5 Neuyue peunyakét jijak dikeue Droeneueh dan mawöt jiseutôt dilikot Droeneueh.
was revealed before you and they are sure of the hereafter.
Nyang lagée nyan leubeh gét nibak na aneuëk-aneuëk miet inong dan agam.
Better than that of sons and daughters:
18 Bak watée nyan di ureuëng tulo hase jideungoe tutoe haba nibak saboh kitab nyang teubaca, dan ureuëng buta nyang yoh awaikon bunoe ka udeb di dalam seupôt teuma hase jikeumalon.
"And in that day shall the deaf hear the words of the book, and the eyes of the blind shall see."
"He ureueng-ureueng nyang meuiman, prang kheueh ureueng-ureueng kaphe nyang bansilingka gata nyan, bah kheueh awaknyan jirasa keunong poh nibak gata, dan beuta teupeue kheueh, bahwa Allah meusajan ngon ureueng-ureueng nyang taqwa" (Surat At Taubah ayat 123).
Sayyid Qutb Believers, fight those of the unbelievers who are near you, and let them find you tough; and know that God is with those who are God-fearing.
14 Ulôn deungoe gata peunoh deungon roh dewa-dewa nyang suci, dan bahwa nibak gata na keuahlian, peungeurtian, dan hikeumat nyang luwa biasa.
14 I have even heard of thee, that the spirit of the gods [is] in thee, and [that] light and understanding and excellent wisdom is found in thee.
Jihnyan teuma jeuet keu indatu dua blaih boh ulée sukée, dan keuturonan jih Lôn peujeuet saboh bansa nyang rayeuk.
He will become the father of Twelve Princes, and I will make him a great nation."
Akhé jih riwayat awaknyan ka rab that, teuma awaknyan teutab hana jiteupeue.
But it will come upon them suddenly, while they know not,
Lam surat nyoe na neuriwayat cit hudép kawôm Nabi Luth ngön kawôm Nabi Syu'aib.
"O my people, worship Allah.
nibak masanyan dijih tameng phon,,,
Verily, from the beginning he (the self)
Trok án pajan beungéh Droeneueh nyan hu meuháb-háb lagée apui raya?
Time will vary according to how hot your fire (grill) is.
Awaknyan jipeugah, 'Pakon TUHAN geupeujeuet lagéenyan ateueh nanggroe dan rumoh nyoe?'
They will say, "Why did the Lord do this to this land and this temple?"
Keupeue tamita soai nyang na teupeuceulaka droe keudroe gata dan rakyat gata?"
Does that infringe on you and your family's right (s) also?
He bansa Ulôn, Ulôn ka Lôn peujeuet gata meudeurita, teuma hainyan hana Lôn peubuet le.
O My people, I have punished you before, but I will not punish you again.
1 Saban lagée TUHAN geu atoe ié krueng mangat ile meunurot galak Gobnyan, meunan cit cara jih Gobnyan geubimbéng pikeran raja.
The king's heart [is] in the hand of Yahweh, [as] the rivers of water: he turneth it whithersoever he will.
Nyang lagée nyan leubeh gét nibak na aneuëk-aneuëk miet inong dan agam.
Better for you and the children.
24Allah, nyang ka geutawök gata, teuma geupeubuet hainyan sabab Gobnyan seutia.
[24]The one who calls you is faithful and he will do it.
Ngon lagée nyan, roh-roh jeuhet pi jipatéh dan awaknyan yo sabab teumakot!
The devils also believe it, and they are terrified."
20 Tanyoe tateupeue, bahwa meunyoe tanyoe jipeusalah lé até tanyoe, iéleumé Allah leubeh rayeuk nibak iéleumé tanyoe, dan bahwa Gobnyan geuteupeue peue-peue mantong.
"If our hearts condemn us, we know that God is greater than our hearts, and He knows everything.
Peue lom na awaknyan nyang teuka nibak jiôh."
of them have come from afar."
14Teuma pakriban kheueh ureuëng hase jitawök ubak Tuhan meunyoe awaknyan gohlom meuiman?
(Romans 10:14-15) How then will they call on Him in whom they have not believed?
Di Baét Allah awaknyan, awaknyan jiéb ié anggô nyang awaknyan cok nibak ureuëng nyang meu-utang bak awaknyan.
In the house of their God they drink the wine of them that have been fined.
79 Seumoga ureuëng taqwa geujak ubak ulôn, banmandum nyang jituri keu peuratoran-peuratoran Droeneueh.
Let those who fear turn to me, and those who have known Your testimonies.
Leubeh get yoh bunoe gata tatanyong ubak ureueng-ureueng Kristen mangat jipeutrang hai-hai nyan, nyang paih lagee peurintah Al-Qur'an ubak Nabi Muhammad: "Kamoe hana meukirem sigohlom gata, keucuali ureueng-ureueng agam nyang kamoe brie wahyu uba.k awaknyan; teuma teuma nyong kheueh ubak ureueng nyang na ieleume peungeutahuan meunyoe gata hana tateuepe."
