# ml/messages/extragear-multimedia/amarok.xml.gz
# si/messages/extragear-multimedia/amarok.xml.gz

(src)="s2"> The value is not known
(trg)="s2"> The value is not known

(src)="s5"> മനോഹരംThe quality of music
(trg)="s5"> The quality of music

(src)="s6"> കൊള്ളാത്തത്The quality of music
(trg)="s6"> The quality of music

(src)="s7"> കഷ ്ടി ച്ച് സഹി ക്കാവുനവThe quality of music
(trg)="s7"> The quality of music

(src)="s8"> സഹ്യമായത്The quality of music
(trg)="s8"> The quality of music

(src)="s9"> The quality of music
(trg)="s9"> The quality of music

(src)="s10"> നല്ലത്The quality of music
(trg)="s10"> The quality of music

(src)="s11"> വളരെ നല്ലത്The quality of music
(trg)="s11"> ඉතා හොඳThe quality of music

(src)="s12"> മി കച്ചത്The quality of music
(trg)="s12"> The quality of music

(src)="s13"> അദ്ഭുതാവഹംThe quality of music
(trg)="s13"> The quality of music

(src)="s14"> The quality of music
(trg)="s14"> The quality of music

(src)="s17"> % 1 - % 2
(trg)="s17"> % 1 - % 2

(src)="s23"> പ്ലേലി സ്റ്റ് ( % 1 ) വായി ക്കുവാന്‍ സാധി ച്ചി ല്ല
(trg)="s23"> වාදන ලැයිස්තුව සෙවුම

(src)="s48"> പാട്ടുകള്‍ നീക്കം ചെയ്യുന്നു@ info
(trg)="s48"> @ info

(src)="s55"> പാട്ടുകള്‍ നീക്കം ചെയ്യുന്നു
(trg)="s55"> සුරකින අයුර

(src)="s56"> @ info
(trg)="s56"> @ info

(src)="s57"> @ info
(trg)="s57"> @ info

(src)="s60"> & എം. ടഠ¿ . പഠ¿ . ഉപകരണം വേര്‍പെടുത്തുക
(trg)="s60"> උපාංගය එක් කරන්න ...

(src)="s61"> പ്രാദേശി ക ശേഖരണം
(trg)="s61"> එකතුව

(src)="s69"> പ്ലേലി സ്റ്റ് ( % 1 ) വായി ക്കുവാന്‍ സാധി ച്ചി ല്ല
(trg)="s69"> වාදන ලැයිස්තුව සෙවුම

(src)="s79"> പ്ലേലി സ്റ്റ് ( % 1 ) വായി ക്കുവാന്‍ സാധി ച്ചി ല്ല
(trg)="s79"> වාදන ලැයිස්තුව සෙවුම

(src)="s81"> സ്വാഭാവി ക ചലനാത്മക പ്ലേലി സ്റ്റ്
(trg)="s81"> වාදන ලැයිස්තුව සෙවුම

(src)="s83"> നെപോമുക്ക് ശേഖരണം
(trg)="s83"> Nepomuk එකතුව

(src)="s87"> പ്രാദേശി ക ശേഖരണം
(trg)="s87"> ප්‍රාදේශිය එකතුව

(src)="s88"> സ്വാഭാവി ക ചലനാത്മക പ്ലേലി സ്റ്റ്Front cover of an album
(trg)="s88"> වාදන ලැයිස්තුවFront cover of an album

(src)="s89"> ( Front ) Cover of an album
(trg)="s89"> ( Front ) Cover of an album

(src)="s90"> ( Large front ) Cover of an album
(trg)="s90"> ( Large front ) Cover of an album

(src)="s100"> % 1 - % 2
(trg)="s100"> % 1 - % 2

(src)="s117"> Do not translate < path >
(trg)="s117"> Do not translate < path >

(src)="s118"> Do not translate < path >
(trg)="s118"> Do not translate < path >

(src)="s120"> Do not translate < name >
(trg)="s120"> Do not translate < name >

(src)="s127"> No option was given , this is the error message telling the user he needs at least one , do not translate install , remove , upgrade nor list
(trg)="s127"> No option was given , this is the error message telling the user he needs at least one , do not translate install , remove , upgrade nor list

(src)="s133"> ആല്‍ബങ്ങള്‍ % 1 പ്രകാരംThe quality of music
(trg)="s133"> ඇල්බම % 1 මඟින්

