Ufuddhau Allah a Ei Negesydd, os ydych yn credu. '
and His Messenger if you are (true) believers." (al-Anfāl, 8:1).

Onid wyf fi'n well i ti na deg o feibion?"
Am I not more than ten sons to you?"

A Noddo Duw A Noddir (What God wills will be) [12]
"God attracts to the religion (Islam) whomever He wants."

ac yn ofni rhagddo ef: yr hwn a fynnai a laddai, a'r hwn a fynnai a gadwai yn
Therefore he has mercy on whom he wills, and he hardens the heart of whom he wills.

9:18 Gwelir, felly, fod Duw yn trugarhau wrth unrhyw un a fyn, a'i fod yn gwneud unrhyw un a fyn yn wargaled.
Romans 9:18 Therefore God has mercy on whom He wants to have mercy, and He hardens whom He wants to harden.

ac yn ofni rhagddo ef: yr hwn a fynnai a laddai, a'r hwn a fynnai a gadwai yn
"Therefore He has mercy on whom he wills, and whom he wills He hardens.

Neu, rhaid iddynt yr drysorau y Trugaredd dy Arglwydd, yr Hollalluog, mae'r Rhoi?
Do they have the treasures of the mercy of your Lord, the All-Mighty, the Munificent One

9:18 Gwelir, felly, fod Duw yn trugarhau wrth unrhyw un a fyn, a'i fod yn gwneud unrhyw un a fyn yn wargaled.
Romans 9:18 Therefore he has mercy on whom He wills, and whom He wills He hardens.

efe a chwanegir iddo: a rhyw un arall a arbed mwy nag a weddai, ac a syrth i dlodi.
He alone has the capacity to bring to naught a danger, and to enhance the honour of anyone of His servants whom He wants.

ac yn ofni rhagddo ef: yr hwn a fynnai a laddai, a'r hwn a fynnai a gadwai yn
"Therefore, he has mercy on whom he wills, and whom he wills he hardens.

20 Ac a ddywedasant, Fy arglwydd, gan ddisgyn y disgynasom yr amser cyntaf i brynu lluniaeth.
and said: 'Oh my lord, we came down down at the first time to buy food.

Galw ar eich cynorthwywyr, ar wahân i Allah, i helpu chi, os ydych yn wir.
Call upon your helpers, other than Allah, to assist you, if you are true.

A Noddo Duw A Noddir (What God wills will be) [26]
Allah, which He will bestow on whom He pleases.

ganddo: oherwydd iddo droseddu cyfamod yr ARGLWYDD, ac oherwydd iddo wneuthur
because he hath transgressed the covenant of the LORD, and because he hath

20 Ac a ddywedasant, Fy arglwydd, gan ddisgyn y disgynasom yr amser cyntaf i brynu lluniaeth.
and said, 'Oh, my lord, we indeed came down the first time to buy food, (NASB)

Dywedodd, "Gwae i'r Arabiaid, am y drwg sy'n denu yn agos!"
He said, "Woe for the Arabs, for the evil that draws near!"

A Noddo Duw A Noddir (What God wills will be) [26]
God anoints whomever He pleases.

Mae'n dweud: "Roedd fel petaswn i'n gwybod dim.
He says: "It was as if I knew nothing.

20 Ac a ddywedasant, Fy arglwydd, gan ddisgyn y disgynasom yr amser cyntaf i brynu lluniaeth.
"and said, Ah! my lord, we came indeed down at the first to buy food."

Roedd yn lladd pwy bynnag roedd e'n dewis ei ladd, ac yn arbed pwy bynnag oedd e eisiau.
He provides for whoever He wills and expands their provision, and He narrows it for whoever He wills out of mercy for them, even though it may appear otherwise.

Roedd yn lladd pwy bynnag roedd e'n dewis ei ladd, ac yn arbed pwy bynnag oedd e eisiau.
It is He Who grants respite to something for as long as He wants to and it is He Who pulls its strings whenever He intends to.

Oes rhaid i ni ddod â dŵr allan o'r graig yma i chi?"
Shall we bring forth water for you from out of this rock?"

Ufuddhau Allah a Ei Negesydd, os ydych yn credu. '
"If you dont belief in the messenger, you wontbelieve in the message."