"We sent not any before thee, except men to whom We revealed: "Question the people of the Remembrance, if it should be that you do not know."
19 Teuma Nabi Yusuf geupeugah ubak mandum polem geuh nyan, "Bék teumakot; sabab ulôn hana jeuet lôn meutindak sibagoe Po teu Allah.
19 But Joseph said to them, Fear not; for I am a servant of God.
Ta tanyong bak ureueng nyang jeuet, bekta peuseb sidroe gata.
Ask which one (s) would be assigned to work with you.
11 Sabab Aneuëk Manusia teuka keu geujak peuseulamat ureuëng nyang sisat!
[11] For the Son of man came to save that which was lost.
Lheueh nyan jiwoe buleuen u langet, meunan hajat kamoe dumna
and the moon will rise. it is waxing in our eyes.
6 Nyang sikeubiet jih Petrus hana jiteupeu peue nyang harôh jipeugah, sabab geuhnyan ngon mandua droe rakan geuh teumakot lumpah na.
(He did not know what he should say, for they were terrified.)
3 Hántom na ulôn meurunoe hikeumat, dan meubacut pih hana lôn teupeue keuhai Allah.
3 I neither learned wisdom, nor have the knowledge of the holy [i.e. of the Holy One].
(Dan itu keberuntungan yang nyata) keselamatan yang nyata.
That is the clear triumph.
12 Na rot ueh nyang deuh jih teupat, teuma akhé jih rot nyan teujak ubak mawöt.
12 There is a way [which seems] right to a man, But its end is the way of death.
"He ureueng-ureueng nyang meuiman, prang kheueh ureueng-ureueng kaphe nyang bansilingka gata nyan, bah kheueh awaknyan jirasa keunong poh nibak gata, dan beuta teupeue kheueh, bahwa Allah meusajan ngon ureueng-ureueng nyang taqwa" (Surat At Taubah ayat 123).
Fight those of the unbelievers who are near to you, and let them find harshness in you, and know that Allah is with those who fear Him."
Hanya dua-lhee ureueng beuet Qu'ran
The Quran mentions only two groups,
Ingat kheueh, nyan kheueh upah nyang ka awaknyan teurimong.
(That) will be the reward of the (pious) works which they used to do
Awaknyan jeuet keu ureuëng nyang keunong reupah, dan hana nyang teuka jijak tulông.
They will have a painful punishment, and they will have not helpers.)
Leubeh get yoh bunoe gata tatanyong ubak ureueng-ureueng Kristen mangat jipeutrang hai-hai nyan, nyang paih lagee peurintah Al-Qur'an ubak Nabi Muhammad: "Kamoe hana meukirem sigohlom gata, keucuali ureueng-ureueng agam nyang kamoe brie wahyu uba.k awaknyan; teuma teuma nyong kheueh ubak ureueng nyang na ieleume peungeutahuan meunyoe gata hana tateuepe."
"We sent not any before thee, except men to whom We revealed: "Question the people of the Remembrance, if it should be that you do not know..."
Tapeugah kheueh ubak bansa Israel bandum nyang teuma gata kalon."
Tell the people of Israel everything you see.
Jitanyong buleun hareum bak gata
They ask you (O Messenger!) about the phases of the Moon.
Kon kheueh gatanyan keuturonan ureuëng sulet dan peumbeurontak?
Are you not the children of unbelievers.
Nyang ureueng gasien hana ban tuan
The transgressors will have no one to help them.,
Akhé jih gobnyan geuaku bahwa Po teu Allah Nyang Mahamanyang meukuasa ateueh keurajeuen manusia dan keurajeuen nyan geubri ubak soe mantong nyang geupiléh.
And when he knew that the Most High has authority in the kingdom of man, to give it to whomsoever He will, then as a man he praised Him.
Meunan pih Kamoe meupeujeut kiblat
In this way, we create a range of flavour pallets.
Aceh: Aneuëk nyang tulot jipeugah bak ayah jih lagée nyoe, 'Ayah, neubri kheueh keu ulôn bak watée nyoe jeumba ulôn nibak hareuta pusaka nyan.'
The younger son said to his father: "Father, give me my portion of the inheritance."
64 Teuma na cit diteungoh-teungoh gata nyang hana meucaya."
64 yet there are some of you who do not believe them."
Takheun lé gata, "Ulôn meulindông bak Tuhan (peulahra dan mat kuasa) manusia."
Say: I take refuge in the Lord of mankind,
Ulôn hana leubeh jroh nibak indatu ulôn!"
I am no better than my fathers!"
Lah buleun meu lele peugot makanan,
monthly gathering with food,
10 Lagée nyang ka teutuléh lam Alkitab, "Hana meusidroe ureuëng pi nyang beutôi,
(10) As it is written: "There is no one righteous, not even one;
22Peue mantong nyang gata lakée lam doá gata, nyang gata lakée nyan teuma gata teurimong, asai gata meuiman."
[22] If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer."
Kamoe peujeuet jih makhluk laen
"And then we brought it forth as another creation."