# en_GB/docs/kdebase/kcontrol/kalarmd.docbook.xml.gz
# sl/docs/kdebase/kcontrol/kalarmd.docbook.xml.gz

(src)="s1.1"> Alarm Daemon
(trg)="s1.1"> Alarmski strežnik

(src)="s2.1"> This module allows you to configure KAlarmd , the alarm daemon from the kdepim package .
(src)="s2.2"> It will not be available if you have not installed this package .
(trg)="s2.1"> Ta modul vam omogoča prikrojitev KAlarmd , alarmskega strežnika iz paketa kdepim . Če tega paketa niste namestili , potem ne bo na voljo .

(src)="s3.1"> There are only two options for this module :
(trg)="s3.1"> Ta modul ima le dve možnosti :

(src)="s4.1"> Start alarm daemon automatically at login
(trg)="s4.1"> Zaženi alarmski strežnik samodejno ob prijavi

(src)="s5.1"> Check this to start the alarm daemon whenever you start a KDE session .
(trg)="s5.1"> Označite to , da poženete alarmski strežnik ob vsaki seji KDE .

(src)="s6.1"> Check interval [ minutes ]
(trg)="s6.1"> Interval preverjanja ( v minutah )

(src)="s7.1"> How long ( in minutes ) the alarm daemon should wait between checks for alarms coming due .
(trg)="s7.1"> Kako dolgo ( v minutah ) naj alarmski strežnik čaka med posameznimi preverjanji za alarme .

(src)="s8.1"> These settings apply to every application which uses the alarm daemon .
(trg)="s8.1"> Te nastavitve se nanašajo na vse programe , ki uporabljajo strežnik alarmov .

(src)="s8.2"> Currently , the applications which use it include KOrganizer and KAlarm .
(trg)="s8.2"> Trenutno ga uporabljata KOrganizer in KAlarm .

(src)="s8.3"> For more information , see their respective handbooks .
(trg)="s8.3"> Za več podatkov glejte njuna priročnika .

(src)="s9.1"> Section Author
(trg)="s9.1"> Avtorji razdelka

(src)="s10.1"> Lauri Watts lauri@kde.org
(trg)="s10.1"> Lauri Watts lauri@kde.org

(src)="s11.1"> KDE British Conversion Malcolm Hunter malcolm.hunter@gmx.co.uk
(trg)="s11.1"> Prevod :
(trg)="s11.2"> Andrej Vernekar andrej.vernekar@moj.net

# en_GB/docs/kdebase/kcontrol/kcmaccess.docbook.xml.gz
# sl/docs/kdebase/kcontrol/kcmaccess.docbook.xml.gz

(src)="s1.1"> Accessibility
(trg)="s1.1"> Dostopnost

(src)="s2.1"> Introduction
(trg)="s2.1"> Uvod

(src)="s3.1"> This module is designed to help users who have difficulty hearing audible cues , or who have difficulty using a keyboard or mouse .
(trg)="s3.1"> Ta modul je oblikovan , da pomaga uporabnikom , ki imajo težave z zaznavanjem zvočnih namigov ali težave z uporabo tipkovnice ali miške .

(src)="s4.1"> The module is divided into three tabs :
(trg)="s4.1"> Ta modul je razdeljen v tri jezičke :

(src)="s4.2"> Bell , Keyboard , Mouse .
(trg)="s4.2"> Zvonec , Tipkovnica , Miška .

(src)="s5.1"> Bell
(trg)="s5.1"> Zvonec

(src)="s6.1"> This panel is divided into an Audible Bell section and a Visible Bell section .
(trg)="s6.1"> Ta pult je razdeljen na razdelka Slišni zvonec in Vidni zvonec .

(src)="s7.1"> The top check box labelled Use System bell , determines whether the normal System bell rings .
(src)="s7.2"> If this option is disabled , the System bell will be silenced .
(trg)="s7.1"> Vrhnje potrditveno polje Uporabi sistemski zvonec , določa ali naj sistemski zvonec zvoni . Če je ta možnost omogočena , bo sistemski zvonec brez glasu .

(src)="s8.1"> The next check box down can be used to play a different sound whenever the system bell is triggered .
(trg)="s8.1"> Naslednje potrditveno polje se lahko uporablja za predvajanje različnih zvokov , kadar je sistemski zvonec že sprožen .

