Awesome Reminder God is Near!
It is a reminder that God is near.
Die lewe bestaan uit aksie (of stilte) oomblik tot oomblik.
As for this life, it is a prison for until an appointed time.
Die hart van die broers was hard en unreceptive.
The hearts of the brothers were hard and unreceptive.
God Dislikes Hypocrites Too!
God also hates hypocrites.
dat tot God mag nader,
of God is near.
Hy het gehoop dat die Pan-Afrikaanse parlement minder tyd benodig.
He hoped that the Pan-African Parliament will need less time.
My antwoord aan hom was: "Die ander 49 mense in hierdie kamer wil hê dit moet gebeur.
My answer to him was: "The other 49 people in this room want this to happen.
En ons het die Koran in goeie trou was en dat die Koran by (dra) om die waarheid gekom het.
We have sent down the Quran in truth, and with the truth it has come down.
"O jullie die geloven, wees ootmoedig."
"O you who believe" means "O you who have eeman."
Een daarvan sal die denkehoek wees.
One of these will surely make the cut.
En joune ook nie ehehehehe.
Yours will not be returned to you.
So het ons herleef sodat hulle mekaar kan bevraagteken.
Even so, We awakened them, so that they may ask one another.
Hy het gesê, "Laat my die hele Chinese Kamer.
He said, "Let me be the whole Chinese Room.
Geloofshelden nader bekeken.
closer to the believers than they are to themselves?'
Lekker dat dit so klein is (drie kamers).
Nice that it's so small (three rooms).
En hulle wat hieroor verskil, twyfel voorwaar daaraan.
Surely those who differed in it (they were) in doubt about it.
"Dit is wat hulle (die spelers) nie verstaan nie.
"This is what they do not understand.
"Maar ons kan net hoop dat 'n nuwe Rusland ook vandag gebore word.
"But we can only hope that a new Russia is also being born today.
As hulle die Meester van die huis Beëlsebul (Satan) genoem het, hoeveel te meer sy huisgenote!
(AR) If they have called the master of the house Beelzebul, how much more will they malign[e] those of his household.
- maar wie geloovig nadert,
God is close to the faithful.
"Dit is wat hulle (die spelers) nie verstaan nie.
This is what they do not understand.
Nur die Engel wissen,
Only the angels are the ones who know
In my geval (Claudio) is om te huil.
In my case (Claudio) is to make cry.
sie en vermaning vir die believers.l
tion and admonition for the believers.l
Een daarvan sal die denkehoek wees.
One of those will be the beater.
You searched for subject: (Huwelike binne gemeenskap van goedere).
You searched for subject: (meaningful).
Theo: Ons weet iets van sy wortels.
Theo: We know something about his roots.
van die saak gehou, totdat ons uitmekaar is.
Faking it until we (almost) made it...
Vir diegene wat in hierdie wêreld goed doen daar goed - en die aarde van Allah is groot -.
For those who do good in this world good, and God's earth is wide.
You searched for subject: (Huwelike binne gemeenskap van goedere).
You searched for subject: (Ancient).
Is dit nie so dat die oorwinning van Allah is naby. "
Verily, Allah's victory is near.
In Desember is ons almal Andrew Park.
In December, we are all Andrew Park.
die nimmer wissen,
but they do not know,
Wat sou met ons kinders gebeur?" - Janet, Verenigde State.
What would happen to my children?" - Janet, United States.
Maar een man, Omar, sê hy wil Libië nie verlaat nie.
But one man, Omar, says that he doesn't want to leave Libya.
Ek was bang vir daardie 'Destiny." - Rachel
I was afraid of that 'Destiny." - Rachel
en kan selfs die siekte van Wilson ontwikkel (8).
and can even develop Wilson's disease (8).
Hoekom het jy nie meer tyd om my te sien nie?' en "Hoe kan jy die hele dag en nag werk?
Why don't you have more time to see me?" and "How can you work all day and night?
As hulle die Meester van die huis Beëlsebul (Satan) genoem het, hoeveel te meer sy huisgenote!
If they have called the head of the house Beelzebul, how much more [will they malign] the members of his household!
The veteran will miss one day of the D.C. gebeurtenis, hy het gesê.
The veteran will miss one day of the D.C. event, he said.
die nimmer wissen,
that they do not know,
En hulle wat hieroor verskil, twyfel voorwaar daaraan.
Those who differ over it are in doubt about it.
Die enigste ding wat hulle kan stop 11 dae is jy, die Amerikaanse volk.
The only thing that can stop them in 11 days is you, the American people.
die sprakeloos naderen,
the ones who are near (to Allah)
dat tot God mag nader,
The wrath of God is near,
Dien gijs wel sout geloven, sonder waen."
They think they are believers but they are not."
of hat er soms in leaf, dat wy net kenne? -
Or can what you do know get in the way of what you do not yet know?
"Dit is nie die eerste keer dat [die aandeelhouer] ʼn werker mishandel nie.
"This is not the first time that [the shareholder] has abused workers.
Ring, ring: jy sal groei in die oë van ander.
Ring, ring: you will grow in the eyes of others.
So het ons herleef sodat hulle mekaar kan bevraagteken.
And it was thus that We delivered them so they would ask themselves.