(src)="s163"> % 1 ക്രമീകരണങ്ങള്‍
(trg)="s163"> විකිපිඩීයාව

(src)="s165"> % 1 ക്രമീകരണങ്ങള്‍
(trg)="s165"> විකිපිඩීයාව

(src)="s167"> % 1 ക്രമീകരണങ്ങള്‍
(trg)="s167"> විකිපිඩීයාව

(src)="s168"> സ്വാഭാവി ക ചലനാത്മക പ്ലേലി സ്റ്റ്
(trg)="s168"> වාදන ලැයිස්තුව සෙවුම

(src)="s178"> What artist is this track by
(trg)="s178"> What artist is this track by

(src)="s179"> Podcast published on
(trg)="s179"> Podcast published on

(src)="s181"> ക്രമീകരണങ്ങള്‍The quality of music
(trg)="s181"> ගෙවිමේ ක්‍රමය : ' Rating ' playlist column name and token for playlist layouts

(src)="s182"> ' Source ' ( local collection , Magnatune. com , last. fm , ... ) playlist column name and token for playlist layouts
(trg)="s182"> තිරය ( r ) :

(src)="s184"> ' Length ' ( track length ) playlist column name and token for playlist layouts
(trg)="s184"> ' Length ' ( track length ) playlist column name and token for playlist layouts

(src)="s187"> സ്വാഭാവി ക ചലനാത്മക പ്ലേലി സ്റ്റ്
(trg)="s187"> වාදන ලැයිස්තුව සෙවුම

(src)="s188"> സ്വാഭാവി ക ചലനാത്മക പ്ലേലി സ്റ്റ്
(trg)="s188"> ලැයිස්තුව ( P )

(src)="s197"> ഉള്ളടക്കം വായി ക്കുന്നു ..
(trg)="s197"> පිරික්සමින් ...

(src)="s200"> @ info
(trg)="s200"> @ info

(src)="s203"> % 1 ക്രമീകരണങ്ങള്‍The quality of music
(trg)="s203"> විකිපිඩීයාව

(src)="s206"> The quality of music
(trg)="s206"> ජාත්‍යන්තර

(src)="s208"> ഉള്ളടക്കം വായി ക്കുന്നു .. @ title: window
(trg)="s208"> පිරික්සමින් ...

(src)="s213"> പല കലാകാരന്മാര്‍' Bitrate ' playlist column name and token for playlist layouts
(trg)="s213"> සියලු කලාකරුවන්' Bitrate ' playlist column name and token for playlist layouts

(src)="s214"> ആല്‍ബങ്ങള്‍ % 1 പ്രകാരം
(trg)="s214"> ඇල්බමය

(src)="s215"> The location on disc of this track
(trg)="s215"> The location on disc of this track

(src)="s220"> % 1 ക്രമീകരണങ്ങള്‍
(trg)="s220"> විකිපිඩීයාව

(src)="s232"> പ്രാദേശി ക ശേഖരണംScore of a track
(trg)="s232"> සටහන

(src)="s234"> % 1 - % 2
(trg)="s234"> % 1 - % 2 ( % 3 )

(src)="s239"> Replay Gain state , as in , disabled
(trg)="s239"> Replay Gain state , as in , disabled

(src)="s244"> താങ്കളുടെ കമ്പ്യൂട്ടര്‍ ഓപ്പണ്‍ GL വി ഡ ്ജെറ്റുകള് അനുകൂലി ക്കുന്നി ല്ല. Equalizer state , as in , disabled
(trg)="s244"> Equalizer state , as in , disabled

(src)="s252"> പാട്ടുകള്‍ നീക്കം ചെയ്യുന്നുTitle , as in : the title of this item
(trg)="s252"> Title , as in : the title of this item

(src)="s255"> Property , belonging to the author of this item
(trg)="s255"> කතෘProperty , belonging to the author of this item

(src)="s265"> Miscellaneous settings
(trg)="s265"> Miscellaneous settings

(src)="s275"> ക്രമീകരി ക്കു ....
(trg)="s275"> පොඩ්කාස්ට් සැකසීම

(src)="s277"> ക്രമീകരി ക്കു ....
(trg)="s277"> ජාත්‍යන්තර

(src)="s297"> % 1 അല്ലെങ്കി ല്‍ % 2
(trg)="s297"> % 1 හෝ % 2

(src)="s306"> പ്രാദേശി ക ശേഖരണം
(trg)="s306"> ප්‍රාදේශිය එකතුව

(src)="s308"> സ്വാഭാവി ക ചലനാത്മക പ്ലേലി സ്റ്റ്
(trg)="s308"> වාදන ලැයිස්තුව

(src)="s320"> ' Composer ' playlist column name and token for playlist layouts
(trg)="s320"> සටහන' Composer ' playlist column name and token for playlist layouts

(src)="s321"> ' Group length ' ( total play time of group ) playlist column name and token for playlist layouts
(trg)="s321"> සාමාන්‍ය' Group length ' ( total play time of group ) playlist column name and token for playlist layouts

(src)="s322"> Please do not translate the % foo words as they define a syntax used internally by a parser to describe a filename .
(trg)="s322"> Please do not translate the % foo words as they define a syntax used internally by a parser to describe a filename .