(src)="s8.2"> To activate , place a mark in the check box labelled Use customised bell , and enter the complete pathname to the sound file in the text box labelled Sound to Play .
(src)="s8.3"> If you want , you can select the Browse button to navigate through your filesystem to find the exact file .
(trg)="s8.2"> Da aktivirate to možnost , odkljukajte potrditveno polje z oznako Uporabi prilagojeni zvonec in vnesite celotno pot do zvočne datoteke v vnosno polje z oznako Predvajaj zvok . Če želite lahko izberete gumb Brskaj , da prebrskate skozi vaš datotečni sistem in najdete pravo datoteko .

(src)="s9.1"> For those users who have difficulty hearing the System bell , or those users who have a silent computer , KDE offers the Visible bell .
(trg)="s9.1"> Za tiste uporabnike , ki imajo težave s poslušanjem sistemskega zvonca , ali za tiste , ki imajo tih računalnik , ponuja KDE vidni zvonec .

(src)="s9.2"> This bell can be configured to invert the screen , or to flash a colour across the screen .
(trg)="s9.2"> Ta zvonec je lahko nastavljen tako , da obrne barve zaslona ali da utripa barva po zaslonu .

(src)="s10.1"> To use the visible bell , first place a mark in the check box labelled Use visible bell .
(trg)="s10.1"> Da uporabite vidni zvonec , najprej odkljukajte potrditveno polje z oznako Uporabi vidni zvonec .

(src)="s11.2"> If you select Invert screen , all colours on the screen will be reversed .
(src)="s11.3"> If you choose Flash screen , you can choose the colour by clicking the button to the right of the Flash screen selection .
(trg)="s11.1"> Potem lahko izbirate med Obrni barve ali Utripaj . Če izberete Obrni barve , bodo vse barve na zaslonu obrnjene . Če izberete Utripaj , lahko izberete barvo z gumbom na desni strani razdelka Utripaj .

(src)="s12.1"> The slider bar can be used to adjust the duration of the visible bell .
(trg)="s12.1"> Drsnik se lahko uporablja za nastavitev trajanja vidnega zvonca .

(src)="s12.2"> The default value is 500ms , or half a second .
(trg)="s12.2"> Privzeta vrednost je 500ms ( pol sekunde ) .

(src)="s13.1"> Keyboard
(trg)="s13.1"> Tipkovnica

(src)="s14.1"> There are three sections to this panel .
(trg)="s14.1"> V tem pultu so trije razdelki .

(src)="s15.1"> Use Sticky Keys
(trg)="s15.1"> Uporabi trajne tipke

(src)="s16.1"> If this option is enabled , the user can press and release the Shift , Alt or Ctrl keys , and then press another key to get a key combo ( example :
(trg)="s16.1"> Če je ta možnost omogočena , lahko uporabnik pritisne in izpusti tipke Shift , Alt ali Ctrl , ter potem pritisne drugo tipko , da dobi kombinacijo ( primer :

(src)="s17.1"> Also in this section is a check box labelled Lock Sticky Keys .
(src)="s17.2"> If this check box is enabled , the Alt , Ctrl and Shift keys stay selected until they are de-selected by the user .
(trg)="s17.1"> Tudi v tem razdelku je potrditveno polje z oznako Zakleni trajne tipke . Če je to potrditveno polje omogočeno , bodo tipke Alt , Ctrl in Shift ostale izbrane dokler ne bodo ponovno od-izbrane od uporabnika .

(src)="s18.1"> As an example :
(trg)="s18.1"> Na primer :

(src)="s19.1"> With Lock Sticky Keys disabled :
(trg)="s19.1"> Z onemogočenim Zakleni trajne tipke :

(src)="s20.1"> The user presses the Shift key , then presses the F key .
(trg)="s20.1"> Uporabnik pritisne Shift , nato tipko F .

(src)="s20.2"> Now if the user types a p , the computer interprets this as the letter p ( no shift ) .
(src)="s21.1"> With Lock Sticky Keys enabled :
(trg)="s21.1"> Z omogočenim Zakleni trajne tipke

(src)="s22.1"> The user presses the Shift key , then presses the F key .
(trg)="s22.1"> Uporabnik pritisne tipko Shift , nato pa tipko F .

(src)="s23.1"> Slow keys
(trg)="s23.1"> Počasne tipke

(src)="s24.1"> If this option is enabled , the user must hold the key down for a specified period of time ( adjustable with the slider ) before the keystroke will be accepted .
(trg)="s24.1"> Če je ta možnost omogočena , mora uporabnik drati pritisnjeno tipko za določen časovni zamik ( nastavljiv z drsnikom ) , preden bo pritisk tipke sprejet .

(src)="s24.2"> This helps prevent accidental key strokes .
(trg)="s24.2"> To pomaga preprečiti nenamerne pritiske tipk .

