23:54 zato ostavi ove u zabludi njihovoj još neko vrijeme!
23:54 So leave them in their error for a time.

Zar oni da govore: "On je pjesnik, sačekaćemo da vidimo šta će mu
Or do they say, " (He is) a poet, for whom we are waiting for an accident of time?"

23:54 zato ostavi ove u zabludi njihovoj još neko vrijeme!
23:54 So leave them in their confusion for a time.

[15.59] Izuzev porodice Lutove.
15:59 [who shall perish] except the family of Lot.

I dok je on u tom stanju, dođe mu (ova) bliža (smrt)."
Came to him is approached (Him).

(30) Zar oni da govore: "On je pjesnik, sačekaćemo da vidimo šta će mu suđeno biti."
Or do they say, " (He is) a poet, for whom we are waiting for an accident of time?"

E tad ce se opametiti!
Then they find out (otherwise) later.

;) nepravda oni deistvitelni.
they are indeed wrong-doers.

Eto lepog saveta ljudi, pa, hajde da vidimo šta će ko;)
And outrageously good looking (beauty is in the eye of the beholder), let's do this thing!

Zar oni da govore: "On je pjesnik, sačekaćemo da vidimo šta će mu
Or even do they say, "He is a poet for whom we await the uncertainty (i.e., the calamity of death; literally: the suspicion of fortune or fate) of fortune?"

Ko su oni - saznaće se.
They will come to know (the truth)!

Stvara šta hoće, a On je Znalac, Moćni. (54)
He creates what He wills, and He is the Knowing, the Competent. (54)

Jedna od tih odluka jeste i odluka o inoviranju,
One of these is the adoption of the vara,

Svaki od vas je Allahova kuća."
And each of you is a home of Allah."

Džibril je rekao: "Ja sam od vas dvojice."
Jibraeel exclaimed, "I am from both of you!"

Zar oni da govore: "On je pjesnik, sačekaćemo da vidimo šta će mu suđeno biti."
Or even do they say, "He is a poet for whom we await the uncertainty (i.e., the calamity of death; literally: the suspicion of fortune or fate) of fortune?"

i reče: "Ovo izgleda snažno stablo, mislim da ću biti u stanju prodati
said, "This looks like a strong tree, I think I should be able to sell the

33_2_I slijedi šta ti se objavljuje od Gospodara tvog.
(33:2) And follow what is revealed to you from your Lord.

reci: "Samo Allah zna sto ce biti, pa pricekajte, i ja cu s vama cekati."
Say: "Wait/remain (watch) so that I am with you from the waiting/ remaining (watching)."

I nećete biti pitani za ono šta su radili. (141)
And you will not be asked about what they used to do. (141)

(30) Zar oni da govore: "On je pjesnik, sačekaćemo da vidimo šta će mu suđeno biti."
Or even do they say, "He is a poet for whom we await the uncertainty (i.e., the calamity of death; literally: the suspicion of fortune or fate) of fortune?"

zatim (sa malim zakašnjenjem) odrežite kosu pod pravim uglom.
then (with a slight delay) cut the hair at a right angle.

Šta više, ti takvi su zalimi.
Nay, but such are evil-doers.

I okreni se od njih izvjesno vrijeme, (Mlivo)
So turn (away) from them for a while.

Pa kako ONI ocekuju da ih postujem kada oni ne postuju nikog, i pocinju da gaze sve da bi ostvarili njihove hirove.
Do I just wait for them to reject it and then refile with the correct number?"

Sumnja u ahiret
Verily, those who are in doubt concerning the Hour are

A imaće svako stepene6:132 od onog šta su radili.
6:132 And for all (will be) degrees for what they did.

Pobednika niko kasnije neće da pita da li je govorio istinu."
The winner is never asked whether he told the truth."

I dok je on u tom stanju (nade), dođe mu (ova) bliža (smrt).'"
Came to him is approached (Him).

Ma nemoj Emire (i ostali, prepoznaće se oni sami).
Nay, again, but they will come to know!

poslije njega, i vi ste bili zalimi.
after him, and you were wrongdoers.

Rekoh sebi: Ovaj strah od Allaha je ono po čemu je ovaj čovjek bolji od nas.
I said to myself: 'This fear of Allah is what has made this man better than us.

nego samo riječi: "Mir, mir!"
Except the saying, "Peace, peace."

38_53_Ovo je ono šta vam se obećava za Dan obračuna.
38_53_This is what you are promised for the Day of Account.

Reci: "Dođite, proučiću ono šta vam je zabranio Gospodar vaš: da
Say: "Come, I will recite what your Lord has prohibited you from..."

Vreme je presporo za one koje cekaju,
Time is too slow for those who wait;

Zar oni da govore: "On je pjesnik, sačekaćemo da vidimo šta će mu suđeno biti."
Or do they say, "He is a poet; so let us just wait until a disaster befalls him."

koji su se o njemu u mišljenju razilazili, oni su sami o tome u sumnji bili; o
And those who are differing about him,certainly, they are in doubt regarding' him.

mozda je Smak svijeta blizu!
Surely the end of the world is near."

33_2_I slijedi šta ti se objavljuje od Gospodara tvog.
33:2 And follow that which is inspired in thee from thy Lord.

Pa kako ONI ocekuju da ih postujem kada oni ne postuju nikog, i pocinju da gaze sve da bi ostvarili njihove hirove.
Do they wait for the leaves to come out so that they will have some cover over them?

37:128 samo neće oni Allahovi robovi koji su Mu bili odani.
37:128 But not the servants of Allah, the purified ones.

Šta više, ti takvi su zalimi.
Nay, but those-- they are the evildoers.

It's nike (nike), u got 2 be deaf
It's nike (nike), you got 2 be deaf

Može li im se pohvatati sva morska riba, da bude za njih dosta?"
Should all the fish of the sea be gathered together for them, to be enough for them?"

Ako ne znaš, o najljepša među ženama,
If you do not know, O most beautiful among women,

Šta više, ti takvi su zalimi.
and otherwise, those are the evildoers.

Zar oni da govore: "On je pjesnik, sačekaćemo da vidimo šta će mu suđeno biti."
Or do they Say: "He is a poet; so let us just wait until a disaster befalls him."

Posmatraš snove u vatri?"
Do you see dreams in the fire?."

[53.46] Od kapi sjemena kada se izbaci -
53:46 (He created) From a drop of seed when it is poured forth.