(src)="s326"> പാട്ട് നമ്പര്‍' Divider ' token for playlist layouts representing a small visual divider
(trg)="s326"> ' Divider ' token for playlist layouts representing a small visual divider

(src)="s345"> Track has been imported , format : Artist - Track
(trg)="s345"> Track has been imported , format : Artist - Track

(src)="s346"> Track has been imported , format : Artist - Track ( Album )
(trg)="s346"> Track has been imported , format : Artist - Track ( Album )

(src)="s347"> Track has been discarded , format : Url
(trg)="s347"> Track has been discarded , format : Url

(src)="s348"> Track has been imported by tags , format : Artist - Track , from Url , to Url
(trg)="s348"> Track has been imported by tags , format : Artist - Track , from Url , to Url

(src)="s349"> Track has been imported by tags , format : Artist - Track ( Album ) , from Url , to Url
(trg)="s349"> Track has been imported by tags , format : Artist - Track ( Album ) , from Url , to Url

(src)="s350"> Track has been matched ambigously , format : Url
(trg)="s350"> Track has been matched ambigously , format : Url

(src)="s356"> ' Last played ' ( when was track last played ) playlist column name and token for playlist layouts
(trg)="s356"> ' Last played ' ( when was track last played ) playlist column name and token for playlist layouts

(src)="s359"> ആല്‍ബങ്ങള്‍ % 1 പ്രകാരം
(trg)="s359"> ඇලබම කලාකරු

(src)="s361"> track on album
(trg)="s361"> track on album

(src)="s362"> track by artist
(trg)="s362"> track by artist

(src)="s372"> When this track was first played
(trg)="s372"> When this track was first played

(src)="s374"> When this track was last played
(trg)="s374"> When this track was last played

(src)="s376"> The collection this track is part of
(trg)="s376"> එකතුව: The collection this track is part of

(src)="s389"> this " undo " will undo the last appended filter ... be careful how you will translate it to avoid two buttons ( " Cancel " and " Undo " ) with same label in the same dialog
(trg)="s389"> this " undo " will undo the last appended filter ... be careful how you will translate it to avoid two buttons ( " Cancel " and " Undo " ) with same label in the same dialog

(src)="s406"> ക്രമീകരി ക്കു ....
(trg)="s406"> ජාත්‍යන්තර

(src)="s407"> Equalizer state , as in , disabled
(trg)="s407"> Equalizer state , as in , disabled

(src)="s460"> % 1 - % 2
(trg)="s460"> % 1 % 2

(src)="s463"> The amount of time since last played
(trg)="s463"> The amount of time since last played

(src)="s465"> w for weeks
(trg)="s465"> % 1Mw for weeks

(src)="s466"> When this track was last played
(trg)="s466"> % 1wWhen this track was last played

(src)="s467"> d for days
(trg)="s467"> හෙටd for days

(src)="s468"> h for hours
(trg)="s468"> % 1dh for hours

(src)="s477"> ആല്‍ബങ്ങള്‍ % 1 പ്രകാരം
(trg)="s477"> ඇල්බම % 1 මඟින්

(src)="s518"> & ഐപോഡ ി ല്‍ നി ന്ന് പാട്ടുകള്‍ കളയുന്നു
(trg)="s518"> Nepomuk එකතුව

(src)="s519"> ക്രമീകരി ക്കു ....
(trg)="s519"> ජාත්‍යන්තර

(src)="s521"> ക്രമീകരണങ്ങള്‍
(trg)="s521"> වාදන ලැයිස්තුව

(src)="s525"> സ്വാഭാവി ക ചലനാത്മക പ്ലേലി സ്റ്റ്
(trg)="s525"> වාදන ලැයිස්තුව

(src)="s530"> change options
(trg)="s530"> change options

(src)="s560"> അപരി ചി തമായ തലക്കെട്ട്
(trg)="s560"> නොදන්නා

(src)="s599"> ക്രമീകരണങ്ങള്‍
(trg)="s599"> වාදන ලැයිස්තුව

(src)="s640"> സ്വാഭാവി ക ചലനാത്മക പ്ലേലി സ്റ്റ്
(trg)="s640"> වාදන ලැයිස්තුව