(src)="s25.1"> Bounce keys
(trg)="s25.1"> Skakajoče tipke

(src)="s26.1"> If this option is enabled , the user must wait a specified delay ( configurable with the slider ) before the next key press can be accepted .
(trg)="s26.1"> Če je ta možnost omogočena , mora uporabnik počakati za določen zamik ( nastavljiv z drsnikom ) , preden se sprejme naslednja tipka .

(src)="s26.2"> This prevents accidental multiple key strokes .
(trg)="s26.2"> To prepreči večkratne nenamerne pritiske tipk ljudem , ki se jim tresejo roke .

(src)="s27.1"> Mouse navigation
(trg)="s27.1"> Navigiranje z miško

(src)="s28.1"> Keyboard navigation helps people who have difficulty with track-balls , digital tablets and mice .
(trg)="s28.1"> Navigiranje z miško pomaga ljudjem , ki imajo težave s sledilnimi napravami , digitalnimi tablicami in miškami .

(src)="s28.2"> These users can now configure KDE to use the arrow keys on the numeric keypad as a replacement .
(trg)="s28.2"> Ti uporabniki lahko nastavijo KDE , da uporablja puščične tipke na numeričnem delu tipkovnice kot nadomestek .

(src)="s29.1"> To enable this option , place a mark in the check box labelled Move mouse with keyboard .
(trg)="s29.1"> Da omogočite to možnost odkljukajte potrditveno polje z oznako Premikajte miško s tipkovnico .

(src)="s30.1"> You can use the 5 sliders to adjust the Acceleration delay , Repeat interval , Acceleration time , Maximum speed and Acceleration profile to your comfort .
(trg)="s30.1"> S 5 drsniki lahko prilagodite Zamik pospeitve , Interval ponovitve , Čas ponavljanja , Največjo hitrost in Profil pospeševanja , da bodo ustrezali vašemu udobju .

(src)="s31.1"> Section Author
(trg)="s31.1"> Section Author

(src)="s32.1"> This section written by Mike McBride mpmcbride7@yahoo.com
(trg)="s32.1"> This section written by Mike McBride mpmcbride7@yahoo.com

(src)="s33.1"> KDE British Conversion Malcolm Hunter malcolm.hunter@gmx.co.uk
(trg)="s33.1"> Prevod :
(trg)="s33.2"> Matej Badalič matej_badalic@slo.net

# en_GB/docs/kdebase/kcontrol/kcmbell.docbook.xml.gz
# sl/docs/kdebase/kcontrol/kcmbell.docbook.xml.gz

(src)="s1.1"> System bell
(trg)="s1.1"> Sistemski zvonec

(src)="s2.1"> The system bell or beep is a feature of the X server , which attempts to make good use of the available hardware .
(trg)="s2.1"> Sistemski zvonček ali beep je posebnost X strežnika , kateri poskuša na najboljši način izkoristiti razpoložljivo strojno opremo .

(src)="s3.1"> It isn't always possible for the X server to actually make a beep sound with exactly the parameters selected due to hardware limitations .
(trg)="s3.1"> Kljub vsemu X strežnik ne more zmeraj narediti zvok s točno izbranimi parametri zaradi omejitve pri strojni opremi .

(src)="s3.2"> For example , on most PCs , volume control is not very good so the X server seems to fake low volume with a reduced duration of the sound .
(src)="s3.3"> Thus , if the settings don't seem to do anything , this is because the X server and/or the hardware don't support anything better .
(trg)="s3.2"> Na primer na veliko PC-jih nadzor glasnosti ni dober , zato izgleda , kot da X strežnik ponaredi nizko glasnost z zmanjšano dolžino zvoka . Če izgleda , da nastavitve ne naredijo ničesar , je to zaradi tega , ker X strežnik in / ali strojna oprema ne podpirata boljših nastavitev .

(src)="s4.1"> Users are able to set the following parameters for the bell :
(trg)="s4.1"> Uporabniki lahko nastavijo naslednje parametre za zvonec :

(src)="s5.1"> volume ( percentage of maximum volume )
(trg)="s5.1"> glasnost ( odstotki največje glasnosti )

(src)="s6.1"> pitch ( in Hz )
(trg)="s6.1"> višino tona ( v Hz )

(src)="s7.1"> duration ( in milliseconds )
(trg)="s7.1"> trajanje ( v milisekundah )

(src)="s8.1"> You can use the test button to hear how the current settings will sound .
(trg)="s8.1"> Lahko uporabite gumb Preizkusi , da prisluhnete , kako bodo zvenele trenutne nastavitve .

