# en_GB/docs/kdebase/khelpcenter/welcome.docbook.xml.gz
# sr/docs/kdebase/khelpcenter/welcome.docbook.xml.gz
(src)="s1.1"> Welcome to KDE
(trg)="s1.1"> Dobrodošli u KDE
(src)="s2.1"> The KDE team welcomes you to user-friendly UNIX computing .
(trg)="s2.1"> KDE tim vam želi dobrodošlicu u prijatno UNIX računarstvo .
(src)="s3.1"> Welcome to the K Desktop Environment
(trg)="s3.1"> Dobrodošli u K Desktop Environment
(src)="s4.1"> Information about KDE
(trg)="s4.1"> Informacije o KDE-u
(src)="s5.1"> KDE is a powerful graphical desktop environment for UNIX workstations .
(trg)="s5.1"> KDE je moćno grafičko okruženje za UNIX radne stanice .
(src)="s5.2"> A KDE desktop combines ease of use , contemporary functionality and outstanding graphical design with the technological superiority of the UNIX operating system .
(trg)="s5.2"> KDE okruženje kombinuje lako korišćenje , savremenu funkcionalnost i izvanredan grafički dizajn sa tehnološkom nadmoćnošću UNIX operativnog sistema .
(src)="s6.1"> What is the K Desktop Environment ?
(trg)="s6.1"> Šsta je K Desktop Enviroment ?
(src)="s7.1"> Contacting the KDE Project
(trg)="s7.1"> Kontaktirajte KDE projekat
(src)="s8.1"> Supporting the KDE Project
(trg)="s8.1"> Podržite KDE projekat
(src)="s9.1"> Useful links
(trg)="s9.1"> Korisni linkovi
(src)="s10.1"> Getting the most out of KDE
(trg)="s10.1"> Iskoristite KDE najviše što možete
(src)="s11.1"> General documentation
(trg)="s11.1"> Opšta dokumentacija
(src)="s12.1"> A Quick Start Guide to the Desktop
(trg)="s12.1"> Brzi početni vodič do radne površine
(src)="s13.1"> KDE User's guide
(trg)="s13.1"> KDE korisnički vodič
(src)="s14.1"> Frequently asked questions
(trg)="s14.1"> Najčešće postavljana pitanja
(src)="s15.1"> Basic applications
(trg)="s15.1"> Osnovne aplikacije
(src)="s16.1"> Desktop Panel
(trg)="s16.1"> Panel radne površine
(src)="s17.1"> Control Centre
(trg)="s17.1"> Kontrolni centar
(src)="s18.1"> File Manager
(trg)="s18.1"> Fajl menadžer
# en_GB/docs/kdebase/khelpcenter/whatiskde.docbook.xml.gz
# sr/docs/kdebase/khelpcenter/whatiskde.docbook.xml.gz
(src)="s4.2"> This group's major goal in free software development is to provide high quality software that empowers the user with easy control of his computer's resources .
(src)="s5.1"> KDE seeks to fill the need for an easy to use desktop for UNIX workstations , similar to the desktop environments found under the Mac OS or Windows 95/NT .
(trg)="s1.1"> Šta je KDE ?
(src)="s6.1"> Stability , scaleability and openness are qualities which have made UNIX the undisputed choice for the information technology professional for many years .
(src)="s6.2"> KDE builds on top of this excellent base framework and brings new , much needed qualities : usability , user friendliness and beauty !
(trg)="s2.1"> Šta je KDE ?
(src)="s7.2"> UNIX has not , until now , addressed the needs of the average computer user .
(src)="s7.3"> This fact is particularly unfortunate , since a number of implementations of UNIX ( Linux , FreeBSD , NetBSD , etc. ) are freely available on the Internet , all of which are of exceptional quality and stability .
(trg)="s3.1"> KDE je grafičko okruženje .
(src)="s9.1"> In combination with a free implementation of UNIX , KDE provides to the world an open and completely free desktop computing platform either at home or at work .
(src)="s10.1"> This platform is available to anyone free of charge including its source code for anyone to modify .
(trg)="s3.2"> Drugim rečima , kde je kolekcija programa , tehnologija i dokumentacije koja pokušava da olakša život korisnicima računara .
(src)="s11.1"> While there will always be room for improvement we believe we have now delivered a viable alternative to some of the more commonly found and commercial operating systems/desktops combinations available today .
(src)="s11.2"> It is our hope that the combination of UNIX and KDE will finally bring the same open , reliable , stable , and monopoly free computing to the average computer user that scientists and computing professionals world-wide have enjoyed for years .
(trg)="s3.3"> KDE je namenjen Unix radnim stanicama .
(src)="s13.1"> KDE focuses on the user's needs , but it's obvious that this focus is more easily achieved by also giving developers the best tools .
(src)="s13.2"> KDE code contains , and comes with , some of the best development technologies of the modern computing age .
(trg)="s3.4"> Njega karakteriše mrežna transparencija i moderna filozofija rada .
(src)="s14.2"> KDE recognises the fact that a computing platform is only as good as the number of first class applications available to the users of that particular platform .
(src)="s15.1"> KDE defines new technologies in DCOP and KParts , created to offer a component document model and technology .
(trg)="s4.1"> Tvorac K Desktop Enviroment-a je grupa softverskih inženjera rasprostranjenih širom sveta .
(src)="s15.2"> Together with the complete KDE libraries programming interface , DCOP /KParts are set in direct competition with other similar technologies like Microsoft MFC / COM /ActiveX technologies .
(src)="s15.3"> The excellent quality and the high level of refinement of KDE ' s application programming interface ( API ) enables developers to focus on original and interesting issues and avoid reinventing the wheel .
(trg)="s4.2"> Glavni cilj ove grupe u razvoju otvorenog softvera je da pruži softver visokog kvaliteta koji omogućuje korisniku da ima laku kontrolu nad resursima svog račnunara .
(src)="s17.1"> In its current form , KDE provides , apart from the essential desktop component applications , a suite of powerful office programs known to the world by the name KOffice .
(src)="s18.1"> KOffice is based on the KDE DCOP /KParts technologies .
(trg)="s5.1"> KDE pokušava da popuni potrebu za lakim okruženjem na Unix radnim stanicama , sličnim okruženjima koje nalazimo kod MacOS ili Windows95 / NT .
(src)="s18.2"> It currently contains : a word processor with desktop publishing capabilities ( KWord ) , a spreadsheet application ( KSpread ) and accompanying charting program ( KChart ) , a presentation program ( KPresenter ) and a vector drawing program ( Kontour ).
(src)="s18.3"> Tying things together is the KOffice Workspace , an integrated shell to ease the use of the KOffice components in conjunction with each other .
(trg)="s6.1"> KDE The Desktop Environment