Iwe salama kwa Ilyas.
"Peace be upon Ilyas.
E balengele ifintu fyonse lukoso, kabili ba mano ukwakuti.
the work of an all-powerful and all-wise Creator.
Njishile mu ng'anda yobe; lelo taumpeele amenshi ya kusamba amakasa yandi.
I entered into your house, yet you gave me no water for my feet.
Pa bukata bwao i payule ñenyenye bā.
between them are the stars.
Ubufumu bwakwa Lesa e cilambu ca kuntanshi ica batetekela.
God is a rewarder of those who are faithful.
(MATEO 8:16) Pa kubelula bonso bādi bāya kwadi, Mwanā Leza wālombwele byobya bikalonga Bulopwe bwa Leza pano pa ntanda ponso.
(MATTHEW 8:16) In healing all who came to him, God's Son demonstrated what God's Kingdom will accomplish on a worldwide scale.
Inoko wākomenwe kutamija kipwano kya mpwaninine na Yehova nansha mutyima wa kumusangaja.
But he failed to cultivate a close bond with Jehovah or a fervent desire to please him.
Lelo lino insita iiya ilafika, antu yako yonsi yano amazina yao yalembwa mu lupapulo lwakwe Leza yalatuulwa.'"
"And at that time thy people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book.
Ilya afikile ati: Tata, umfweni ifyo uko, ukutila: Kano muntu akayishe mbulu ku muti.
Then he came back and said, "O, father!
Byo mumwenamo: Lesa wimulaya kwimupa bumi bwa myaka ne myaka inge mwamuyuka.
Verily, that which is with God is by far the best for you, if you but knew it:
Leka kulya mali yachikolo, igwasya bana,
And do not touch the property of the orphan.
To this day bali mu bwa ila!
And they are there to this day (NIV).
Bali Balo (again!)
though (for a fee).
Uzye ndinzile ukukuukila uku mpanga kuno ndakwata untungwa wa kupepa Leza?'
Have I been led into that Truth of God?"
Nceeci mbocibede bwini: "Hena toonse tatuli bana ba Taata omwe?
He asks the people, "Do we not all have one father?
Insha'allah ni ma na gode.
Allah is All-Thankful.
Davidi wene wakweti vyonsi vii, nomba nanti ciye vivyo, watwalilile ukuya muicefye mu umi wakwe onsi.
David had not just one of these assets but all of them; yet, he remained humble throughout his life.
Limona ali limona;
He saw, therefore,
Paulo atile: "Tufwaya ukuba aba cishinka muli fyonse."
Paul said: "We wish to conduct ourselves honestly in all things."
Uzye mwimika uyo wa kusimikila antu Izwi Lyakwe Leza cila mwezi, pakuti mungayazwa ukutandika ukuombela Leza?
Under each month you will find a list of promises from the Word of God.
Finshi mwingacita pa kuti amapepo ya lupwa yalewama sana?
And what will make you know what the night of Al-Qadr (Power)
Kādipo ukimumona'nka bu wandi mwana ino bu Mfumwandi ne Mupandiji wandi.
She had to think of him, not as her Son, but as her Lord and Savior.
Mu mashiwi yambi, balungami nomba muli Yesu.
In other words, they are now righteous in Jesus.
20 Na Esaya e n'eshimba dikabe; aye amba'shi, nafiulwa kwi bantu bashibankimbe; nafiki mu kuleshibwa kwi bantu bashibangipushe.
20 But Isaiah is very bold, and said, "I was found by those who did not seek me; I was made manifest to those who did not ask after me."
Tukawelenga ukuti: "Nga Leza anena Abulaamu ati: 'Utasakamikwa pa mwana na pa muzya wako Haga.
We said to them: 'Eat and drink of ALLAH's providing, and do not corrupt the earth.'
"Lelo chibuku yalapwa ku Chililabombwe!"
'This is the book.'
Ē! būmuntu bobe kebo bukatakata bōbīkile boba bakwakaminwe!"
So great is His lovingkindness towards those who fear Him."
Nanshi pa kyaba kya kutompa kwikala umbajinji, le i kika kyotufwaninwe kulonga? - Bine, tufwaninwe kwikala bwa bapika kudi bakwetu.
So rather than trying to be first, what should we do? - Yes, we should be like a slave to others.
Aboobo sena Leza takaboni kuti basale bakwe ibamukwiilila isyikati amasiku bakoswedwa cabululami makani nokuba kuti ulabakkazikila moyo?"
And has not God set a day to judge the living and the dead?
Na bubine tamba'tu ushilula kwikala'ko, waikele kala wa Umpangi obe, Yehova.
you from the day on which you were created.
Ulubembu lwalekenye abantu na Lesa kabumba.
of man is that he has been created by God.
"Lino leka mulandawako ayiinde mulumuno, mwami, mbuli ijwi lyako.
"My lord, let her down his spine.
Amwaswike ati: "Kuti nacita shani ububi bwakula ifyo no kubembukila Lesa?"
queried, "How then can I do this great wickedness, and sin against God?"
"Iyo mwe mfumu," umuntu aaswike."Nalicita cilubo ica bipa, nininga ukukandwa pali ici."
lord, forgive me, I have failed you."
Lelo muno nshiku calisuminishawa ukulanda pa mapaalo ayo abantu ba kwa Lesa bakwata!
But today it is lawful to speak of the blessings that now exist among God's people!"
E ico nani pali aba babili uwingamutemwa sana?"
Me, therefore, which of them will love him more?"
pa kutwela mu dikumbi, bakwatwa moyo.
As they entered the cloud, they were frightened.
Ubulwe'po Kutompa'bo mu Mwaka Umo?
Why don't we try that for a year?
kon'ya wa mou oyasuminasai!
O, you who have believed!
Lelo munkalwe wene atavikwatila uluse awe."
He has been merciful."
Tuneneko antu Imilimo yakwe.
Tell the nations of His deeds;
Watashi no taan! ide yo tobipengin!
Turn right on to it, and follow the path uphill.
Ē, nkwashe'ko ñende mu mwinya.
Help me to walk in the light.
InshaAllah, Aya boleh describe Aya ni macamana:)
by God, as are the sacramental signs.
Takwaba uwapangile Lesa, e mulandu takwatila intendekelo.
No one created Him, and He did not create Himself.
Ligongo chichi ngankutukulupilila uwwe pa Yusufu, kutendaga uwwe tukunsachililaga yambone jwalakwe?"
"Yusuf, do I know you?"
Pali yeyo impindi, baLesa tabababuulilepo ukulwe'nkondo ne bapate babo.
God did not command them to fight to free themselves from them.
anasema: ni bantu mbili banapita: ni bantu mbili nani? bwana na bi-
She said, "There are two women married to each other in that house, but who are they?"
Pa kuti kasebanya naikila pali imwe, ali ne cipyu cickalamba, pa kwishibo kuti ali ne nshita inono fye." - Ukusokoloa 12:12.
For the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath because he knows that he has but a short time," Revelation 12:12.
Tutawatilia ukuta ukuta,
We will build a wall,