(src)="s9.1"> Section Authors
(trg)="s9.1"> Avtorji razdelka

(src)="s10.1"> Pat Dowler , Matthias Hoelzer mhk@kde.org
(trg)="s10.1"> Pat Dowler , Matthias Hoelzer mhk@kde.org

(src)="s11.1"> Converted to KDE 2.0 by Mike McBride mpmcbride7@yahoo.com
(trg)="s11.1"> Za KDE 2.0 je pretvoril Mike McBride mpmcbride7@yahoo.com

(src)="s12.1"> KDE British Conversion Malcolm Hunter malcolm.hunter@gmx.co.uk
(trg)="s12.1"> Prevod :
(trg)="s12.2"> Matej Badalič matej_badalic@slo.net

# en_GB/docs/kdebase/kcontrol/kcmblockdev.docbook.xml.gz
# sl/docs/kdebase/kcontrol/kcmblockdev.docbook.xml.gz

(src)="s1.1"> Block Devices
(trg)="s1.1"> Blokovne naprave

(src)="s2.1"> The module window displays the available file devices and some information about each device .
(trg)="s2.1"> Ta modul prikazuje datotečne naprave , ki so na voljo , ter nekatere informacije o vsaki napravi .

(src)="s2.2"> It also allows you to control mount points , and mount/unmount devices .
(trg)="s2.2"> Omogoča vam tudi nadzor nad priklopnimi točkami in priklopljenimi / odklopljenimi napravami .

(src)="s3.1"> Normally , the following pieces of information are shown in this tab :
(trg)="s3.1"> Ponavadi so prikazane naslednje informacije v tem jezičku :

(src)="s4.1"> an icon depicting the type of storage
(trg)="s4.1"> ikona , ki prikazuje tip shranitvenega prostora

(src)="s5.1"> file format
(trg)="s5.1"> datotečni format

(src)="s6.1"> total size
(trg)="s6.1"> celotno velikost

(src)="s7.1"> mount point
(trg)="s7.1"> priklopna točka

(src)="s8.1"> free disk space
(trg)="s8.1"> nezaseden prostor diska

(src)="s9.1"> the percentage of space used as a number and as a graph .
(trg)="s9.1"> procent uporabljenega prostora v obliki številke in grafa

(src)="s10.1"> Left clicking on the header of a particular column sorts the devices according to that variable .
(trg)="s10.1"> Levi klik na glavo določenegastolpca , bo razvrstil naprave v zvezi s tistim kriterijem .

(src)="s10.2"> A second left click sorts in the opposite order .
(trg)="s10.2"> Drugi levi klik razporedi po obratnem vrstnem redu .

(src)="s11.1"> Right clicking on a row pops up a menu .
(src)="s11.2"> If that device is not currently mounted , the Mount device option is available .
(trg)="s11.1"> Desni klik na vrstico prikaže menu . čenaprava trenutno ni priklopljena , je na voljo opcija Priklopi napravo . Če je naprava priklopljena , se jo odklopi z izbiro Odklopi napravo .

(src)="s11.3"> If the device is mounted , it can be unmounted by choosing Unmount device .
(src)="s11.4"> Selecting Open filemanager opens a new window with a graphical view of the files on that device .
(trg)="s11.2"> Z izborom Odpridatotečni urejevalnik se odpre novo okno z grafičnim pogledom datotek na tej napravi .

(src)="s12.1"> The appropriate mount and umount commands , and how the file manager is opened from the context menu , can be configured from the kdf application .
(trg)="s12.1"> Ustrezni ukaz za priklop in odklop ter način odpiranja datotečnega upravljalnika iz kontekstnega menuja se lahko prilagodijo v programu kdf

(src)="s13.1"> Section Author
(trg)="s13.1"> Avtor razdelka

(src)="s14.1"> This section is modified from the kdf documentation which was authored by Jonathan Singer jsinger@leeta.net
(trg)="s14.1"> Ta razdelek je spremenjen iz kdf dokumentacije s privolitvijo Jonathana Singerja jsinger@leeta.net

(src)="s15.1"> Modified for KDE 2.0 by Mike McBride mpmcbride7@yahoo.com
(trg)="s15.1"> Priredba za KDE 2.0 Mike McBride mpmcbride7@yahoo.com

(src)="s16.1"> KDE British Conversion Malcolm Hunter malcolm.hunter@gmx.co.uk
(trg)="s16.1"> Prevod :
(trg)="s16.2"> Andrej Vernekar andrej.vernekar@moj.net

# en_GB/docs/kdebase/kcontrol/kcmcache.docbook.xml.gz
# sl/docs/kdebase/kcontrol/kcmcache.docbook.xml.gz

(src)="s1.1"> Cache
(trg)="s1.1"> Predpomnilnik

(src)="s2.1"> This module also allows you control the size of the local cache directory used by Konqueror .
(trg)="s2.1"> Ta modul vam omogoča tudi nastavitev velikosti lokalnega imenika za predpomnjenje , ki ga uporablja Konqueror .

