# hsb/messages/kdegraphics/okular.xml.gz
# zh_HK/messages/kdegraphics/okular.xml.gz
(src)="s3"> Dźerži wšitko w pomjatku . Začita přichodne strony a pospěši pytanje . ( Za systemy z wjace hač 512 MB . ) Text editor
(trg)="s3"> Text editor
(src)="s4"> Postajeny wobdźěłar tekstaText editor
(trg)="s4"> Text editor
(src)="s5"> KateText editor
(trg)="s5"> Text editor
(src)="s6"> KileText editor
(trg)="s6"> 標題Text editor
(src)="s7"> SciTEText editor
(trg)="s7"> Text editor
(src)="s8"> Text editor
(trg)="s8"> Text editor
(src)="s9"> @ info: whatsthis
(trg)="s9"> @ info: whatsthis
(src)="s11"> Generelnje
(trg)="s11"> 一般
(src)="s12"> Powšitkowne opcije
(trg)="s12"> 一般選項
(src)="s13"> Přistupnosć
(trg)="s13"> 輔助工具
(src)="s14"> Pomhadła za čitanje
(trg)="s14"> 輔助工具
(src)="s15"> Spěšnosć
(trg)="s15"> 效能
(src)="s16"> Připrawjenje spěňosće
(trg)="s16"> 效能調校
(src)="s17"> Prezentacija
(trg)="s17"> 表現
(src)="s18"> Opcije za prezentaciju
(trg)="s18"> 表現模式選項
(src)="s22"> Opcije za wobdźěłar teksta@ label: listbox The current screen , for the presentation mode
(trg)="s22"> 過濾器選項
(src)="s23"> Aktualna wobrazowka@ label: listbox The default screen for the presentation mode
(trg)="s23"> 目前維護者@ label: listbox The default screen for the presentation mode
(src)="s26"> Dźi na stronu % 1
(trg)="s26"> 跳至頁
(src)="s29"> Prěnja strona
(trg)="s29"> 符合頁面
(src)="s31"> Přichodna strona
(trg)="s31"> 符合頁面
(src)="s32"> Poslednja strona
(trg)="s32"> 符合頁面
(src)="s34"> Doprědka
(trg)="s34"> 格式
(src)="s36"> Započatk prezentacije
(trg)="s36"> 表現
(src)="s37"> Kónc prezentacije
(trg)="s37"> 表現
(src)="s39"> Dźi na stronu ...
(trg)="s39"> 跳至頁
(src)="s45"> Kónc dokumenta . Wot spočatka pokročować ?
(trg)="s45"> 已到達文件結尾 。 要從開始部份繼續嗎 ?
(src)="s46"> Žane namakanki za ' % 1 ' .
(trg)="s46"> 找不到符合 『 % 1』 的 。
(src)="s47"> Započatk dokumenta . Wot kónca pokročować ?
(trg)="s47"> 已到達文件結尾 。 要從開始部份繼續嗎 ?
(src)="s55"> @ title: column
(trg)="s55"> @ title: column
(src)="s56"> Awtor
(trg)="s56"> 作者
(src)="s60"> Strony
(trg)="s60"> 頁 :
(src)="s61"> @ title: column
(trg)="s61"> 建立者@ title: column
(src)="s66"> Dataja
(trg)="s66"> 標題
(src)="s68"> Wulkosć strony
(trg)="s68"> 頁 :
(src)="s70"> This is the document format
(trg)="s70"> KPDF
(src)="s71"> This is the document format
(trg)="s71"> 目前維護者This is the document format
(src)="s72"> ' source ' is a source file
(trg)="s72"> ' source ' is a source file
(src)="s83"> ZačinićFind text
(trg)="s83"> Find text
(src)="s85"> Find and go to the next search match
(trg)="s85"> Find and go to the next search match
(src)="s87"> Find and go to the previous search match
(trg)="s87"> Find and go to the previous search match
(src)="s90"> Opcije
(trg)="s90"> 過濾器選項
(src)="s94"> Prezentacija
(trg)="s94"> 表現
(src)="s103"> Kónc prezentacije
(trg)="s103"> 表現
(src)="s105"> Layouted like : ' 5 [ pages ] of 10 '
(trg)="s105"> 頁 % 1Layouted like : ' 5 [ pages ] of 10 '
(src)="s109"> Suffix for the opacity level , eg ' 80 % '
(trg)="s109"> Suffix for the opacity level , eg ' 80 % '
(src)="s146"> W špaltach pytaćEnable case sensitive search in the side navigation panels
(trg)="s146"> 過濾器選項
(src)="s162"> Jenož piktogramystart the movie playback
(trg)="s162"> 圖示start the movie playback
(src)="s163"> pause the movie playback
(trg)="s163"> pause the movie playback
(src)="s164"> Strony
(trg)="s164"> 頁 :
(src)="s167"> Rotate right
(trg)="s167"> Rotate right
(src)="s169"> Rotate left
(trg)="s169"> Rotate left
(src)="s181"> Browse Tool
(trg)="s181"> 瀏覽工具( B )
(src)="s183"> Zoom Tool
(trg)="s183"> 縮放工具( Z) Zoom Tool
(src)="s185"> Select Tool
(trg)="s185"> 選取工具( S )
(src)="s187"> Text Selection Tool
(trg)="s187"> 選取工具( S )
(src)="s219"> Komentar
(trg)="s219"> 連續( C )
(src)="s229"> Informacija
(trg)="s229"> 表現
(src)="s256"> Symbol for file attachment annotations
(trg)="s256"> 屬性( P) Symbol for file attachment annotations
(src)="s257"> Symbol for file attachment annotations
(trg)="s257"> Symbol for file attachment annotations
(src)="s258"> Symbol for file attachment annotations
(trg)="s258"> Symbol for file attachment annotations
(src)="s259"> Symbol for file attachment annotations
(trg)="s259"> Symbol for file attachment annotations
(src)="s260"> ' File ' as normal file , that can be opened , saved , etc ..