Bydd, heb os, yn berfformiad i'w gofio.
Surely, it will be one to remember.

Fe ddywedodd, 'Bydd y rhai sydd olaf yn flaenaf, a'r rhai sydd flaenaf fydd olaf.'
He said, "many who are first will be last, and the last will be first."

To Whom It May Concern [Bonus Tracks] (I bwy bynnag a fynno [traciau bonws])
Who purifies whom He pleases (Q.4:49).

Neu, rhaid iddynt yr drysorau y Trugaredd dy Arglwydd, yr Hollalluog, mae'r Rhoi?
Or have they the treasures of the grace of your Lord, the All-Mighty, the All-Offering ?

Oherwydd dyma sut y mae Duw wedi dewis pobl, pan fyddant yn clywed y Newyddion Da.
Because this is how God has chosen people, when they hear the Good News.

efe a chwanegir iddo: a rhyw un arall a arbed mwy nag a weddai, ac a syrth i dlodi.
And when she receives AhabiYA from him, she will multiply his love back to him even more than he wishes of her.

Beth bynnag a ddigwyddodd y diwrnod hwnnw, gallwch faddau ac anghofio?
Whatever happened that day, can you forgive and forget?

Ond, mewn gwirionedd, yr hyn wnaethon nhw oedd gweithredu yn erbyn cyfreithiau Duw.
But in reality, what they have done is against God's laws.

ac oll sydd ynddynt; ac a orffwysodd y seithfed dydd.
and all that is in them, and rested the seventh day.

A Noddo Duw A Noddir (What God wills will be)
to whoever God wishes.

ganddo: oherwydd iddo droseddu cyfamod yr ARGLWYDD, ac oherwydd iddo wneuthur
he hath transgressed the covenant of the LORD, and because he hath

Neu, oes gen i fy mherthynas fy hun â Duw?'
Or my relationship with God?"

Neu, rhaid iddynt yr drysorau y Trugaredd dy Arglwydd, yr Hollalluog, mae'r Rhoi?
Or have they the treasures of the Mercy of your Lord, the All-Mighty, the Real

Roedd yn lladd pwy bynnag roedd e'n dewis ei ladd, ac yn arbed pwy bynnag oedd e eisiau.
The Devil boasted that all authority had been given him (temporarily) and that to whomever he wants to he gives it.

Ac eithrio deunydd sydd wedi'i wneud i'w rannu (shareables).
except Iblis who refused to join with the others in prostration.

neu drwy ofyn, "Ble mae'r Duw cyfiawn yma?"
Or by asking, (AM) "Where is the God of justice?"

'Awn ni gyda thi at dy bobl di.'
We will go with you to your people."

Fe ddywedodd, 'Bydd y rhai sydd olaf yn flaenaf, a'r rhai sydd flaenaf fydd olaf.'
Said, "Many that are first shall be last and the last, first."

A oes raid i mi fynd â'ch mab yn ôl i'r wlad y daethoch ohoni?"
In that case, should I take your son back to the land that you came from?"

Ydw i ddim yn well na deg mab i ti?"
Am I not better to you than ten sons?'" (v. 8).

A Noddo Duw A Noddir (Welsh: What God wills will be) [79]
The bounty is in the Hand of Allah, He gives it to whomsoever He wills.

Fe a fydd hyfryd gantho hyn,
And undoubtedly, soon he will be pleased.

20 Ac a ddywedasant, Fy arglwydd, gan ddisgyn y disgynasom yr amser cyntaf i brynu lluniaeth.
They said, "My lord, we did indeed come down the first time to buy food.

A Noddo Duw A Noddir (Welsh: What God wills will be) [79]
Allah (swt) is subtle in what He wills.

7Heddychol ydwyf fi: ond pan lefarwyf, y maent yn barod i ryfel.
[7] I am for peace; but when I speak, they are for war!

Neu, rhaid iddynt yr drysorau y Trugaredd dy Arglwydd, yr Hollalluog, mae'r Rhoi?
Or do they have the treasures of the Mercy of your Lord, the All-Mighty, the Real Bestower?

A Noddo Duw A Noddir (What God wills will be) [24]
Allah commands that which He wills.