(src)="s2.2"> Note that each user account on your computer has a separate cache directory , and this directory is not shared with other web browsers such as Netscape .
(trg)="s2.2"> Vedite , da ima vsak uporabnik računalnika svoj ločeni imenik za predpomnjenje in da ta imenik ni deljen z drugimi spletnimi brskalniki , kot je Netscape .

(src)="s3.1"> Storing local copies of web pages that you have visited allows Konqueror to quickly load their contents on subsequent visits .
(trg)="s3.1"> Shranjevanje lokalnih izvodov obiskanih spletnih strani omogoča brskalniku Konqueror , da hitreje naloži njihovo vsebino ob ponovnem obisku .

(src)="s3.2"> It will only be necessary to reload the contents from the original site if they have changed since your last visit , or if you click the reload button in Konqueror .
(trg)="s3.2"> Vsebino bo treba z izvirne strani znova naložiti le , če se je spremenila odkar ste jo zadnjič obiskali , ali če ste v Konquerorju kliknili gumb za vnovično nalaganje .

(src)="s4.1"> On the other page , labelled Cache , you can see the controls that are related to cache settings .
(src)="s4.2"> If you really don't want any of the web pages you visit to be stored on your computer , you can disable Konqueror ' s disk cache by clearing the checkbox labelled Use Cache
(trg)="s4.1"> Na drugi strani , označeni s Predpomnilnik , lahko vidite nastavitve , ki so povezane z nastavitvami predpomnilnika . Če prav zares ne želite , da bi se kakršnekoli strani , ki jih obiščete , shranjevale v tem računalniku , lahko diskovni predpomnilnik za Konqueror izključite tako , da zbrišete potrditveno polje , označeno kot Uporabi predpomnilnik

(src)="s5.1"> You can set here how aggressively Konqueror keeps the cache up to date .
(trg)="s5.1"> Nastavite lahko , kako agresivno Konqueror osvežuje predpomnilnik .

(src)="s5.2"> Keep Cache in sync means that Konqueror will hit the cache for all objects , downloading them if they are not there , and then display the item from the cache .
(trg)="s5.2"> Usklajuj predpomnilnik pomeni , da bo Konqueror pogledal v predpomnilnik za vse predmete , jim prenesel , če še niso tam , in jih potem prikazal iz predpomnilnika .

(src)="s5.3"> Use Cache if possible means that Konqueror will try the cache , and if an object is not there , it will directly download it for display .
(trg)="s5.3"> Uporabi predpomnilnik , če je mogoče pomeni , da Konqueror pogleda v predpomnilnik , in če predmeta ni tam , naloži predmet neposredno za prikaz .

(src)="s5.4"> Offline Browsing Mode means that Konqueror will try the cache , and if an object is not there , it will not attempt to download it from the Internet .
(trg)="s5.4"> Način brskanja brez zveze pomeni , da Konqueror pogleda v predpomnilnik , in če predmeta ni tam , ga niti ne skuša prenesti z interneta .

(src)="s6.1"> You can control the size of the cache by typing a number into the text box labelled Average Cache Size .
(trg)="s6.1"> Velikost predpomnilnika lahko nadzorujete tako , da vpišete številko v tekstovno polje , označeno kot Povprečna velikost predpomnilnika .

(src)="s6.2"> This is the average amount of space in kilobytes that the cache directory is allowed to use .
(trg)="s6.2"> To je povprečna količina prostora v kilobajtih , ki ga imenik za predpomnjenje sme porabiti .

(src)="s6.3"> When the cache grows too large , Konqueror will delete older files to reduce the size of the cache directory .
(trg)="s6.3"> Ko predpomnilnik postane prevelik , Konqueror pobriše starejše datoteke , da zmanjša velikost imenika za predpomnjenje .

(src)="s7.1"> This is however , only an average , and during a browsing session the cache could become substantially larger .
(trg)="s7.1"> Vendar pa je to le povprečje in med brskalno sejo lahko predpomnilnik postane tudi precej večji .