundance of good works required, which if a man do not perform, he is altogether excluded from the hope of pardon, and remission of sins?" -- Ibid., p.
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So it is; and this is a very blessed revelation.
A jaaj a toto je aka pekna agitacia.
can do (almost) whatever he wants.
Shi povis iri [tien], kien shi volis.
[30] This is described in Thompson.
[30] Tio estas priskribita en Thompson.
They are truly guided by their Lord; These are truly saved.
[31:5] Ili sekv guidance their Lord ili est winners.
1958) also calls for this technique.
1958) ankaŭ postulas tiu tekniko.
They said, "Our Father!
Ili diris: "O nia patro!
And Allah, of what you do, is Seeing."[2]
A Allah dobro vidi ono sto vi radite."
Yes, we would like a democracy in Tunisia - but not too much democracy.
Jes, ni ŝatus demokration en Tunizio - sed ne tro multe da demokratio.
"What happened to that child... or rather, children?
"Kio okazis al tiu infano ... aŭ pli ĝuste, infanoj?
In October, Aristide was able to return.
En oktobro, Aristide povis reveni.
We revealed to Moses, "Take away My servants by night, for, behold, you will be pursued."
Ni revelaciis al Moseo: "Konduku Niajn servantojn nokte for, vi certe estos persekutataj,"
1320) was his student.
1320) estis lia studento.
February 5, 2013 If you want to know about your enemy,
5 Februaro 2013 Se vi volas scii pri via malamiko,
"They are [varying] degrees in the sight of Allah, and Allah is Seeing of whatever they do."-[3:163]- Alhamdulillah for everything.
se oni okane, pa, Allah dobro vidi ta oni rade.
Do you believe in a part of the Book and disbelieve in a part?
Vi kred en part de scripture Do kaj disbelieve en part?
So do you believe in part of the Scripture and disbelieve in part?...
Vi kred en part de scripture Do kaj disbelieve en part?
"He is unique (wahid) and inherently one (ahad), all-merciful and omnipotent."
kadir ebla kapabla capabile kapable ar: قادر (kadir); ja: できる (dekiru)
So they have not waited for one event."
Oni ne atendu tujan rezulton."
"Goodbye, My Lady Love" - This is used only in American productions.
"Adiaŭo, My Lady Love" - Tio estas uzita nur en amerikaj produktadoj.
How long are you planning to stay here? <a href="">sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim 800 160 mg dosage</a> Around 27% of the 8,783 stop and search records examined did not include sufficient grounds to justify the lawful use of the power, the watchdog discovered.
fpgqg fpgqh fpgqi fpgqj fpgqk fpgql fpgqm fpgqn fpgqo fpgqp fpgqq fpgqr fpgra fpgrb fpgrc fpgrd fpgre fpgrf fpgrg fpgrh fpgri fpgrj fpgrk fpgrl fpgrm fpgrn fpgro fpgrp fpgrq fpgrr fpgsa fpgsb fpgsc fpgsd fpgse fpgsf fpgsg fpgsh fpgsi fpgsj fpgsk
[3:63] If they turn away, then GOD is fully aware of the evildoers.
[3:63] Ili turn tiam DI est fully aware da evildoers.
One of them has been discovered - it's Alice."
Unu el ili estis malkovrita - ĝi estas Alice."
they were created (ca.
Oni enkonstruis [[lifto]]n.
World Soccer: We haven't seen you in Europe for a while, Gabriel...
Monda Soccer: Ni ne vidis vin dum kelka tempo en Eŭropo, Gabriel ...
and Hu has power over all things.
Et ita est omnipotens.
Unbelievers belong to The Incredulous.
[4:139] Ili est unu ally disbelievers believers.
It is the garden of eternity (al-khuld), God specified it for His self, and alluded to it in His book: God warns you that you beware of Him . . .
fpgqg fpgqh fpgqi fpgqj fpgqk fpgql fpgqm fpgqn fpgqo fpgqp fpgqq fpgqr fpgra fpgrb fpgrc fpgrd fpgre fpgrf fpgrg fpgrh fpgri fpgrj fpgrk fpgrl fpgrm fpgrn fpgro fpgrp fpgrq fpgrr fpgsa fpgsb fpgsc fpgsd fpgse fpgsf fpgsg fpgsh fpgsi fpgsj fpgsk
Then He said, "Take now your son, your only son Isaac, whom you love, and go to the land of Moriah, and offer him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains of which I shall tell you." [5]
fpgqg fpgqh fpgqi fpgqj fpgqk fpgql fpgqm fpgqn fpgqo fpgqp fpgqq fpgqr fpgra fpgrb fpgrc fpgrd fpgre fpgrf fpgrg fpgrh fpgri fpgrj fpgrk fpgrl fpgrm fpgrn fpgro fpgrp fpgrq fpgrr fpgsa fpgsb fpgsc fpgsd fpgse fpgsf fpgsg fpgsh fpgsi fpgsj fpgsk
"You needed that job, and you were the best qualified.
"Vi bezonis tiun laboron kaj vi estis la plej kvalifikita.
punishment is worse for the wrong-doer.
Sia estas kara pli ol (la) najbara.
"Maulana (Islahi) has narrowed down the definition of Sunnah to such an extent that it would merely be confined to a few deeds, the proof of which lies through the manner the Allah's Messenger (SAW) has proceeded consistently, such as, a few elements of prayer (Namaaz). . . .
fpgqg fpgqh fpgqi fpgqj fpgqk fpgql fpgqm fpgqn fpgqo fpgqp fpgqq fpgqr fpgra fpgrb fpgrc fpgrd fpgre fpgrf fpgrg fpgrh fpgri fpgrj fpgrk fpgrl fpgrm fpgrn fpgro fpgrp fpgrq fpgrr fpgsa fpgsb fpgsc fpgsd fpgse fpgsf fpgsg fpgsh fpgsi fpgsj fpgsk
She replied, "Yes Dad!
Jen replied, "Ok Dad.
"He (Allah) is the All-Forgiving, the All-Loving."
bedaŭri regretar [他]残念に思う/惜しむ