(trg)="s260"> ' File ' as normal file , that can be opened , saved , etc ..
(src)="s261"> Dataja
(trg)="s261"> 標題
(src)="s268"> Symbol for caret annotations
(trg)="s268"> [ 沒有] Symbol for caret annotations
(src)="s273"> % 1 is the file name
(trg)="s273"> % 1 is the file name
(src)="s275"> @ title: column
(trg)="s275"> 內嵌的
(src)="s276"> Mjeno
(trg)="s276"> 名稱
(src)="s278"> @ title: column
(trg)="s278"> 標題
(src)="s289"> @ action: inmenu
(trg)="s289"> % 1 : @ action: inmenu
(src)="s291"> % 1 is " Title "
(trg)="s291"> 正在重新載入文件 ...
(src)="s296"> OT means OpenType
(trg)="s296"> 類型OT means OpenType
(src)="s299"> OT means OpenType
(trg)="s299"> 類型OT means OpenType
(src)="s302"> OT means OpenType
(trg)="s302"> OT means OpenType
(src)="s304"> OT means OpenType
(trg)="s304"> OT means OpenType
(src)="s315"> Hajfont name not available ( empty )
(trg)="s315"> font name not available ( empty )
(src)="s338"> Previous page
(trg)="s338"> Previous page
(src)="s341"> Next page
(trg)="s341"> 移至文件前頁Next page
(src)="s361"> Prjedawši dokument
(trg)="s361"> 要開啟的文件
(src)="s402"> & Dataja
(trg)="s402"> 標題
(src)="s406"> & Dźi
(trg)="s406"> 至( G )
(src)="s408"> & Nastroje
(trg)="s408"> 縮放工具( Z )
(src)="s411"> Hłowny nastrojowy pasNAME OF TRANSLATORS
(src)="s412"> Edward WornarEMAIL OF TRANSLATORS
(trg)="s412"> Edward G. J . Lee, Walter CheukEMAIL OF TRANSLATORS
(src)="s413"> edi. werner@ gmx. de
(trg)="s413"> edt1023@ info. sayya. org, wwycheuk@ netvigator. com
(src)="s464"> @ info: whatsthis
(trg)="s464"> @ info: whatsthis
(src)="s484"> Pozicija tekstaAnnotation tool
(trg)="s484"> 表現Annotation tool
(src)="s485"> @ item Text character set
(trg)="s485"> Annotation tool
(src)="s486"> Grjekske@ action
(trg)="s486"> Annotation tool
(src)="s487"> Tekst & wuzběhny ...
(trg)="s487"> 屬性( P) Annotation tool
(src)="s489"> Annotation tool
(trg)="s489"> Annotation tool
(src)="s490"> Annotation tool
(trg)="s490"> Annotation tool
(src)="s491"> Annotation tool
(trg)="s491"> Annotation tool
(src)="s511"> Přispomnjenja a wotkazy
(trg)="s511"> % 1 屬性
# hsb/messages/kdelibs/desktop_kdelibs.xml.gz
# zh_HK/messages/kdelibs/desktop_kdelibs.xml.gz
(src)="s1"> Instant Messenger z DCOP- interfejsomName
(trg)="s1"> 附有 DCOP 介面的即時通訊軟件Name
(src)="s2"> Instant MessengerComment
(trg)="s2"> 即時通訊軟件Comment
(src)="s3"> Instant messenger zmóžni jednotliwcam a skupinam spěšnu wuměnu zdźělenkow. Comment
(trg)="s3"> 即時通訊軟件可以讓用戶和別的用戶或羣組通訊。 Comment
(src)="s4"> konwertowanje teksta na rěč z D- Bus- interfejsomName
(trg)="s4"> 附有 DCOP 介面的文字朗讀工具Name
(src)="s5"> Integrowane wobdźěłanje tekstowComment
(trg)="s5"> 嵌入式文字編輯器Comment
(src)="s6"> Wobdźěłanje teksta staji programam wobdźěłarja a wobhladowarja teksta k dispoziciji . KDE- aplikacije , kiž tajke něšto trjebaja , měli tutón serwis wužiwać. Comment
(trg)="s6"> 文字編輯服務為各種程式提供一個檢視和編輯文字的介面。 任何提供文字編輯功能的 KDE 程式都應該使用這項服務。 Comment
(src)="s7"> Komponenta za integrowane wobdźěłanje tekstaComment
(trg)="s7"> 可嵌入的文字編輯器元件 ( Doc/ View 分開) Name